Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

You don't believe that floating heads add character then?

...certainly adds a new playing options. How does one "pad up" to a spinner with only a floating head?

...or perhaps one of their exclusive licences is Naveencc, I always imagined him a floating head type. Kinda like the anti-eye of sauron?
I actually laughed out loud.
clearly ba cricket beta graphics melts ac13 graphics.

Nah...dont think BigAnt can match upto the standards set by AC13 with respect to the pitch and outfield...unless Ross proves me wrong by showing a pic of the outfield and pitch in his game :spy!!!
clearly ba cricket beta graphics melts ac13 graphics.
So that's what happened to the body...

The extreme vignette on the BA screenshot makes me certainly doubt that it's untouched out of the game - compared to a lack of any processing (or quality control for that matter) in the AC13 shots make me hesitant to compare them.
So that's what happened to the body...

The extreme vignette on the BA screenshot makes me certainly doubt that it's untouched out of the game - compared to a lack of any processing (or quality control for that matter) in the AC13 shots make me hesitant to compare them.

certainly can't compare to the previous images provided by Ross. AC13 does look decent though.
That's subjective and opinion.... there is an early Beta shot at the top of this page and the Cricket Academy models to compare too... you decide

Oh that way you win hands down expect for the outfield and pitch. And the brightness, not contrast :p

Well you could prove us wrong by giving a close up shot of a single strand of grass atleast? From each part of the world if possible.:D
Well you could prove us wrong by giving a close up shot of a single strand of grass atleast? From each part of the world if possible.:D

I think Ross has accepted defeat here with respect to the outfield and pitch!! He knows this is one area he cannot outdo AC13 :spy!
Are you guys really comparing BACricket graphics with Ashes? Havnt you guys seen Cricket Academy? or the top screenshot. BACricket wins by a mile or so. Look at the crowd, players, background etc. The screenshot is also from the Beta. So the game should have considerably improved by now.
Not the Pitch and Outfield :spy!

I don't think its even fair to compare screens which came about 4-5months back. We would have to wait until ross shows the current screens. Then I would love to see all the comparisons. Until then I think its very unfair.

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