Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

You're going to have to cut an impressive looking trailer for retailers, because this stink is going to hang around like a fart in a lift for you guys. Even worse the "Ashes" moniker is instantly worthless for Cricket titles...

Someone needs to put a phone call into Cricket Australia/England and show em what they just "approved". No WAY did they have any idea what was going on with this...
damn, with that shakespeare quote, it looks like the Ashes debarkle is going to have us waiting longer, if its any consolation, no PS or XBOX buyers are disparaged by this??
You only have to listen to the crowd in the Melbourne play session videos to understand how important replays are.... the is he, he is, he isn't, he is, oh no he's not out moments are priceless and happened right from the get-go.

You will no doubt remember "A pox on all our houses" - After today, try telling *anyone* that you have a good cricket game to sell.

Thats sucks for and us.
Ross this is all working good for you as their strategy(with that s#it game) to boost DBC14 sales over millions.C'mon Ross RELEASE THE DRAGON;):cheers
Good to be back home (DBC forum) been away on a visit to the trAshes camp, must say it was a worthy one, a trAsh can is where their game is ought to be,,,now we can discuss the success of DBC going forward

Releasing on steam was a way to test public reaction towards the game, they got the feedback, they'll run with their tails between the legs, no way they're gonna press this into console versions, even PC DVD I think, "It's Burnt,,,now Ashes)
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I would like to humbly apologise to SuperSchlappingDeluded64 for it is true that our bowling will approach the quality level shown in Ashes 2013, he was right all along.
Replays were not what the fans wanted, they were "overrated".

Yes, Ashes certainly deserves better.

Ross We also Deserves to play Better cricket games ... You know What I Mean :)


so is this game still 100% chance of releasing this year since ashes cricket 2013 is out now.

Of course in 2013 ..Ashes cricket 2013 Is one of the Worst Game of this year...


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I would like to humbly apologise to SuperSchlappingDeluded64 for it is true that our bowling will approach the quality level shown in Ashes 2013, he was right all along.

Ross I think I am also in Your Ignore list :(
Nah, the bar to get onto my ignore list is very, very low... it's called the ShuperDeluded64 limbo, how low can you go go...

I read all of your posts, sometimes I even understand what you're saying.
does your game have the butterfly move?

Ashes has you don't!!

guess who wins this round?

Nah, the bar to get onto my ignore list is very, very low... it's called the ShuperDeluded64 limbo, how low can you go go...

I read all of your posts, sometimes I even understand what you're saying.

Lol.Sorry I am not Gud in English.... Realase date you will Understand this for sure ???? :)
After today, try telling *anyone* that you have a good cricket game to sell.

Which was why after the June debacle with AC13 getting put back, it was clear that DBC14 needed to release first.

AC13 was always going to reach the market in some form as the money grabbing ho's had to recoup some of the outlay.
If this trashes 13 crud doesnt end up having a retail release is the "wider gaming community" really going to be alerted to its presence before the s*** storm of bad word of mouth rep does?
did that make sense? :noway

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