Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Yes, there aren't a lot of games with huge reputation down there, but still Saints Row IV, Halo, Total War, FIFA are a better choice for the casual gamer, and are going to appeal more too.

And the Batman game's releasing on October 25 BTW.


Not the first time I've been misquoted today...

Thanks, don't know how I saw it wrong(batman release date)!!:facepalm
Yep Halo, and to some extent Total War may have been a better choice to some people, but I still think Big Ant have missed their best release window with late August to mid September being ideal.....

The games you mentioned are certainly not a threat to this game as anyone with slightest interest in cricket won't just dupe this game for Fifa...

PS:Even with all it's shortcomings, Ashes 13 seems to have some sort of control over everything...I just don't like it..:noway
Still no release date? This is taking far too long, my interest is dropping to be honest.

The rest of the year has stellar releases all over the place that will push DBC out of peoples' consoles. GTA 5 next month (in a matter of weeks now), then FIFA and Madden the month after, then the likes of F1 2013, and finally the AAA FPS that always come out in November (Battlefield and CoD). I don't get why you didn't release this game away from all of that or to coincide with the Ashes.
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The best time is not June to August because that's Footy/Rugby/League season in Australia. That's a stupid time to release a CRICKET game.

Thats why ashes 2013 cancelled their game.Its stupid time to release a Cricket game in the month of june, july, august.Biggs then give the right time.


Still no release date? This is taking far too long, my interest is dropping to be honest.

I would totally agree with you.
Still no release date? This is taking far too long, my interest is dropping to be honest.

I'm not bothered about when they announce the release date, but reading a few pages back there's a possibility that this game is coming out in DECEMBER because of AC13. At least my prediction of no playtest this month was right, I just had a feeling something wasn't right (the license delays for a few weeks etc)

It's a shame as many of us are at the edge of our seat with this game, the last few pages of this thread have made me lose a bit of interest as I don't play games anymore so this is all I was looking forward to. Hopefully it we hear something to clear the matter up!
I hope DB Cricket 14 doesnt come out when GTA 5 comes out. That would mean something like Murali Vijay Vs Sachin Tendulkar!

PS:Any game that comes out when GTA comes will never have good sales because GTA is the GOD of Games!Ross, please dont release it when GTA 5 comes out.
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Can people stop going on about GTA?

GTA IV was underwhelming, no matter what the ridiculous 10/10 reviews said.

San Andreas was pretty good but went downhill from Vice City in my opinion. Most of the features they added were annoying if anything, like those stupid game wars.

Same with going on about FIFA :) Release it a bit later in the UK perhaps if the poms want their soccer fix but I'd rather it didn't affect the release date elsewhere.
Absolutely. If AC releases first and is a stinker, how many people won't buy another cricket game for a while because they will be thinking "all cricket games are a let down"... I can't believe BA won't want to get in first.

First to to the market has an advantage that what I have studied and we are just assuming ashes 2013 to be awfull and if it turn out to be slightly better than any previous cricket title than the kids are going to jump on the new cricket will never know a new ceicket game is coming until they are available in retail.
reading a few pages back there's a possibility that this game is coming out in DECEMBER because of AC13!

Hope not. I cant justify paying ?430 on a next gen console and then play the 360. If its out in december im going to have to miss out.
GTA is the GOD of Games!Ross, please dont release it when GTA 5 comes out.

I am not sure about that.. all personal views. but there's many like me who doesn't think that..
GTA's surely the king of its own genre :thumbs .. but DBC14 is going to be King of Cricket gaming, It should have its own well-deseved place in gamer's budget after Ross starts his marketing. :yes
Can people stop going on about GTA?

GTA IV was underwhelming, no matter what the ridiculous 10/10 reviews said.

San Andreas was pretty good but went downhill from Vice City in my opinion. Most of the features they added were annoying if anything, like those stupid game wars.

Same with going on about FIFA :) Release it a bit later in the UK perhaps if the poms want their soccer fix but I'd rather it didn't affect the release date elsewhere.
It doesn't matter how bad the game was - for what it's worth, GTA 4 is the one in the series I enjoyed the least. It's still there though come rain or shine, and people are going to play it - I also respect the devs on those games a hell of a lot more than I do Big Ant or Trickstar because they're totally transparent with when their game is coming out. My interest has gone from 'woah' to 'meh' in a matter of weeks because I don't know when I'm going to get this game. If I get it next week or in March I don't know, and I don't think that's good enough. It's my money I'm supposed to be parting with - I should be able to know when the product I'm spending half a days' wages on is going to actually turn up so I can use it.

Some other examples are Call of Duty and FIFA. These are known and proven entities that will come out every cycle, and they'll continue to sell heaps and they'll continue to enslave generations of kids to their consoles. DBC won't compete with those, because you can't quickscope with a cricket bat. This should have been released before Q3 in my opinion because that's when the AAAs are out (so that the 14 year olds can get CoD for Christmas). DBC is not an AAA, and (due to the subject matter) may never be.
I also respect the devs on those games a hell of a lot more than I do Big Ant or Trickstar because they're totally transparent with when their game is coming out. My interest has gone from 'woah' to 'meh' in a matter of weeks because I don't know when I'm going to get this game. If I get it next week or in March I don't know, and I don't think that's good enough. It's my money I'm supposed to be parting with - I should be able to know when the product I'm spending half a days' wages on is going to actually turn up so I can use it.

