Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

2. If the statements of personal attacks via telephone are true then they are not unprofessional, they are criminal and I support them in no way.

The important thing to remember is this forum is full of kids from the subcontinent who don't understand boundaries or lack the maturity to comprehend the severity of such actions. It's worth reminding those kids that this is JUST a computer game and feel free to express whatever you like on the forums, but keep in mind you are interacting with ADULTS and moreover, professional, experienced and talented cricket game producers and ceos who are present at PlanetCricket of their own accord. It should always be a reasonably fun and mature (to a degree) place for these guys to interact with us because ultimately whatever you think of whatever product, they're here trying to make them better FOR US. Finally, be smarter.
Ross, I love the new review system video that you guys released yesterday. Would it be possible to maybe darken the hot spot just a bit so it is clearly visible like it is in real matches? Everything seems perfect though, nice work!
Ross, I love the new review system video that you guys released yesterday. Would it be possible to maybe darken the hot spot just a bit so it is clearly visible like it is in real matches? Everything seems perfect though, nice work!

Likely to be patched in.
The important thing to remember is this forum is full of kids from the subcontinent who don't understand boundaries or lack the maturity to comprehend the severity of such actions. It's worth reminding those kids that this is JUST a computer game and feel free to express whatever you like on the forums, but keep in mind you are interacting with ADULTS and moreover, professional, experienced and talented cricket game producers and ceos who are present at PlanetCricket of their own accord. It should always be a reasonably fun and mature (to a degree) place for these guys to interact with us because ultimately whatever you think of whatever product, they're here trying to make them better FOR US. Finally, be smarter.

This is, of course, all true.

I would add we are also guests here and must never take the audience for granted, that's when the trouble really begins.

Seriously, sales for us will not increase because of this forum, most here are dedicated to Cricket and are going to buy both games, regardless. That's just a fact. I am here to communicate with like minded people and have fun, I give a little slap or tickle here and there but this is a video game, it isn't meant to be so serious.


So were likely to get a public play session in 20 days. :)

The first one is dependant on agreement of a date with EB Games, at this point it will be at their leading Melbourne store in Swanston Street and it will be around that time.
I give a little slap or tickle here and there but this is a video game, it isn't meant to be so serious.

Ex f'n actly. I feel like this should be a disclaimer under everything I post sometimes, but I hold hope that the greater majority here (even some of the staff) are smarter and know this already. Everyone is here for fun, to chat as a like minded group and the more we can encourage positive (and fun) participation and as a collective, reward those that contribute in that fashion, the better and richer this place will be for it. The better posting is always by those who actively contribute to a discussion in a unique way, find your own voice... find your 'angle' and make sure you're having fun. Those that berate or attack folks like Mike and Ross who come here to interact with us are NOT indicative of our wonderful community. Those who constantly harrass for videos and release dates are the lowest common denominator here and should be told as much and as often until they understand. Be a part of the community and be a part of something incredibly special; Two games in one year... with direct input, feedback and contributions from this VERY forum.

That's incredibly unique and special.

Be part of the team.

+1 Biggs!

On another note, has anyone made a sort of list of all the included commentary names? It'd be great if someone puts it in here. Would help ppl in going through the names quickly and assigning the proper ones to the players.
Cos the other day I couldn't find Tendulkar in it, checked a couple of names ahead and behind it, but still couldn't. And it well was "Tindoolka" so "Ti" instead of "Te". Hope you guys get what I'm trying to convey here.
Ross has already said there's more in the final game, I don't think it's worthwhile compiling lists or anything like that when we're only seeing a small portion of the game. Best to wait until the full game is available and then work out those sorts of things.
Did he say that? Must've missed it. Thanks, anyway.

Check the .97 release thread, along with the big "beta" sticker that comes on the box... we're just seeing small pieces of the final game.
Ross has already said there's more in the final game, I don't think it's worthwhile compiling lists or anything like that when we're only seeing a small portion of the game. Best to wait until the full game is available and then work out those sorts of things.

I have the complete list at work so I'll post that by the end of next week - and then no doubt cop the wrath of those not in it!
I have the complete list at work so I'll post that by the end of next week - and then no doubt cop the wrath of those not in it!

Ross, I highly doubt people will be upset at not having their nick name in the game.

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