Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Nets camera angle

Hi BA Admin Team,

Can we have the nets practice from the bowler or the bowling machine camera angle side front facing the Batsmen(just the reversal of the current camera angle) or let me know whether it is available in full version.


Hi BA Admin Team,

Can we have the nets practice from the bowler or the bowling machine camera angle side front facing the Batsmen(just the reversal of the current camera angle) or let me know whether it is available in full version.



I don't see why anyone would want to go back to that view but options are always good. I'm sure it'll be possible in the full game.


Cricket Life 1 - PC -

This is the website saying ITS Cancelled


Damn, I thought that was going to be about DBC14!
Hi BA Admin Team,

Can we have the nets practice from the bowler or the bowling machine camera angle side front facing the Batsmen(just the reversal of the current camera angle) or let me know whether it is available in full version.



That camera angle, amongst others, is in any part of the game that has a bowler.
I refuse to wait and see.
Question to everyone wether to release now or later.

This is my own personal take on the whole matter. Something more up to date may have been announced in the other thread.. but I am so far behind right now.

Big Ant were always following Ashes Cricket 13. Ashes had the name, they had the pedegree. Big Ant knew they were going to have a tough time competing head to head, but they needed to let it release and see how it faired before going on their own. Big Ant and Tru Blu only had a smaller proportion of distributors on their side.. and perhaps the other distributors would only release DBC'14 a period after Ashes released. It's always ideal to do a worldwide release at the same time.

Ashes 'releases' (ahem) and gets canned. All the distributors who had sided with Ashes were left twiddling their thumbs. Big Ant and Tru Blu then tried their utmost best to get the distrubtors on side to allow a worldwide release before Christmas, as that would be totally ideal, however it is obvious it wasn't able to be set up in time, finalized, logistics, etc. They obviously see better profit and a better release by going worldwide on the same day.

I'd fully prefer a local/limited release initially and then get to other markets as the distributors came in line, but that's only as I knew Australia would get it first.. no problem being selfish I say.. :p
Thats a long winded version... id prefer to say that BA didnt want people to think that DBC14 was the Ashes game.
People always sound smarter when they use more words than they need to.

Take it from me.
I'd fully prefer a local/limited release initially and then get to other markets as the distributors came in line, but that's only as I knew Australia would get it first.. no problem being selfish I say.. :p

Non-global release = increased piracy
Non-global release = increased piracy

Sucks for you.. not for me..

Damn.. why am I such a scrouge at Christmas time? :facepalm

BTW.. can you give me a score out of 10 for accuracy of my in hindsight assessment of the situation. Just want to know if I was close to nicking it or flailing blindly in the breeze, as it were.


By the way and totally off topic (kinda), the other game I was eagerly awaiting release (DayZ) finally came out on Steam yesterday, in early access alpha state. $30 a pop and after 24 hours had 172,500 sales. That equates to over $5 million spent on a game in 24 hours (early access pre alpha).. gawdamn. Still less buggy than Ashes I might add.
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A lady bug is less buggy than Ashes...


There's less bugs and been more time and love spent on the FREE Cricket Academy than Ashes 2013, and after "sales" support - where's my Freakin' Refund Letter!!!
where's my Freakin' Refund Letter!!!

Look at you, bless your little cotton socks thinking that money hasn't already been spent on a impromptu holiday...

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