Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

all this talk of you guys at the play session scoring freely on an easy difficulty...

isnt that the point of difficulty levels, if you want to score freely, play on the lowest level, want a challenge to fight for each run, play veteran.


And here's a sample of comment from the very same PES video you posted... all from the first few comments and I didn't even have to scroll down much.

Baz Mc4 days ago

Let down by pes 14 the longer you play it the more crap you see,goal keepers have got worse,players warp at times in tackles,AI is dumb and dwindle on the ball even on top player/super star,it needs more than face update it needs a gameplay update

A. M.M.B.5 days ago


Intellectual Savior1 week ago

pes was abit of a let down, so many bugs, bad ai etc

Johnatan Goldberger3 days ago

worst game ever maybe 2010 was worse but still and ml online cheaters and quitters i playd for4 years online now and they still have same issue lag quit u plug of y cable do that few times and match is void or u even win it thats just one way to do it so how hard is that to resolve i wonder gameplay is terrible players like xavi iniesta pirlo modric sneider are almost usless contact play and they dont have balance and there is no foul i wasted money on that game also lob and freekick to easy


I'm hoping this game is available for rent in the UK prior to spending a lump of cash on it. Hoping that the edge through the bat is gone and some bits have been tidied up as promised but would like to check before buying.

I was really optimistic about DBC14 but the MattW vids took the shine off that. A demo would prove that BigAnt have sorted things but it appears we won't get this either. I'm not as critical as some on here, as BigAnt have been very forthcoming and I can't see them lying about the bug fixes.

Just not sure I want to dish out until the final product is proved to be to a good standard.

Try the videos from other sources. Links are in this post...

I liked the Apocalypse Games one the best.
And here's a sample of comment from the very same PES video you posted...

Which proves what?

That the video wasn't worth making?

Are you saying that Bigant Cricket will not be criticised after release? Or that if you make a video the game will be much worse?
Which proves what?

That the video wasn't worth making?

Are you saying that Bigant Cricket will not be criticised after release? Or that if you make a video the game will be much worse?

Nope. Just that every game, big or small, will have bugs and limitations. The key is to what extent the developer and publisher will go in listening to the end users (gamers) and fix the gamebreaking bugs. This is where we are happy Ross and Big Ant are developing the game as I don't want to see another IC2010 fiasco where the developer & publisher did a runner as soon as the gamebreaking online disconnect bug surfaced.

Nobody expects DBC14 to be perfect or without glitches. In fact Ross himself admitted as much and I can go through the videos and come up with plenty of minor bugs/glitches. But that would be missing the point as for a first iteration the game looks pretty good. I would be more concerned about AI and AI related limitations but we don't have the game in our hands to make that call.
Which proves what?

That the video wasn't worth making?

Are you saying that Bigant Cricket will not be criticised after release? Or that if you make a video the game will be much worse?

Who is saying that DBC will be a bug free game? but it will be great if we ignore the short-comings and acknowledge the fact that we are having a cricket game after 6 years that has features we only dreamed about and TBH not even 1% of us thought that we will be seeing features such as 360 degrees batting control and Career mode in a cricket game and not to mention in 2013
I would be more concerned about AI and AI related limitations but we don't have the game in our hands to make that call.

Faith is sometimes justified and sometimes not. But I prefer the scientific method.

There is evidence to suggest there are ai and animation problems in this game from the videos we have seen. How much will they affect the final version?

I am awaiting a response on this question.
Oh my God, my Mazda is just giving 30 mpg where I was expecting 32 mpg! What a poor car manufacturer, very evident that they clearly have a problem! :rolleyes I am going to use it no matter what!
A question to the BA team or anyone here who might know; When you chose fully assisted fielding do the cameras still pan in the same way as when the fielding is manual? For example if I was bowling or batting and nicked it behind will it just stay in the front on view like on tv or will it pan behind the fielder like in the videos?

Faith is sometimes justified and sometimes not. But I prefer the scientific method.

There is evidence to suggest there are ai and animation problems in this game from the videos we have seen. How much will they affect the final version?

I am awaiting a response on this question.

But how can you judge AI without spending hours on the game? I simply cannot make the call either by watching the videos or even if I had attended the play-session. I am sure Matt would agree that he can't say anything about the AI at this point. Play-sessions are generally useful to get the feel of the game, to determine pickup & playability of the game, to see how the control scheme gels and to see if any major glitches are present. If there's a scientific method to make a call on the AI by viewing videos I am unaware about it.
I am sure Matt would agree that he can't say anything about the AI at this point.
And even then, it would be me spending hours, other people play differently and would have a different experience.

If the AI sucks, play online - they have online saving so you'll be able to play longer forms of the game.

When you chose fully assisted fielding do the cameras still pan in the same way as when the fielding is manual?
Seemed so.
But how can you judge AI without spending hours on the game? I simply cannot make the call either by watching the videos or even if I had attended the play-session. I am sure Matt would agree that he can't say anything about the AI at this point. Play-sessions are generally useful to get the feel of the game, to determine pickup & playability of the game, to see how the control scheme gels and to see if any major glitches are present. If there's a scientific method to make a call on the AI by viewing videos I am unaware about it.

Simple observation of run rates and ai field settings is my first consideration.

But without more detailed footage we will remain in the dark - my gut feeling is there are more serious issues which we have not seen yet and that Bigant will not allow a thorough playtest before release. To those that have faith in Bigant I hope it is not misplaced.

That might hurt sales if there are problems.


And even then, it would be me spending hours, other people play differently and would have a different experience.

If the AI sucks, play online - they have online saving so you'll be able to play longer forms of the game.

Seemed so.

Brushing off possible ai flaws in a very casual way there Matt!
Anyone tried bowling a beamer? Would have loved to see that.

And also stepping down the wicket and lofting the ball.

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