Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

You understand my point. It's about playing cricket like we watch it on tv... it just feels more 'real'. I understand Ross's point. I understand that by batting through stumps cam is realistic because you actually face balls like any batsman would. I hope I didn't hurt anybody's feelings because I always have trouble scrolling through threads to find something because of my slow internet connection...

I don't think its a matter of hurting anybody's feelings, its more about appreciating the effort that's gone into creating something new rather than saying you want to go back to the old ways. Cricket games in the past have been too easy and lacked any realism, I think this game has tried to make you "feel" like you do when you play in real life, no other game has done that IMO. It adds so much longevity to the game, if you want to play the game like you're watching tv its not going to have that feeling of valueing your wicket. We haven't played the bowling so its hard to comment on but even though its easier for me to bat from behind the bowler, I don't "feel" like I'm batting, but with the new system, edpecially if you take away the HUD its easy to immerse yourself into feeling your out there! Each to their own I guess!
The problem as I see it is, that when our generation were younger, we'd play cricket/football etc in any area we could, whether it was in the street or the park, but these days the younger generation seem to watch tv or play computer games, so for them its not about it feeling like playing cricket, its more wanting it to look like watching cricket.

I think you might be right here. The one's who have played cricket (quite considerably) in real time during their early days would probably be able to better appreciate the game mechanics adopted for this game. Not saying others don't, but it might not be to as much extent.
I won't have the chance to play the new version of the CA Nets for a few more days as I'm away for Christmas, but I'm eager to try it when I get back!

Top effort from the guys at Big Ant to work on fixes/improvements so close to Christmas, I expected you guys to take a deserved break! Shows the commitment and enthusiasm to the project you must hold :clap.

Have a great Christmas! :)

P.S. - I also thought the stumps vibrated strangely and moved very little, but it's not a massive issue anyhow and Ross says it's toned down in CA so I'm not concerned about it.
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Wanna see stumps uprooted in nets? Try placing the marker near the crease area in line with stumps.
I don't think its a matter of hurting anybody's feelings, its more about appreciating the effort that's gone into creating something new rather than saying you want to go back to the old ways. Cricket games in the past have been too easy and lacked any realism, I think this game has tried to make you "feel" like you do when you play in real life, no other game has done that IMO. It adds so much longevity to the game, if you want to play the game like you're watching tv its not going to have that feeling of valueing your wicket. We haven't played the bowling so its hard to comment on but even though its easier for me to bat from behind the bowler, I don't "feel" like I'm batting, but with the new system, edpecially if you take away the HUD its easy to immerse yourself into feeling your out there! Each to their own I guess!

Agreed bro :thumbs
Ross, could there be any chance another colour is added to the colour options for kit? Like for my school.and Zimbabwe..there is no real red in there if any one has noticed?
Hello Sir Ross. I wanted to know if the camera will follow the ball in broadcast view like in int. cricket 2010 or will it stay at the crease just like we saw in the gameplay vids. Thank u boss :yes
It really comes down to whether you want to recreate cricket as TV depicts the sport. Or to play a cricket game. I know which one I'd prefer ;)
I naturally used behind batter cam (far) and it just feels right. I guess in my situation of not playing a cricket game since the late 90's, apart from Stick Cricket, it's what feels more natural (despite being mainly a TV cricket watcher and very very rarely a cricket player). I haven't yet tried it but don't see how you can bat easier, more comfortable or have as much enjoyment playing from broadcast/bowler position.
Broadcast cam felt right in past games where playing shots was only a button press and the line and length of the ball was known from before the delivery was bowled. The way the new controls are just doesn't feel right at all playing from the bowlers end, simple as that. I mean, I got used to it playing in the academy for half an hour but it definitely wasn't as satisfying playing from the default cameras. If you wan't a simulation or realism, the pro cam is there for that, saying broadcast camera is realistic for playing cricket is an absolute stretch.

Face reality and accept that this game is trying something different and getting rid of the shitty past tropes of cricket games (donut, hud, meters, etc).
Would I be wrong in saying that when you play offline multiplayer you cant use behind batsman cameras.???
Would I be wrong in saying that when you play offline multiplayer you cant use behind batsman cameras.???
Yes you would be wrong, there's no restriction on the choice of camera in any mode as far as I'm aware.
Would I be wrong in saying that when you play offline multiplayer you cant use behind batsman cameras.???

Yeah, as Matt said, you can play any camera mode. Personally I think the batsman would be more hindered by being forced to play broadcast/bowler cam than the bowler would be playing batsman cam (of course, only if the person playing the batsman cared).

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