Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

it would be interesting to see how many of your critics ross actually play cricket, i see alot of people talking about how the shots look and how the bowling action looks

This reminded me of a certain member from 4-5 years ago, which I think some of the old timers will remember his name was Madman and when discussing something to do with football games (can't exactly remember what exactly it was, maybe a gameplay feature or something along those lines) he was adamant that your opinion couldn't be valid unless you have actively been to football matches and if you hadn't then you don't know what you're talking about and therefor he knew more than the person who hadn't been to a single live game :p

Off topic but gave me a chuckle
This reminded me of a certain member from 4-5 years ago, which I think some of the old timers will remember his name was Madman and when discussing something to do with football games (can't exactly remember what exactly it was, maybe a gameplay feature or something along those lines) he was adamant that your opinion couldn't be valid unless you have actively been to football matches and if you hadn't then you don't know what you're talking about and therefor he knew more than the person who hadn't been to a single live game :p

Off topic but gave me a chuckle

As I remember it, he never had anything good to say about Fifa and wouldn't hear a bad word said about PES. ;) Only he's been around much more recently than that: he commented on Fifa 14 not that long ago.
Its definetly not me, Ive never been to a football game, actually i went to an ALeague game once

Now if it was AFL football that would be a different story
I didn't think it would be you they were referring too :)

Off topic - which AFL team?
I barrack for the Demons, and also just retired from playing for the Mighty Skye FC in the SFL
it would be interesting to see how many of your critics ross actually play cricket, i see alot of people talking about how the shots look and how the bowling action looks

I used to play for Worcestershire as an opening batsman in my early teens* so I'm definitely the most qualified to talk about batting on a cricket game. So, from the words of basically an England international, Ross, it looks super.

*My first ever internet boast. I now feel like i should shut my head in the car door.

Edit: another boast, from the age of 9-11 Alan Richardson used to coach me so I'm 10000% qualified to comment.
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I barrack for the Demons, and also just retired from playing for the Mighty Skye FC in the SFL

We should try to catch up at a game next year I you're interested. I think we play just the once.


I used to play for Worcestershire as an opening batsman in my early teens* so I'm definitely the most qualified to talk about batting on a cricket game. So, from the words of basically an England international, Ross, it looks super.

*My first ever internet boast. I now feel like i should shut my head in the car door.

Edit: another boast, from the age of 9-11 Alan Richardson used to coach me so I'm 10000% qualified to comment.

This is the internet, someone will be along shortly with a car to do that for you.
100% ross, you let me know and Im there, hopefully i will be playing for Australia in DBC14 by then also!!
No worries, will PM you closer to the game - might get a few others from here and there along too.
Ashes starts next week Ross, is it going to be a special week or are you leaving the week for 505 games and Mike Fegan to reveal something.:lol

PS Being serious for once:D, if they still have nothing to say by Thursday next week what else could go wrong.

PS What would you do if they say 7 of December Ross or a date near that.:spy
Ashes starts next week Ross, is it going to be a special week or are you leaving the week for 505 games and Mike Fegan to reveal something.:lol

PS Being serious for once:D, if they still have nothing to say by Thursday next week what else could go wrong.

PS What would you do if they say 7 of December Ross or a date near that.:spy

Smooth 79c. Asking for that release date so subtly.

...hope it works
God it's getting hard coming up with new ideas after all this time. PS Still next week is a huge week and you would hope both games have something on the line for the public not just us.:spy
I know what you mean...

All right, how about this then.

Soooo.... Ross.

When is the next play session and where will it be? :D
I barrack for the Demons, and also just retired from playing for the Mighty Skye FC in the SFL

Good man another Demon! I am coming out of an 8 year retirement to pull on the boots for East Brighton next year. Already regretting it!

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