Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Really love the fact that fatigue comes into play the quicker you try to bowl affecting everything else.

That is amazing.
Will you be able to pull out of bowling a delivery at the last second?
Maybe get a warning for doing it too often
With 'arm-twisting' of Ross and the bowling controls explanation, Mike is now my favourite of the two. C'mon Ross, make a comeback. Include Nets in CA. (Can't wait to have a go at the mechanism. Simply AWESOME!
Bowling controls sound really good. I can already imagine running in, timing the jump and release exactly how I want to, the ball is a good length outwinger. And then the resulting agony when the ball disappears through the covers for 4.
With such unpredictable and difficult bowling controls,taking wickets and bowling maidens will be a big achievement.
There will be a great sense of satisfaction finding that patch of rough with your leggy, bowling around the wicket on day 5....
How about allowing us to bat and bowl in the nets on the Cricket academy just to let us get the hang of it before game is released. No harm in asking is there ;)
Or at least put in 'bowling in the nets' in CA with one stump to aim at. We'd get hang of the controls before the release that way! Now we're demanding a bit too much, but common Mikey, you can always twist his other arm and get us the goodies!!:p
What to ask as this game has it all, can you hit the batsmen on the full(beamer). PS The bouncher is a very important ball in cricket, how does it feel in this game on the harder difficulties and how good are you at the game mike. PS Better than ross i bet.:D
I can understand why they made it like this. It would be really difficult to control the length if the whole pitch is available to us. The timing for this would need to be very very precise!!

Maybe in future they can add a button for choosing the whole pitch along with the pre-determined length areas!! This would also cater to the risk vs reward approach, as choosing the whole pitch does provide the flexibility of altering the length whenever you wish to, but with the increased difficulty, it would be much more difficult to hit that length perfectly!! This would obviously be used by PROs as it would be pretty difficult to control the lenght, however it would take the difficulty level to a totally different level :D!

What do you think Ross / Mike???? ;)

We tried a number of options before settling on what we have, generally each person as they bowled had a set pattern.
1. Who's the batsman, what's the weakness, what's the strength?
2. Set the field for the above.
3. Bowl to that field

That was decided at the start of the run up.
The batsman may alter what you do somewhat as you run in, and you can deal with that. But generally you have a plan and try to deliver on it. You hope.
The batsman may alter what you do somewhat as you run in, and you can deal with that. But generally you have a plan and try to deliver on it. You hope.

I agree...but the bowlers do change their minds 'during' the run up as well. So would we be able to change the 'length' during the runup as well if we see the batsman coming down the track or something?
I agree...but the bowlers do change their minds 'during' the run up as well. So would we be able to change the 'length' during the runup as well if we see the batsman coming down the track or something?

You've got all the way to the ras input to change your mind. But the later you do it the more it effects your delivery. To be honest some of that is just natural, we don't need to do anything game wise to effect it. The later you wait the more it just changes what you do to actually deliver the ball. It just works.

Hope that covers it
releasing the net session would also mean the game will feel "easier" making people complain the game isn't challenging enough.

Question for mikey, how easy it is for you to Play and get perfect deliveries or shots now that you have been playing the game for so long.


Thats amazing. Like someone said unnecessary but the beauty is always in the small details.

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