@A-RRR, I believe Ross said that they're not looking to implement any changes in the stats presentation in patches and it may have to wait for future versions. I have no idea about programming or development so I don't know how easy/hard it is to add extra columns in scorecard for maidens, or to change the presentation to the standard (M)atches (I)nns (NO) (R)uns (A)verage and possibly strike rate.
In future it would be nice if it was presented correctly for the different formats, as well as maybe the odd pop up during the cut scenes with your season/tour stats and your form/scores for your last 6 or so matches. I'm a bit of a stats fanatic unfortunately, I still love how the BBC's test matches used to present them and the lists of record scores or parterships etc as Sky sports still do it now. I think to be fair its obvious to all that BA are trying to get the gameplay right and patch whatever bugs/problems to get that done for DB14, but with the amount of detail and post release support they've put in and continue to do, I have no doubt these sort of graphical touches will eventually make it into DB15/16.