Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Yep, the mrs questioned the initial purchase of the Xbox, and the amount of time it spends ignored sadly proves her right. If I then went and bought a ps3 I think I would really be in the dog house!

It'd be like home from home then as you're already her bitch :D
Are you guys on PS3? Hope so. Looking forward to bashing a few of your balls......*

*pathetic innuendo....but hey, if you dont like it stick it innuendo!!
I never turn down an invite to have my balls bashed. Of course I'm on PS3...
I never turn down an invite to have my balls bashed. Of course I'm on PS3...

Great! I am also well chuffed to hear that they tested the network and connectivity and the saving of games and it all worked hunky dory! I just hope there are enough folks out there who are willing to play a test match over a considerable length of time. Hate the 5 over rubbish that was Ashes 09 online. Not that online was too bad but it was just mega slog fest followed by mega slog fest with about as much satisfaction as dunking a Pringle in your cocoa....
Great! I am also well chuffed to hear that they tested the network and connectivity and the saving of games and it all worked hunky dory! I just hope there are enough folks out there who are willing to play a test match over a considerable length of time. Hate the 5 over rubbish that was Ashes 09 online. Not that online was too bad but it was just mega slog fest followed by mega slog fest with about as much satisfaction as dunking a Pringle in your cocoa....

That's fantastic to hear :) I've always been for the longer format. The strategy that goes into it & plans makes every game different.

So not many on here for 360 then ... :'( lol
Same as that block, I got a new Xbox last summer as my old one suffered the ring of death, I've played on it no more than a couple of hours since, knowing my luck ill get DB14 and the damn thing will blow up from the dust its collected!!!

it just sits there reproaching me... the worst thing is I moved in September and didn't bother unpacking it until November, confident i'd be playing DBC14 while waiting to watch England retain the ashes. Yeah - that worked out well.

In other news, I'm also predicting Vladimir Putin will be a very peaceable, nice guy that the West can do business with.
Yep, the mrs questioned the initial purchase of the Xbox, and the amount of time it spends ignored sadly proves her right. If I then went and bought a ps3 I think I would really be in the dog house!

It's not a PS3 you are getting... it's a blu ray player with multi-media capabilities built in. The fact it's a gaming console as well is a cherry on top ;)
the really annoying thing is i only bought an xbox rather than a ps3 because of kinect. that's been used like, twice.

Same i sold the kinect within weeks, i have a xbox one now and the kinect is amazing on this one. The fitness stuff is good as it's been a long long winter lol. But i hope some guys on here have 360 or PC as ill defo get both and maybe if it's released a x1 version.
Same i sold the kinect within weeks, i have a xbox one now and the kinect is amazing on this one. The fitness stuff is good as it's been a long long winter lol. But i hope some guys on here have 360 or PC as ill defo get both and maybe if it's released a x1 version.

I'm the same. I'll be getting it for Xbox and PC.

I agree with you on the kinect. It was pretty poor on the 360, but the Xbox One's kinect is seriously good, especially for the voice commands that can control most areas of the xbox. It can even turn my tv on and off.
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It's not a PS3 you are getting... it's a blu ray player with multi-media capabilities built in. The fact it's a gaming console as well is a cherry on top ;)

I had a great plan, I would persuade the missus that an Xbox is a great multi-media station and when DBC came out I'd be able to play it on the shiny Xbox. Slight flaw though - she liked the media side so much that now I have to get DBC on the PC as I can't get on the Xbox!

Silly lovefilm/40D/BBCiPlayer...
i remember that... still, amazingly that wasn't the worst part of that tour, that was still "we're gonna have a bowl" at the Gabba!

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