Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

$5 donated to the Bigant79 charity.

BINGO and the money starts to flow :yes

(No need to be sad 79, I'll send you a royalty...)
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79 you might have caused a crowd funded free game if this continues - you surely are popular! :eek:
I might be able to raise more here in donations for you not to work on the game - thanks - who's ready to commit? I might make money out of games yet! :p

If your game is as ood as you have claimed here, you will :)


Guess I will never get my dream job now:(, back to the nut house. p.s my work place is a nut house.:eek:

It takes after its boss I guess :p
If only 79 got paid for every question he had on the game

And there's lot more to come P.S $$$$$
Ross any news about release dates? And also the commentators ? :D
You forgot to ask for screenshots and a trailer.
@ Ross - If you had a dollar for every time this question was asked, you would REALLY make some money out of making games!

Or Ross could sell tickets of the June 21st "wholesome entertainment for the familly" Bourke Street event :p

I am sure it would be so popular it would be a "standing room only" event and net Big Ant quite a moolah in return :cheers

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