Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

I'm going to have a field day with that photo if it happens...

Streaker Academy indeed...

To make life easier for me I've got a kilt ready to go - but its just not going to happen, a little birdie told me they were still working on it today....

Now as long as they don't blame the delay on not wanting me in Bourke Street :)
A phrase not uttered for a long time goes like this; Your move, Big Ant...

In a phrase not uttered too much by myself - "speechless" comes to mind, happy to see these :)
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Can you top the ashes 2013 screens Ross, what do you think of the detail.:D

That's subjective and opinion.... there is an early Beta shot at the top of this page and the Cricket Academy models to compare too... you decide
@ Big Ant Studios:Now why dont u release some screenshots as well from the gameplay....Would be awesome to compare and would surely be the best time to release.....:cheers decide

Apart from the AA being turned off, floaty-head guy, backwards stump cam and reverse-bat ...everything else looks remarkably good. Bit hard to compare the Low-Res BA stuff with the Hi-Res in-game stuff from AC13 but it's definitely a vastly more 'realistic' aesthetic than previous Ashes variations, which is a good thing. Some really nice attention to detail on the field as well.

I think you've got the edge with the crowd in your images and potentially the user-created player-models (too close to call, given we've got one vs five to compare). But it certainly looks good in static...

Do me a favor and post up a nice big ol' hi-res version of that screengrab at the top of the page so I can do a like-for-like comparison Ross :D
Above is in game, I think you're comparing Beta with Beta :p
That's subjective and opinion.... there is an early Beta shot at the top of this page and the Cricket Academy models to compare too... you decide

Very close, your screen above has better crowd and rest is very close. How much has the game improved ross.
That's subjective and opinion.... there is an early Beta shot at the top of this page and the Cricket Academy models to compare too... you decide

The crowd does look better in the above pic....but the little I say about the outfield and the wicket the better :p!! Have to say, AC13 did nail the outfield and wicket perfectly ;)!! I dont think you can match upto it!!!! :spy

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