Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Yes absolutely. Pretty standard that a game is considered "finished and locked down" before submitting for approvals.
"Locked down" is usually a point before submission: once those are granted you go to "Finished" and "Ready To Master". Pretty standard industry lingo (although not everyone uses the exact same words).


Hey, I don't know for sure. But seems to me logical that it's locked pending approvals.

thanks - really appreciate the clarification!
Hey, I don't know for sure. But seems to me logical that it's locked pending approvals.

I din't mean the "locked down" part. I din't know that you can't submit a game for approval if you do not have a classification rating. :)
I din't mean the "locked down" part. I din't know that you can't submit a game for approval if you do not have a classification rating. :)

I'm 99% sure that's the case.

The Aussie age-ratings are the only publicly announced ones, which is why so many games get "revealed" when they announce their rating. Sometimes ahead of a publisher's schedule!
I've not been on here for several days as this whole thing is getting a touch boring now. Weeks and weeks and weeks of the same old thing. I don't claim to be a marketing genius or even close, but I can't see how anytime from now till the end of the year is going to be good for attracting "casual" cricket fans.
Gta, ghosts, battlefield 4, deadrising 3, black flag, watchdogs, forza 5, the ps4 and the xbox one all before december. Is the "casual" gamer going to take a cricket game before any of those? As I've been saying for several weeks, I think not.

Yep I don't consider it market genius either but who are we to say. Also with what Chief is saying does that mean the game has not been submitted? It could be they submitted it but it failed hence the delays.

Because I can't believe AC13 has thrown such a huge spanner in the works
Yep I don't consider it market genius either but who are we to say. Also with what Chief is saying does that mean the game has not been submitted? It could be they submitted it but it failed hence the delays.

Because I can't believe AC13 has thrown such a huge spanner in the works

As many others have pointed out, it's all speculation at this point until official announcements are made.
Mind you, if speculation is your thing (and I know it IS some people's thing!) then maybe there should be a separate thread for unsubstantiated rumours pending official confirmations?
I've not been on here for several days as this whole thing is getting a touch boring now. Weeks and weeks and weeks of the same old thing. I don't claim to be a marketing genius or even close, but I can't see how anytime from now till the end of the year is going to be good for attracting "casual" cricket fans.
Gta, ghosts, battlefield 4, deadrising 3, black flag, watchdogs, forza 5, the ps4 and the xbox one all before december. Is the "casual" gamer going to take a cricket game before any of those? As I've been saying for several weeks, I think not.

If Your a cricket fan yes you would take it over any of those games you mentioned. After all how many cricket games come along these days.
hopfully the game will have whinging aussies in the field asking to go off when scared because of bad light like today be very realistic then
Ross means business, mate. He needs to rope in every possible potential customer he possibly can, and he'll leave no stone unturned in doing that, even if that means not giving AC13 any chance to capitalize on the market. Low sales have probably doomed the past cricket franchises, you don't want history to repeat itself, do you?
Surely not. Lack of transparency doesn't help that though, at least that's how I feel (and it seems a couple of others in this thread too).

And yeah, you talk of transparency? Seriously? When the release date hasn't been declared at all officially, how could you ask for one? Okay, now what if I asked EA to give me a release date for say FIFA 18? That's plain stupidity. Lack of transparency is when you are given a release date and then it is postponed at the last minute without much clarification.
The release date hasn't been declared, but that offers no indication that there isn't one.

FIFA 18? Either the last week of September or the first week of October 2018, absolute guarantee. I'm not understanding why it's 'stupidity' to have a publisher build a predictable timetable of when their content will be released to the public - I'm far from stupid for many reasons, one of the smaller reasons being a normal expectation of a deadline for a product that the creator is trying to sell me on. Fulfilment is one of the larger parts of that sale, isn't it?

Lack of transparency is that, and it's my analogy too. One phrase can have more than one meaning, and it does in this case. In both scenarios, not all information is coming back to the prospective consumer that they can feel rightfully entitled to.

For a change, you, in spite of whining about no release date and blah blah blah, sounded like a genuine person to me (there are too many attention seekers out there who love getting a 2-minute fame), but the points you made (the ones I talked about above) seemed pretty flawed.

My comments went from 'whining' to 'constructive criticism' when I offered viewpoints as to why I feel that being in the dark is not necessarily in the best of taste. True, if I'm venting my spleen and foaming at the mouth with no attempt to reach a solution, then I'm just complaining and becoming part of the problem. Throughout, I've been clear and concise on what I think the problem is with denying us a release date, and I've not been hostile in any way. On your side of things though, you have been, and offered no reasoning as to why I'm 'wrong'. I'm going to go ahead and make the assertion that you're the one here who is moaning, and I wish you would stop. We're all being adults here right now, it's about time you took a step up and joined us. Otherwise, check my third post from today with this quote that applies to you too:

