Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

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Hi ross:wave..if possible could you post a similar net practice screen at dawn under those lights(on) fitted on to the roof please:cheers:cheers

If not it's k. The 2 screenies u posted before are enough to represent your dedication to our game,way to go big ant:thumbs
Do I need to quote myself now?

Lets just enjoy what we got, yeah? Really unnecessary to keep asking for more and more... Don't want to give the impression we're ungrateful, do we?

^This guy gets it...
When 79cricket receives his autographed copy of "The Guys Of BigAnt" 2014 calendar...

I bet you will photo shop the calendar if I put in on this forum, as you like to photo shop just about everything.;)

p.s Biggs runs away to think of more ideas to photo shop.:p
The screens look really great. Damn, the wait is becoming really hard. I have never in my life spent so much time on PC (visiting the forums for more than 5 times a day everyday since last few weeks) just to get some updates on a game.

I am surprised that not one member here has made any negative comment on the new screens. So let me do the honors by asking Ross something that I have noticed in the screens - Why the hell does the bat not have any shadows in the screenshots? :p

Sorry, couldn't find anything else..
Its a late in the evening shot I guess, while the sun is setting. Guess we could see it if the image was taken after panning left a bit.
I now have the image of a man bolting down Burke in a Borat Mankini...

I threw up a little...

Why the hell does the bat not have any shadows in the screenshots?

Because that's not how shadows work.

The height of the bat is too far from the ground to cast a shadow. The shadow would be cast well off the pitch block, which has been cropped out to the left of the image as you look at it...

The second picture the shadow doesn't include the bat because the body of the player obscures it from the angle we're looking at, based again, on the light source being behind us...

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