Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

You'll certainly hear from me, that's for sure!

Maybe, just maybe, I've been totally "played" but that would have to mean a number of people are in on it, which at this point I still don't believe given the evidence before me.... but if so then well done I guess, hell of an effort!!

Always wondered how much of corporate espionage is real/fantasy...wonder when the spy gets caught what happens to him....take him to an unspecified location and shoot his brain out? Or make it look like an accident?

P.s. Yah I live in a fantasy world...but its a hell lot cooler than all your so called REAL world!!
dennis commetti and brian taylor

"has it got the carry? yes it's a six. gets his first."
"he lets fly what a hit, he's got it"
"he's an exceptionally long hit of the ball"

"he's missed. is that a brave attempt or a stupid attempt BT?"
"a bit of both i think dennis!"

DC was awesome, so, so good, a real professional - would work with him again on anything (but he's not doing C14).
You'll certainly hear from me, that's for sure!

Maybe, just maybe, I've been totally "played" but that would have to mean a number of people are in on it, which at this point I still don't believe given the evidence before me.... but if so then well done I guess, hell of an effort!!

I would feel bad if that is the case Ross! I really want this game to be a hit. :)
You'll certainly hear from me, that's for sure!

Maybe, just maybe, I've been totally "played" but that would have to mean a number of people are in on it, which at this point I still don't believe given the evidence before me.... but if so then well done I guess, hell of an effort!!

It seems a little over-elaborate to be honest.
I'm going to believe PC on Friday and consoles later until I see otherwise.
It seems a little over-elaborate to be honest.
I'm going to believe PC on Friday and consoles later until I see otherwise.

I would think so too... shoddy screen shots, no trailer, no marketing materials in store, no catalogue buys, etc etc but if the Console versions don't arrive this week then you have pissed off both retailers and customers, not because it's delayed - that happens *all* the time - but because of well, basically, lies and deception.

That is the thing I don't understand, it's one thing to be silent, but another to actively mislead and so I have to think that perhaps the game is indeed coming - nothing else at all gives me any reason to believe so.


I would feel bad if that is the case Ross! I really want this game to be a hit. :)

I think we'll be a hit regardless, content is king :)
I think we'll be a hit regardless, content is king :)

It really is indeed a mystery as to how and why the things are going as they are. Will we ever get some straight answers to these questions? Anyway we all know that content wise there is only one game in it but as we are a fickle lot we will all still eagerly look forward to what this other game has to bring.......


P.S? How is your chin Ross? I am sure you take a few as well as give a few.......there will be some dealt out I am sure the coming week!
Well if you're 505 and your competition makes it fairly clear their release timing is heavily dependant on what you do, you're going to take a little hit on pre-release promotion for the wider strategic gain.
Well if you're 505 and your competition makes it fairly clear their release timing is heavily dependant on what you do, you're going to take a little hit on pre-release promotion for the wider strategic gain.

That is my sense as well that there is more of a "plan" than we think. On the outside it looks like an utter shambles but they have obviously weighed up various scenarios and gone with this, for better or for worse.
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It really is indeed a mystery as to how and why the things are going as they are. Will we ever get some straight answers to these questions? Anyway we all know that content wise there is only one game in it but as we are a fickle lot we will all still eagerly look forward to what this other game has to bring.......


P.S? How is your chin Ross? I am sure you take a few as well as give a few.......there will be some dealt out I am sure the coming week!

Oh, more than just a few, I have some classic email... people take their games *really* seriously!

Anyway, it makes life interesting... beats tumbleweeds :)

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