Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

I love how even when we aren't meant to be getting news, we still get something. Thanks Ross!
Does anybody else find the noise the editor makes really irritating? I don't really know what better sounds it could make? maybe silent? but when you are searching through many items it's really annoying.... This won't change my opinion of the game in anyway, but I wish it didn't make those sounds! Otherwise desperately excited for the game :)
Does anybody else find the noise the editor makes really irritating? I don't really know what better sounds it could make? maybe silent? but when you are searching through many items it's really annoying.... This won't change my opinion of the game in anyway, but I wish it didn't make those sounds! Otherwise desperately excited for the game
They actually dropped a bunch of them for the current beta - it used to make even more noise.
Will tomorrow be Super Friday? :)

No. It will be the second Friday in months that we have not released anything....

If I was to do anything it would be on TableTop Cricket as that is our focus right now.
Yeah... that would be almost as bad as saying at Lords that the game is still coming on the 21st June and it's all just soooo awesome, that would be inconceivable... that would never happen.

I agree he has a bad history, and I'm perhaps being overly optimistic, but the first release date fiasco was just that, the first (for this game at least). We're now onto the third and it may be three strikes, you're out.
Seen.... it.... all.... before....



You'll certainly see Don Bradman Cricket 14 in October and have an opportunity to play it in Melbourne, we have nothing to hide :)

Release date is still TBA.


Yeah... that would be almost as bad as saying at Lords that the game is still coming on the 21st June and it's all just soooo awesome, that would be inconceivable... that would never happen.

'Mike Fegan - Hang in there guys stuff is coming soon!

Like ? Reply ? 10 September at 07:43'

Damn it, You're so right!
Release date is still TBA.


Guys, how did you MISS THIS? He just gave us the RELEASE DATE! Here's how it works.

Still = S the 19th letter of the Alphabet, T is the 20th, which is 10 x 2 AND the the I, L and L looks like / / / so if we decipher that using encryption codes obtained from the bin outside the BigAnt office, what Ross is telling us is that is that the release date is 19/10! TBA traditionally stands for "To Be Announced" but in this context, using the same encryption codes CLEARLY stands for "To Be In Actober" which is how Australians pronounce "October" "Eet's Actobar Mate"



You're welcome.

Guys, how did you MISS THIS? He just gave us the RELEASE DATE! Here's how it works.

Still = S the 19th letter of the Alphabet, T is the 20th, which is 10 x 2 AND the the I, L and L looks like / / / so if we decipher that using encryption codes obtained from the bin outside the BigAnt office, what Ross is telling us is that is that the release date is 19/10! TBA traditionally stands for "To Be Announced" but in this context, using the same encryption codes CLEARLY stands for "To Be In Actober" which is how Australians pronounce "October" "Eet's Actobar Mate"



You're welcome.

it would be amazing if you and ross had come to a deal whereby that was the release announcement.

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