Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Slim to no chances I'd say. It's too costly and I don't thing it'd be the first thing on their lists as sales in Eng/Aus matter much more than the sales in subcontinent (Big Bash perhaps?!). Moreover you don't need a licence as we already have a damn good player/match/tournament creator with an awesome modding community here at PC that should take care of any lack of licences.


Guess you are the guy who gets invited to the party, scoffs himself and drinks all he can while moaning the whole evening about how everyone is such a dipsauce and the curtains dont match the sofa......why do you come here me old mate? Why? Prove you are hard? Prove you can ask the "tricky" questions? Grow up man! You are only proving one thing.....and it is obvious for everyone apart from you. It has nothing to do with freedom of expression. You just want to wind people up. Well guess what, I aint a clock.........

And I thought that post wasn't worth all the pain your fingers took in writing that. Asking Ross to apologize! Duh!:facepalm
Guess you are the guy who gets invited to the party, scoffs himself and drinks all he can while moaning the whole evening about how everyone is such a dipsauce and the curtains dont match the sofa......why do you come here me old mate? Why? Prove you are hard? Prove you can ask the "tricky" questions? Grow up man! You are only proving one thing.....and it is obvious for everyone apart from you. It has nothing to do with freedom of expression. You just want to wind people up. Well guess what, I aint a clock.........

Proof is in the pudding...gullibility seems rampant in these parts.

He is a game maker not the son of Zeus...
Big Bash perhaps?

Well I personally dont think the Big Bash is licensed! I think the letter that Cricket Australia sent to Ross was for the Big Bash, which 505 Games lead Cricket Australia to believe was in the game!!

99% I might be wrong....but I just feel that if Big Bash was indeed licensed, Cricket Australia would have known about BigAnt's game, and Ross wouldnt have needed to tell them how much better it is than Ashes Cricket 13!
Proof is in the pudding...gullibility seems rampant in these parts.

He is a game maker not the son of Zeus...

How much pudding do you need to eat before you can convince yourself you are eating pudding. Proof is all there. And perhaps it is more about trust than proof......
Slim to no chances I'd say. It's too costly and I don't thing it'd be the first thing on their lists as sales in Eng/Aus matter much more than the sales in subcontinent (Big Bash perhaps?!). Moreover you don't need a licence as we already have a damn good player/match/tournament creator with an awesome modding community here at PC that should take care of any lack of licences.


And I thought that post wasn't worth all the pain your fingers took in writing that. Asking Ross to apologize! Duh!:facepalm

May I remind you of how correct I was about Chief?
Well I personally dont think the Big Bash is licensed! I think the letter that Cricket Australia sent to Ross was for the Big Bash, which 505 Games lead Cricket Australia to believe was in the game!!

99% I might be wrong....but I just feel that if Big Bash was indeed licensed, Cricket Australia would have known about BigAnt's game, and Ross wouldnt have needed to tell them how much better it is than Ashes Cricket 13!

Oh well I had completely forgotten about the letter thing. Correction: Big Bash seems improbable too.
May be its just the stadia or few kit items like bats and stuff that are licensed. Could be wrong, but that's all I can think of.
How much pudding do you need to eat before you can convince yourself you are eating pudding. Proof is all there. And perhaps it is more about trust than proof......

Don't believe the hype...

Why would you want to be blindly trusting of a game developer for goodness sake?
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Well I personally dont think the Big Bash is licensed! I think the letter that Cricket Australia sent to Ross was for the Big Bash, which 505 Games lead Cricket Australia to believe was in the game!!

99% I might be wrong....but I just feel that if Big Bash was indeed licensed, Cricket Australia would have known about BigAnt's game, and Ross wouldnt have needed to tell them how much better it is than Ashes Cricket 13!
Had the same confusion so asked Ross about it and it was nothing related to the leaks I have given or at least that's what he told me.
How much pudding do you need to eat before you can convince yourself you are eating pudding. Proof is all there. And perhaps it is more about trust than proof......

I guess it all depends on what "pudding" means to different people. To some it means details about gameplay + player editor. But to some it may mean actual gameplay + tangible release date.

But as you rightly said it's more about trust than anything else, and some people are more trusting than others.
May I remind you of how correct I was about Chief?

Were you? Good for you!
See the thing is that someone is taking his time out to interact with a bunch of fanatics of this sport here at PC. Providing us with undeniably the best editor in a sports game (now that's my take on it) and giving us little bits of info and loads to look forward to. Not giving you a release date and apologizing for it makes no sense whatsoever. How could someone be so ungrateful!
Were you? Good for you!
See the thing is that someone is taking his time out to interact with a bunch of fanatics of this sport here at PC. Providing us with undeniably the best editor in a sports game (now that's my take on it) and giving us little bits of info and loads to look forward to. Not giving you a release date and apologizing for it makes no sense whatsoever. How could someone be so ungrateful!

I think you misunderstood martyn's intent... nowhere has he asked or demanded an apology from Ross. He's simply skeptical about the game and IMO he's entitled to his skepticism.
I think you misunderstood martyn's intent... nowhere has he asked or demanded an apology from Ross. He's simply skeptical about the game and IMO he's entitled to his skepticism.


I simply criticised biggs for being sycophantic...apologising in the sense of advocating for - not suggesting he was just saying sorry for bigant lol...check out the concept of corporate apologist.
I think you misunderstood martyn's intent... nowhere has he asked or demanded an apology from Ross. He's simply skeptical about the game and IMO he's entitled to his skepticism.

"Stop apologizing for Bigant" doesn't mean much, does it? Now its a completely different story how you or Dutchad (a couple of pages back) interpret it. Me had the most straight forward interpretation of it.
so why does the gameplay files have big bash and ipl mentioned in it?

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