Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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For some reason, every catch my fielders take shows up as caught and bowled by whoever is bowling at the time?? Any ideas why this happens?
Hi Phil. This issue has been bought up before. I don't know if there is any reason for it but I assume it will be fixed in the next patch.

With regards the issue of fielders walking to the ball when runs are being made, I have just found that if I, as the bowler, run toward the fielder, the fielder starts to run. May help some people.
That bowling lag is by design.

I guessed as much. But the batting seem unresponsive and I also can't get the ball to spin at all. In career mode I get loads of wickets off it, yet online I can't bowl spin effectively because the spin gage returns to zero while I'm trying to bowl.
Mode: Career
Match Type: FC and LIst A
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Throughout
Ground: Various
Teams: Essex
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: 3 Issues.

1. Ball going through the bat. This has only happened twice, both when I was bowling. Once in FC and once in List A. Sorry, I don't have recordings.

2. When walking back to bowl, as I pass the umpire, my player does a kind of shaky thing before walking through half of the umpire (Is this what people call frame rate?). This only happens when I get the ball played back to me (when I field it). Not really a problem, just looks strange!

3. Still getting instances of Usain Bolt being brought on as a sub fielder! Less frequent, but still happening. Example: Hit a shot in the air, over mid off going towards Long Off/Wide, and the fielder sprinted from Deep/Deep cover point, and had time to wait for the ball to drop into his hands. Wouldn't have minded as much if he'd had to dive for it or something, but certainly should not have had time to set himself.

I guessed as much. But the batting seem unresponsive and I also can't get the ball to spin at all. In career mode I get loads of wickets off it, yet online I can't bowl spin effectively because the spin gage returns to zero while I'm trying to bowl.

Define "unresponsive"'re also moving the right analog stick too late if the spin thingee is returning to zero. Practice.
Define "unresponsive"'re also moving the right analog stick too late if the spin thingee is returning to zero. Practice.

Why would I be able to bowl spin perfectly well in all offline and yet find it much much harder online? I am not moving anything too late I know how to play the game. It doesn't always return to zero anyway, sometimes it just reduces significantly so I end with average spin instead of good. I'd appreciate if you could try to be helpful rather than imply that I simply can't play the game. To define the unresponsive batting, shots do not always happen when they should, running is especially laggy and has to often be pressed twice before it happens. Also today in a game online with a friend, on my screen I was bowled with the bat dragging on off my pads but on his screen nothing of the sort happened, though the game didn't give me out anyway. I've also seen the ball seemingly beat the slips and keeper, running away for four, only for the game to freak out and suddenly the ball is in the keeper's hands, and I've been run out.
Sounds like a bad connection then. I've had that keeper thing once or twice when it's been a dodgy connection... Batting can occasionally lag, I tend to play my shot fractionally earlier when it is but again, resetting the connection usually helps.
I know it's out there but this save / crash issue is a killer. Crashed last night after making 100 and the again now after making 45. So many lost skill points. My stats are crap. I really need the good scores. Bleak.
I know it's out there but this save / crash issue is a killer. Crashed last night after making 100 and the again now after making 45. So many lost skill points. My stats are crap. I really need the good scores. Bleak.

Have you tried the fix where when you turn the game on, let it run to the demo, and then press whatever button to get back to the menu screen and then load your career? I have tried every other fix that has been suggested, to no avail, but this (So far) has worked for me. I have been saving the match every other over for 3 matches (2 FC and 1 List A) and so far its been working.
I hope, given it's @fiction's first day on the job, his desk just has one post-it-note pinned to his new office PC with the text "Fix Xbox Error, kthxbye - Ross"
@border33 Going to take fiction to watch Blues v Bombers for his first look at the "G" - he didn't really get Rugby League when we were watching it today at work, don't know how he'll go with Aussie Rules - should be fun :)
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