Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Blaming people from a certain place based on where the call came from is missing the point. In this day and age a VOIP call can be routed from anywhere and I doubt it's that difficult either. Key point is we have idiots all over the world and anonymity of the web allows, and in fact enables them to act the way they do - like morons.
He might be true to a certain extent. I myself feel a bit ashamed when someone from my homeland makes a stupid comment, acts like a kid or keeps bugging Ross/Mike. And believe me, almost everytime (not everytime, don't lash out at me) such a post pops up, it is from a subcontinent person.

Not sure if he can generalise that statement though. Not the way I expected you to go, Biggs.

Nope, I think that it's pretty well proportionate across all nationalities, we all should be very embarrassed as a race :p
...except people from NZ. We're amazingly stable and normal.

*twirls gun and rides cat around house*
Nope, I think that it's pretty well proportionate across all nationalities, we all should be very embarrassed as a race :p

Spot on! If the way people behave on the net is the true face of human beings then yeah we should be :(
I wasn't generalizing anything. The call came from the subcontinent, that's a fact and that's what I said. Be smarter.

It did sound differently (or read differently to be correct) though. And you obviously won't agree to it, anyway. So, peace. :)


Nope, I think that it's pretty well proportionate across all nationalities, we all should be very embarrassed as a race :p

My statement was based on what I see daily in the DBC14 & AC13 threads here. You're correct though, the net is full of idiots. :p
@whiteninness @biggs

not that it is of consequence (much) but those disks in the background of the "update" are merely framed copies of the games, not awards.
@whiteninness @biggs

not that it is of consequence (much) but those disks in the background of the "update" are merely framed copies of the games, not awards.

Still remember you posting once, in there, when Chief was the Third Umpire. Why this sudden change, Ross?
Cool, still doesn't matter. Tall poppy syndrome sits on the shelf next to bullying for me, absolutely detest it. Celebrate someones success, don't ever ridicule it.


Regardless, the point is we [posters in this forum] don't need to be attacking Mike (or you, or anyone) personally. There's pretty obvious rules against that and I'm surprised those posts weren't deleted as I've had posts deleted for much much less. Having a crack at someone for some "things" in the background of a video is borderline demented. I can't begin to explain how absolutely ridiculous those comments were...
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Regardless, the point is we [posters in this forum] don't need to be attacking Mike (or you, or anyone) personally. There's pretty obvious rules against that and I'm surprised those posts weren't deleted as I've had posts deleted for much much less. Having a crack at someone for some "things" in the background of a video is borderline demented. I can't begin to explain how absolutely ridiculous those comments were...
I personally didn't draw the inference that you have - I think it was just a good humoured jab about the quality of those games. I'm sure Ross wouldn't frame a copy of Truth or Lies either.

I think the products that a game company produce are fair game for comment - the employees personally and especially their families certainly not.
Still remember you posting once, in there, when Chief was the Third Umpire. Why this sudden change, Ross?

and we both had a laugh about it....


I personally didn't draw the inference that you have - I think it was just a good humoured jab about the quality of those games. I'm sure Ross wouldn't frame a copy of Truth or Lies either.

I think the products that a game company produce are fair game for comment - the employees personally and especially their families certainly not.

I am particularly proud of Truth or Lies! not because it's a good game - it isn't - but because we did a Wii/Ps3/Xbox360 game for less than $500k!
Hello Ross I asked this question a couple of weeks back, don't really think you saw it, I just wanted to know how movement in the air and off the pitch is handled in the game and how it varies from bowler to bowler and how that will affect the batsman playing the ball.

Specifically in terms of swing, will it vary just in terms of the amount of swing that can be generated or will different bowlers be able to swing the ball later in it's trajectory than some of the others? (As is the case in real life).
Well well, after a couple of hours reading through some threads regarding this game, it seems we might have a decent cricket title on our hands, still think some gamers / cricket fans according to the posts are expecting a little too much realism, its a game at the end of the day.....

All I ask for is a decent playable game of cricket online/offline, not that fussed about DRS , Hotspot etc....too much scope for flaws/bugs to come from it

Good luck Ross and the team.....cannot be any worse than the farce that was IC2010, which a high profile member of this forum reviewed and duped us all....

I'll leave any judgement until I've played it or seen a good chunk of gameplay!

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