Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Well if you're 505 and your competition makes it fairly clear their release timing is heavily dependant on what you do, you're going to take a little hit on pre-release promotion for the wider strategic gain.

That is my sense as well that there is more of a "plan" than we think. On the outside it looks like an utter whambles but they have obviously weighed up various scenarios and gobe with this, for better or for worse.

Saving their money to drown out Big Ant when they announce?

Their biggest threat is not Big Ant, we're the underdog, it's themselves, it's always been theirs to lose.

We will know by mid-week if retailers have stock.


Hey Ross what are you wearing this friday night. Nothing would suit you really well :D

You're a funny guy! I like it!

In the remotest of possibilities that I need to head to Bourke Street, it will be next week as I am still in New York.
If AC 13 is released on 21st, onus will be on Big Ant & Ross to make the next move :yes
In the remotest of possibilities that I need to head to Bourke Street, it will be next week as I am still in New York.

At least that will give us a weeks reprieve of "where are the screenshots?" and "where is the release date?" to now... "where are the photos of your bare ass?" also gives me time to prep an avatar :p
Seeing the sites in the big apple or something ross, I heard a rumour that now mike is CEO and you don't have a job.:p
...if that's the case he can always rent the room you keep spare for him at your place!
I am still holding.... by fingernails... that the only source is Amazon and they are relying on a third party that is telling them they have it.

I have friends in EB, they do not have it as yet.
I am still holding.... by fingernails... that the only source is Amazon and they are relying on a third party that is telling them they have it.

I have friends in EB, they do not have it as yet.

What about Lovefilm rental and Game? I thought they confirmed they have the stock as well.

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