Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Aah, saying the last on it. Your talk Martyn, it even got Ross thinking otherwise. My bad if that's what you meant! :D
"Stop apologizing for Bigant" doesn't mean much, does it? Now its a completely different story how you or Dutchad (a couple of pages back) interpret it. Me had the most straight forward interpretation of it.

That expression means stop defending or making excuses for Big Ant. It's an expression and not to be taken literally :rolleyes
I simply criticised biggs for being sycophantic...apologising in the sense of advocating for - not suggesting he was just saying sorry for bigant lol...check out the concept of corporate apologist.

WTF... stop mentioning my name just to get noticed. No idea who you are and I'm about the least sycophantic person here. Pull your head in, your ignorance is showing. Am I more positive towards this game than I was previously? Absolutely, because everything I've seen, touched and heard has been their [Ross'] money where their [his] mouth is. Case closed.
That expression means stop defending or making excuses for Big Ant. It's an expression and not to be taken literally :rolleyes

Yea. As I said, its perfectly fine if he meant what he meant (what the f**k did I just say!?). And as for me taking it literally, happens quite often when that's your third language. :p
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"Stop apologizing for Bigant" doesn't mean much, does it? Now its a completely different story how you or Dutchad (a couple of pages back) interpret it. Me had the most straight forward interpretation of it.

Perhaps he should not have jumped to a conclusion...

Some sophistication of the reader is assumed.
Yea. As I said, its perfectly fine if he meant what he meant (what the Mark did I just say!?). And as for me taking it literally, happens quite often when that's your third language. :p

WTF... stop mentioning my name just to get noticed. No idea who you are and I'm about the least sycophantic person here. Pull your head in, your ignorance is showing. Am I more positive towards this game than I was previously? Absolutely, because everything I've seen, touched and heard has been their [Ross'] money where their [his] mouth is. Case closed.

Even dutchad questions your posts.

Put simply you write drivel.
Haha, "drivel"... Says the guy "calling out" a game developer on a forum.


Your 15mins is up.
Haha, "drivel"... Says the guy "calling out" a game developer on a forum.


Your 15mins is up.

You obviously "get" nothing.

You just spam threads incessantly, adding nothing of use to the debates and being sycophantic.

Stop wasting your time.
7mins left, Dutch and I get along fine. We play polo on Fridays....
Even dutchad questions your posts.

Put simply you write drivel.

I questioned whether it was neccessary for someone, in this case Biggs, to jump on someone who asked a quite innocent question.

That doesnt mean I question all of Biggs posts or that he constantly writes drivel, although most of it is. (:p)

You seem to revel in an argument. Need to come on here for your regular fix of agitation and -----stirring and some sort of crusade to save us thickos from the web of deceit that corporate game makers have in store for us.

Well, I am a grown up laddie and can make my own mind up.
And I have. Big Ant and Ross and his employees have proved themselves to be a real decent bunch of blokes, who are passionate and sincere.

I salute that.
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Is it true there is an official website for trolls? Heard that in a TV show. you need to prove your trolling achievements there to get accepted as an official troll. Anyone heard about it?

Before someone objects, this is a very relevant question to this thread. Better not delete my post.


7mins left, Dutch and I get along fine. We play polo on Fridays.... two are so classy. :thumbs two are so classy. :thumbs

It is not that classy. It is a god awful game Biggs makes me play involving a peppermint with a hole in it, peanutbutter, two straws and a not ask me to explain more........
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In the efforts of full disclosure, the hamster was in the wrong place at the wrong time....
I questioned whether it was neccessary for someone, in this case Biggs, to jump on someone who asked a quite innocent question.

That doesnt mean I question all of Biggs posts or that he constantly writes drivel, although most of it is. (:p)

You seem to revel in an argument. Need to come on here for your regular fix of agitation and -----stirring and some sort of crusade to save us thickos from the web of deceit that corporate game makers have in store for us.

Well, I am a grown up laddie and can make my own mind up.
And I have. Big Ant and Ross and his employees have proved themselves to be a real decent bunch of blokes, who are passionate and sincere.

I salute that.

The fact is for 10 years you have been struggling with the tide.

How do you know the tide has turned?

By seeing with your own eyes and testing it with your hands.

Get the point?

I am simply urging a sense of realism on the site.

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