Don Bradman 17 PC Now Available - General Discussion

Hopefully it's on GOG instead
I find it strange that, with the game releasing in a week, there is no page for it in the Steam store. That means we have no price, no PC requirements, and no confirmed release date (apart from Ross's tweet).
But, he also made a facebook post about the same. The page will be out soon...
Just checked Wikipedia, and it says "The PC version of the game has been delayed to January 69th."

That seems like a long way off!
Tbh as long as they release a bug free game, I don't care when the game releases.
Two things...
1. Don't believe everything that Wikipedia or Internet says. Big Ant folks are here everyday and will provide information as and when they can.
2. There's no such thing as "bug free"
1. What??? Everything on the Internet isn't true? :-)
2. True, but there is "as close to bug-free as we can make it given our limitations with resources" After 40 years developing software, I know this is all we can expect, and let's be glad that these days we can just download bug fixes, instead of being stuck with a single release on a floppy.

I'm enormously grateful for the support we get from the Big Ant folks on this site and others, and I'm sure they're working crazily long hours to get the PC version ready. Take your time guys, it's just a game. It won't kill us to wait a little longer.
Two things...
1. Don't believe everything that Wikipedia or Internet says. Big Ant folks are here everyday and will provide information as and when they can."

That's why I said take it with a pinch of salt ;-P I see the Wiki page has been changed. Ok which smart bottom changed it to 69? [DOUBLEPOST=1483932719][/DOUBLEPOST]
Tbh as long as they release a bug free game, I don't care when the game releases.

So you wouldn't care if the game is released in 2117?

Just checked Wikipedia and the game has been delayed until April.

Take this with a pinch of salt.
That's why it's best to believe it only when it comes from the horse's mouth.
Are you taking the piss Why do you think Wikipedia is a legit source

Are you taking it instead? Because where did I say it was a legit source? Unless you don't understand what "taking it with a pinch of salt" means

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