You want transparency? Do the CEOs of EA, Rockstar and whoeverthe****makesCOD come every day on online forums to answer questions to the fans?

Knowing when the game will release won't change when you get it in your hands.

The amount of money those other companies has is ridiculous in comparison and the amount of staff is much higher too. I'm sure BA has an idea of when they want to release it but with a relatively small staff it may not be known yet.

And of course, if they set a release date and was 20 seconds late they'd have kids like you ramming abuse down their throat :)
Given the drought in cricket games genre, I believe cricket enthusiasts will buy this no matter when it is getting released. DBC14 is totally different genre compared to whatever other games listed in above posts.

DBC14 is in my must buy list along with batman, watchdogs, GTA V.

Hope DBC14 will be sold at affordable price in India.
Still no release date? This is taking far too long, my interest is dropping to be honest.

The rest of the year has stellar releases all over the place that will push DBC out of peoples' consoles. GTA 5 next month (in a matter of weeks now), then FIFA and Madden the month after, then the likes of F1 2013, and finally the AAA FPS that always come out in November (Battlefield and CoD). I don't get why you didn't release this game away from all of that or to coincide with the Ashes.

I agree with this guy!! i am losing interest, 505 not releasing a good game and they are not letting BA to release their game.
You want transparency? Do the CEOs of EA, Rockstar and whoevertheofficialmakesCOD come every day on online forums to answer questions to the fans?
Rockstar are active on their forums, discussing gameplay. Treyarch and Infinity Ward are very active on Twitter keeping their userbase aware of changes being made to the game and to receive feedback. Regardless of my distaste and distrust for the Call of Duty franchise, their developers have changed the mechanics of the game many times due to the consensus of player opinion (gun balance, 'overpowered' playing styles). I respect that.

They do that despite the fact they don't need to. They have established their brand and brought it in to the mainstream, through various means such as great games and transparent methods, or a niche on their individual market. Whether or not you agree with DLC or micro-transactions, all of those developers/publishers got to the top the exact same ways. It's somewhat different between reaching an elite in game development and other things - when you lead the industry, people will unconditionally buy your game despite their own reservations or if all of their friends are buying it. Big Ant need to make much more effort to build brand loyalty and recognition than the others you mentioned, and considering the last indie company I can think of that made it 'big' (Mojang) did this, Notch was on twitter and official/unofficial forums even more than Ross is. He needs the power of social media on his side because he doesn't have massive marketing or SEO teams (as you mentioned before). He needs to do this to ensure any success for his game, he's not doing this to be a great guy. We've all got our price in our world, and his for the success of the cricket game he's put a lot of money into is semi-regular appearances on social media sites.

Knowing when the game will release won't change when you get it in your hands.
It likely will. I have roughly 2-3 hours of gameplay a week due to other commitments, and nothing will keep GTA5 out of my 360 tray until perhaps Battlefield 4 or Titanfall. There may have been a chance for DBC to change that when my interest in cricket was artificially higher due to the Ashes, but that is going to subside very soon (literally in the next day or two). Beyond that is the next-gen stuff, after which point Big Ant and Trickstar might as well rewrite their games to work for those instead.

The amount of money those other companies has is ridiculous in comparison and the amount of staff is much higher too. I'm sure BA has an idea of when they want to release it but with a relatively small staff it may not be known yet.
I made an assumption that gameplay videos came from finished games (or even finished portions) so as to give a perfect reenactment of how the game will eventually ship. If this isn't finished why do we have teaser videos and people from Planet Cricket visiting Big Ant's offices to test the game?

And of course, if they set a release date and was 20 seconds late they'd have kids like you ramming abuse down their throat :)
I won't address this part, because I'm better than you and don't have the space in my life for petty internet fighting. I wish nothing but peace and happiness for you.
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I'm 99% sure those videos weren't from finished portions of the game. Many things have been said that indicate that's the case, for example the batsman doesn't tap is bat because that wasn't in the debug build. I think they're being produced to give an indication of how the finished game will look, even if it's not finished yet. If they only gave screenshots and videos when the game was 100% finished then we'd still be waiting and likely getting very impatient.

Regarding the PC members playing the game, there will be playtests at EB games hopefully soon but perhaps the game isn't ready for them, not sure. It was said that they would be in August so there isn't a lot of time left for that. For personal play sessions there is just one for Matt and that hasn't occurred yet.

Even if the gameplay were finished, maybe other things aren't like multiplayer and squads and career mode etc. Not sure.

What I am sure of though is it's not like Big Ant has a finished game that they're just sitting on. They will release it based on firstly when it is finished and bug-free (or close enough to it) and when it makes financial sense. If this doesn't fit in with your gaming habits then I'm sorry.

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