Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

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Thought crime?

Try not to exaggerate too much, martyn.

Thought crime comes from the idea that a supernatural being can see your thoughts, and if you so much as even *think* something they don't like, they will convict and punish you for it, without any appeal. The supernatural being insists that you have to be a complete slave.

Not nice, is it. It goes against liberty, free-thinking, or anything wonderful or pleasant.

So try not to leap towards Big Brother accusations. We already have people who want to be slaves, slaves to superstition. We don't need you reaching too far and saying that this ol' forum has a penchant for thought crime. There's enough of the real 'Big Brothers' in the real world trying to oppress real people with that stupidity and wickedness.

This is a cricket game and a cricket forum - serious aspects of life can be addressed, but accusing the forum of thought crime conspiracy is too much, even for me.
Short version: Martyn, you're kinda being a dick. Naveenncc doesn't need your "help"...

Everyone's having fun, chill out.
Hahah... I love it when some random dude shows up uninvited when everyone's having a good time and starts spouting nonsense telling everyone what to do... it's like, who ruined your birthday party, kid?
Look, this is not the thread for this. If you have a problem for any of the rules contact one of the mods or use the contact a mod thread. You certainly seem to be on a bit of a crusade on this issue. Fair enough and it is one I will happily discuss but not via this particular thread.

What I am advocating is moderating the forum in a way that lets everybody express themselves, have fun, be poignant, whatever......within the rules that everyone who signs up to be part of this forum agrees signing up.

My last word on this as I'll agree to disagree...

Censoring this forum has done cricket gamers no good for the past ten years...
While we are so so far off topic gentlemen:p, it's the 21st of june so do you think ashes will release anything today to make up for the last few weeks. If not maybe ross will open his book of magic tricks again.:clap
Hahah... I love it when some random dude shows up uninvited when everyone's having a good time and starts spouting nonsense telling everyone what to do... it's like, who ruined your birthday party, kid?

Or those who register with the forums to make one post, and that becomes their one and only post, just to slag something off.

Nothing wrong with slagging something off, as long as you slag it off the whole way. But taking pot-shots and bailing is kinda lame.
Hahah... I love it when some random dude shows up uninvited when everyone's having a good time and starts spouting nonsense telling everyone what to do... it's like, who ruined your birthday party, kid?

You are seriously deluded friend.
Hahah... I love it when some random dude shows up uninvited when everyone's having a good time and starts spouting nonsense telling everyone what to do... it's like, who ruined your birthday party, kid?

I'm here also Biggs:D, I have a question for all of you. Do you think bigant cricket will be a hard game to review right, meaning ashes 2013 will not be hard as we know what to look for from there last few games but bigant is well nothing like the other game. Just a thought.:wave
Okay.....lets now move on with this.. if anyone wants to continue their tit for tats please do so elsewhere....on topic please. Cheers.
Or those who register with the forums to make one post, and that becomes their one and only post, just to slag something off.

Nothing wrong with slagging something off, as long as you slag it off the whole way. But taking pot-shots and bailing is kinda lame.

Lee 1981, always disappears right after most of his posts.:yes
You're NEVER unwelcome, 79cricket. Ever. for a hard game to review? No idea. I imagine my wife will hate me that week though.
Try not to exaggerate too much, martyn.

Thought crime comes from the idea that a supernatural being can see your thoughts, and if you so much as even *think* something they don't like, they will convict and punish you for it, without any appeal. The supernatural being insists that you have to be a complete slave.

Not nice, is it. It goes against liberty, free-thinking, or anything wonderful or pleasant.

So try not to leap towards Big Brother accusations. We already have people who want to be slaves, slaves to superstition. We don't need you reaching too far and saying that this ol' forum has a penchant for thought crime. There's enough of the real 'Big Brothers' in the real world trying to oppress real people with that stupidity and wickedness.

This is a cricket game and a cricket forum - serious aspects of life can be addressed, but accusing the forum of thought crime conspiracy is too much, even for me.

Thought crime comes from 1984 by Orwell. It relates to control of expression not supernatural beings lol...


Lee 1981, always disappears right after most of his posts.:yes

Lee is a top man.

A very good gamer and game critic too.
I hope BA includes some super cool "events" that are very rare and only a few people will get to experience in a very unique situation of a match. Like a batsman celebrating in a certain way after completing 10000 runs. Or bowler taking the last wicket or fielder catching it when the game seems almost lost. A fielder catching an absolute blinder (seemingly impossible to catch at other times) at a pivotal moment of the match. These small uniqueness really adds to the gameplay.

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