sami ullah khan
Panel of Selectors
The game is finished. Whatever will be added will be via a day one patch.
Rockstar are active on their forums, discussing gameplay. Treyarch and Infinity Ward are *very* active on Twitter keeping their userbase aware of changes being made to the game and to receive feedback.
And that's the point. Neither of us know if it is finished or not. We're at an advanced stage where some imagery and video was released a while ago, but that's it. I agree that this isn't necessarily Trickstar territory in that they're sitting on a broken game and not bothering to update anyone on it, but they were still able to give us a ballpark estimate with a massively inferior game. That estimate turned out to be totally wrong, but the important thing to remember is that nobody would have yelled at them for that if they came out and admitted they were wrong. Instead, they let the deadline lapse to silence on their official site/Twitter/Facebook, and eventually someone high up the ladder made an emotional apology video.snip
I'm not putting myself in this list (because I don't use forums and I admittedly didn't contribute to this game either) but the point you made about feedback and sharing of information has been huge where this forum has been concerned. I've read archived threads on this and seen feedback from various members go all the way up to making its way in to the game. Case in point: career mode. It's now a 'Be a Pro'-style format, and it wasn't before. I've seen handfuls of suggestions like this turn in to actual game features. Ross is as much here for his benefit as he is for ours, because the important base-level point of all of this is that he needs to earn money as we do. I've seen figures of how much some titles cost to send to market - Ross understands very well that he needs to make a very good game as his 'introduction' to this genre or Big Ant will stay at the bottom instead of climbing up.With all due respect bro (don't take this as shouting), may I ask you how you're comparing those blah blah *HUGE* companies which've released series-es of games (of the same genre) with a company like BigAnt? This is their first cricket game. As far as I know, no other cricket game making company interacted with us, and took our suggestions seriously.
This is something everyone does in the marketing field, but I've felt that Ross's something more than a public relations officer who came to the site for marketing (even though promoting the game's the ultimate thing, and we're ready to support that.).
And I doubt the Rockstars or others were active in forums for their first game in the genre. So see this as a cricket game which's taking it's own time to unfold...
And that's the point. Neither of us know if it is finished or not. We're at an advanced stage where some imagery and video was released a while ago, but that's it. I agree that this isn't necessarily Trickstar territory in that they're sitting on a broken game and not bothering to update anyone on it, but they were still able to give us a ballpark estimate with a massively inferior game. That estimate turned out to be totally wrong, but the important thing to remember is that nobody would have yelled at them for that if they came out and admitted they were wrong. Instead, they let the deadline lapse to silence on their official site/Twitter/Facebook, and eventually someone high up the ladder made an emotional apology video.
If we were given a ballpark that was wrong, then that's a shame but that's sometimes how life works. Trains are late, buses are late, paycheques are late. But at least we know where we stand when we look up at the timetable and see an actual time to look forward to instead of "eh, one could be here anytime between now and tomorrow. Who knows?"
I don't like not knowing where I stand on something, that's just a need for control that is built in to certain types of people. Where being a consumer is related though, that's one of the very least things I should by default expect.
The game is finished. Whatever will be added will be via a day one patch.
It's so much of surprise when people become marketing specialists and even better than those experienced ones sitting in companies like Big Ant's.
I have to be honest, I can't trust that timeframe because I'm not convinced we're ever going to see Ashes 2013. I'm not calling Ross or Big Ant liars, I'm saying that there is a strange dependence that Trickstar and BA have on each other in that neither one seems to be too willing to make the first move. What if Trickstar are bluffing about the ongoing failures of their game to ship, thereby lulling BA in to considering them to not be a threat in the market anymore? Wait for the game to release, gain a full knowledge of it (and all its features) and then clean up with all of those features PLUS the Ashes licence before Christmas? Perhaps that sort of thing is why BA are keeping us in the dark as to a release date, but either way it's not what I want to see (nor am used to really) as a sporadic but loyal game consumer.We were given a ball park though, that being before November. It has been said many times that the game will release before Ashes 2013, which will release in November at the earliest.
That brings me to another factor that I haven't previously mentioned, being the false advertising coming out of the Ashes camp. Everyone here knows which game will likely end up better but the general public may not and the Ashes brand is still alluring when it sits on a game stand. Also when the head of that company is saying "we aren't telling you the features but we have everything Bradman has and more" that affects how BA release the game, unfortunately.
I want the game as much as anyone but I also want it to be a success so there can be future Bradman games, and if that means waiting a bit longer and being kept in the dark about the release a bit, then I'll cop it.
Ding ding! Two for two, well played friend.TBF some of the folks in here may very well be marketing professionals themselves. Secondly, they are talking from their experience about purchasing and playing video games.
I agree wholly with everything you said, and accept (regrettably) that it probably sounds as if I'm 'slating' him. I knew that when I started, and wouldn't go back and change it because this is what I believe.Let me contribute my $.02 to the discussion as well...
DBC14 will need to be first to market for the following reasons :-
1. It's been 4 years since we had a cricket game and plenty of people will lap up the first cricket game they get their hands on. And unlike the hardcore cricket gaming fans like PCers, most people will only buy one cricket game not both.
2. If AC13 releases in Nov to coincide with Ashes, DBC14 will not be able to compete with the game unless it comes out first and establishes itself in the market. Majority of folks will go with a game with "Ashes" in the title than DBC14 when Ashes are on.
3. If DBC14 waits for Ashes to get over before being released, it will be next year and frankly lot of people will not go for a PS3/Xbox360 game when next gen consoles and games are already on the market. Plus most casual fans won't shop for new games post Christmas/holiday season.
I am not na?ve enough to think Big Ant and True Blue aren't aware of these factors. They are the ones who have the most to gain or lose financially with the decision and would leave no stone unturned to ensure they time the release perfectly.
P.S. - For folks who are slating Ross for not disclosing the release date, may be he already has a release window targeted but is not disclosing the same publicly so that AC13 team (505 Games & Trickstar) are in the dark and don't get an opportunity to plan a strategy around the same. After all knowing Ross, he would love to muddy the water as much as he can for the AC13 team![]()
If that's actually the case, then here's an open letter to Ross:
Make your own game, don't worry about what they're doing. When you do that, you lose the single-minded self-belief that adds the 'spark' to a great game. People will be able to make their own decision on which game to go for eventually (if/when both games are out) and if yours is better, then you'll have won. I can't help but feel that if you are looking over your shoulder every couple of steps, then you'll trip over something you haven't even seen yet in front of you because you were too busy worrying about the guy wheezing behind you, shuffling desperately to catch up.
And if they are waiting for you to release so that they can pillage your game and stick the Ashes licence on it? Make your intellectual property watertight and absolutely batter them in a court of law.
Make your own game, don't worry about what they're doing. When you do that, you lose the single-minded self-belief that adds the 'spark' to a great game. People will be able to make their own decision on which game to go for eventually (if/when both games are out) and if yours is better, then you'll have won. I can't help but feel that if you are looking over your shoulder every couple of steps, then you'll trip over something you haven't even seen yet in front of you because you were too busy worrying about the guy wheezing behind you, shuffling desperately to catch up.