Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

you'll be paying the same as the rest of the world.

Not true. Regional variations in price will, of course, be taken into account. As is the case with almost anything, us Aussies pay a lot more than just the straight conversion as other countries. Basically it'll of a similar cost of any other 'full priced' new release game sold in stores around the world.
1000~1400 not a penny more...or less...

release the game man...

Telling them the price they should set and they should release the game...a bold strategy.

I'm sure it will have an impact...
Telling them the price they should set and they should release the game...a bold strategy.

I'm sure it will have an impact...

its just a suggestion ....price suggested according to affordability of a common indian..they can go as higher as 1900...but not more than that.......EA games like FiFA 14 costs us 3500~4000.....which is the reason i bought fifa 13 after 1 year of its release ........

even the cost is 2000 it costs me 2500~2700 {courier charges}...
its just a suggestion ....price suggested according to affordability of a common indian..they can go as higher as 1900...but not more than that.......EA games like FiFA 14 costs us 3500~4000.....which is the reason i bought fifa 13 after 1 year of its release ........

even the cost is 2000 it costs me 2500~2700 {courier charges}...

The price isn't a something that many here can "get" as you need sales data of previous versions, costs of production, marketing etc. to get the full picture. It certainly isn't a debate on here that can carry any weight at all with distributors/retail - I don't set the price but of course have input - it's not a democracy.

If you expect it to be cheap then be prepared for disappointment, none of our games have been cheap and generally our AFL Live (3 years old) sells for more than AFL Live 2 (months old).

Comparing to other games isn't useful (COD, FIFA, etc. :facepalm) unless it is in the context of our recent games in the market. The best price guide I can think of might be to look for Rugby League Live 2, and that said, straight currency conversions are useless, it only works if it RLL2 is on sale in your territory in your currency.

You might want to read that
You might want to read that

rll2 is 3700~4000 in india..that gives an idea about DBC price...around 3500...i guess assassin creed:black flag have to wait for me..

already completed

Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Assassin's Creed III

with the controller i bought for DBC...
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Can you cite where rll2 price is given in INR? We can't convert another currency to inr to get rll2 cost in india.
But as ross said the best price guide of dbc14 is to look at rll2 if only it is available in our territory in our currency.
Last I'll say on it, unless provoked (:p), if it is too cheap in any one territory then it will be exported from that territory - so only three viable options exist:

a) delayed release for that territory,
b) release at same time relatively same price,
c) no release in that territory.
Take any amount from us ross but do make it available on release date in India, it's invaluable like crystal blue meth!
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The game must surely have a digital download version on release date for PC
It almost certainly won't, while it wasn't a Big Ant game - the only Tru Blu published game on Steam is the Rugby Challenge series - the latest edition released about two months after the console disc release. It's priced at ?29.99 (and US$70 in Australia).
Last I'll say on it, unless provoked (:p), if it is too cheap in any one territory then it will be exported from that territory - so only three viable options exist:

a) delayed release for that territory,
b) release at same time relatively same price,
c) no release in that territory.

Makes more sense to go with option 2. Anyways you are not expected to sell a lot in India anyways... At least not on launch as the gamer base is low plus the piracy mindset (fifa sells roughly 10k units max here and it is one of the highest selling games in India) . Release the game with the rest of the world at around the same price (most publishers doing that now anyways), people who can afford it will buy it on day 1...those that can't afford will wait for the price to come down or buy a second hand copy. Or will pirate it (which they would anyways do in all probabiity) and then if they like it and wanna join in the fun of online mp + downloading creations from CA (provided u r gonna disallow that for pirated versions) they would buy it at a later stage when the prices would have become very reasonable.
Last I'll say on it, unless provoked (), if it is too cheap in any one territory then it will be exported from that territory - so only three viable options exist:

a) delayed release for that territory,
b) release at same time relatively same price,
c) no release in that territory.
one more option-
d) combination of (a) and (b). Release at same time relatively same price, make a reduction in price after a while.

And thats sounds to me the best option too.
Makes more sense to go with option 2. Anyways you are not expected to sell a lot in India anyways... At least not on launch as the gamer base is low plus the piracy mindset (fifa sells roughly 10k units max here and it is one of the highest selling games in India) . Release the game with the rest of the world at around the same price (most publishers doing that now anyways), people who can afford it will buy it on day 1...those that can't afford will wait for the price to come down or buy a second hand copy. Or will pirate it (which they would anyways do in all probabiity) and then if they like it and wanna join in the fun of online mp + downloading creations from CA (provided u r gonna disallow that for pirated versions) they would buy it at a later stage when the prices would have become very reasonable.


i want multiplayer certain point the AI will became predictable...
PC gamers should be consider themselves lucky to get a release date the same as consoles let alone there being a digital release the same day. Poor PC players had to wait a year for AFL Live (which was out of Big Ant's control)

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