I won't address this part, because I'm better than you and don't have the space in my life for petty internet fighting. I wish nothing but peace and happiness for you.
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dvst8 i agree with what your saying i tried asking things like this before and got simlilar responses aswel that whining and asking for info we dont need i think ross is going to see when ac13 comes out then release at the same time and i also think others points on casual fans not buying it because of other releases in the coming months to be correct alot of gamers are 14-30 alot of those people wont buy every game and the release window of august would of been perfect not to much competition but very hard to compete with battlefield 4 cod ghosts and gta 5 cricket fan or not they will be gamers mostly and will buy games not necessarily cricket games because of so many bad ones b4 it
dvst8 i agree with what your saying i tried asking things like this before and got simlilar responses aswel that whining and asking for info we dont need i think ross is going to see when ac13 comes out then release at the same time and i also think others points on casual fans not buying it because of other releases in the coming months to be correct alot of gamers are 14-30 alot of those people wont buy every game and the release window of august would of been perfect not to much competition but very hard to compete with battlefield 4 cod ghosts and gta 5 cricket fan or not they will be gamers mostly and will buy games not necessarily cricket games because of so many bad ones b4 it
I feel so strongly that this game is going to flounder if it's dumped in the shark pool with GTA/Ghosts/Battlefield/FIFA. Those games are massive and on the face of it, if I liked all of those four DBC probably wouldn't get a look-in for upwards of another year. After which point, three of the games in that list will have brand new releases anyway.

If you give the consumer a headstart on those, you pose a better scenario to the gamer in which they have to ask the question, "do I unwrap GTA or should I finish this tour first? Oh cool, I unlocked something!" or the alternative whereby you start to see tennis courts fill up when Wimbledon is in town. Peoples' interest in sports are rekindled by big events, and I would have considered The Ashes to be a pretty good start.

Perhaps some are putting too much stock in the 'Ashes licence' business. True, they have real names, but Pro Evolution Soccer didn't struggle on the basis of their database being full of fake names. In fact, if immersion was your thing, it was interesting to start a career with a bunch of players you didn't know. They might have The Ashes, but this game has Don Bradman. Checking back for successful games with superstar endorsements takes you back a few years to a certain Brian Charles Lara.

EDIT: As far as the complaining goes, don't worry about it and stick with what you believe in. Speak up if something bothers you, and ignore the narcissists who you've insulted purely by believing something different. They'll let the mask slip in the real world some day, and they'll be brought crashing down to earth. I've been around for a while now, and it's still fun to watch when that happens.
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If anyone can provide any numbers to support that, I'd be very interested indeed: as far as I last saw, it was no way near... About 30% of the size on the last numbers I saw.

Chief I always thought uk was a bigger market for cricket games than aus, like 3 times or so. PS I will say this it's been a strange year for cricket games with ashes problems and bigant waiting and more waiting.

PS In the end ross is the boss for a reason as he knows games, if he does make a mistake and release to late or to early then he will learn for the second game. I am not saying he has just saying.

PS Chief if you were the CEO of bigant right now what would you do right now ? and what are you up to these days, trying to get a job at bigant studios or something.;)
Chief I always thought uk was a bigger market for cricket games than aus, like 3 times or so. PS I will say this it's been a strange year for cricket games with ashes problems and bigant waiting and more waiting.

PS In the end ross is the boss for a reason as he knows games, if he does make a mistake and release to late or to early then he will learn for the second game. I am not saying he has just saying.

PS Chief if you were the CEO of bigant right now what would you do right now ? and what are you up to these days, trying to get a job at bigant studios or something.;)

In my experience the UK is about 3x bigger. We shall see.

Currently I'm doing 2 shows at the Edinburgh Festival (finish tomorrow!). Then back to work on an educational game I've been working on. I'm a bit of an odd fish, working across a lot of odd areas.

As for applying at Big Ant, I reckon there's only room for one massive ego there at a time, and the role is already taken by someone doing a perfectly good job - I don't think they're looking for a replacement at the minute to be honest... :-)
If anyone can provide any numbers to support that, I'd be very interested indeed: as far as I last saw, it was no way near... About 30% of the size on the last numbers I saw.

Ross's answer on that was interesting. He said that the supermarkets in the UK sell the games for lower prices reducing the margins. Sounds like the Australian market is more "profitable" but it might not be bigger.
Either way Australian consumers appear to lose.
In my experience the UK is about 3x bigger. We shall see.

Currently I'm doing 2 shows at the Edinburgh Festival (finish tomorrow!). Then back to work on an educational game I've been working on. I'm a bit of an odd fish, working across a lot of odd areas.

As for applying at Big Ant, I reckon there's only room for one massive ego there at a time, and the role is already taken by someone doing a perfectly good job - I don't think they're looking for a replacement at the minute to be honest... :-)

True if ross says 6 months after release they sold more in aus than the uk then cool, still he does not know the uk market as well as his own backside:lol I mean backyard.

PS How was the cricket, I stayed at work longer than needed just to watch. The end was going to be epic, rules are rules I guess.:yes

PS About the job at bigant, yes ross is larger than life for sure. It's been a hell of a ride and I must say just like driving for like 30 hours it's had it's ups and downs but been fun all the way and I love to see Dutch/Biggs go a little crazy with all these release date questions.:p

In the end I also have lot's of questions way this and that but in the end people just need to say to themselves that ross will not change his mind as simple as that, he has his plans and also his money and future on the line and for good or bad it's not are call it's ross simple as that.

I say let's bug him about tomorrow the Dons birthday and Friday also and give release date questions a rest for now.;):D


Ross's answer on that was interesting. He said that the supermarkets in the UK sell the games for lower prices reducing the margins. Sounds like the Australian market is more "profitable" but it might not be bigger.
Either way Australian consumers appear to lose.

I see his point there but we have JB hi-fi now that sell new games cheap as hell and if you sign up to EB games they do that 7 day return also, still I never take back a cricket game but I do cry if it's bad and just say next time. Still with Don14 I feel a change is coming and it's worth the wait.:thumbs

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