Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion


Better go to work and get onto that 99.99b - can't sit here talking about the impending Whitewash all day :)
I enjoyed reading the above posts, the ones talking about the foot placement/stroke playing is a good point, as the LS controls feet movement it should be possible to move your foot in position before you play the shot rather than it be all one motion, there are times when you do both in unison so I'm not criticising at all, but many players will have their trigger movements, I for instance always go forward then push off front foot into back if its short, maybe because I'm short!

Also Ross, its nice to see after just one series win you're proclaiming Australia as pummelling us, I agree we've been very poor and your guys have played above themselves, but try to remember if your ancestors hadn't been naughty, you'd be one of us!!!

Watching the SA v Ind test, what a great advert for test cricket, I think the 2 sides are the best in the world right now, and the match had it all! Fantastic to watch.
I think we can all agree that this series is a freak incident. For years before this, we have shown our dominance over our antipodean rivals. Three test matches against an Australian side who will all be collecting their pensions next year mean nothing.
Also Ross, its nice to see after just one series win you're proclaiming Australia as pummelling us, I agree we've been very poor and your guys have played above themselves, but try to remember if your ancestors hadn't been naughty, you'd be one of us!!!

The English series was far closer than has been given due credit by this touring English side, and they've had to pay the price for that unwarranted arrogance in the press everywhere. There's talking and then there's walking :)

You don't have to be "naughty" to be a foreigner playing in the English team :p


I think we can all agree that this series is a freak incident. For years before this, we have shown our dominance over our antipodean rivals. Three test matches against an Australian side who will all be collecting their pensions next year mean nothing.

Whereas your guys are younger and you will have a crap team in place for a long time? :p

Anyway... enough off topic from me... got to get to work!
Well the Aussies go to South Africa next, lets see how they fair there, considering the 4-0 loss in India and the 3-0 loss in UK, its certainly not gonna be as easy as we've allowed it to be, it'll be nice to see how we bounce back against Sri Lanka and India next summer! The Aussies could move above us in the rankings after this series but Ill be surprised to see Australia above us in the rankings this time next year.

Ross agree the series here was closer than 3-0, but even in that series your guys played above what we expected, and we were poor by are own standards, cook trott pieterson haven't done anything like what we expect, we got away with it at home, but we've been thoroughly and soundly beaten in Aus. I don't believe your a better side though and ill stand by my earlier statement regarding rankings, I don't see your team goin past us long term, although I do fear we're going to have to go through a similar transition that you guys did after Warney and co went. The only thing I feel 100% on is neither of our teams are in South Africa or Indias league ATM.
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CinamanSpin has to be the easiest guy to bait on these forums...
Sssshhhhhhh! (I don't think he knows that....*)

*it is my duty as an Australian to sledge Poms, nothing personal :p
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I love a fan who, despite being destroyed recently, still is optimistic his side is amazing. Then slams another team, who have just won recently, because science.
I do admire his spirit - not enough of it about.
I love a fan who, despite being destroyed recently, still is optimistic his side is amazing. Then slams another team, who have just won recently, because science.

Ben Stokes could potentially be the greatest Kiwi cricketer of all time :thumbs
I love a fan who, despite being destroyed recently, still is optimistic his side is amazing. Then slams another team, who have just won recently, because science.

England are certainly not amazing, there has been a downward turn for a while, we were poor in NZ too but got away with it because our tail wagged( which has since been docked), we won both test series at home and people forget something needed to be addressed. We have some very talented guys but they've been crap, I hope this gives us a kick up the arse, because losing in the manor we have is disgraceful, its one thing to be beaten by a better side but to offer no fight or resistance is a chilling reminder of the 90s.

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