Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

Martyn are you making any cricket game. If so i will skip buying dbc14 please inform me before release
Cricket gaming is one of the toughest nuts to crack - EA have given up.

Do you agree with me Dutch that ai will make or break this game?

Well I shall take the bite and praise myself lucky to be dealing with the reasonable part of your personality but of course await the backlash....;)

Yes and no. I still have enough fun with the games I play, other cricket games I mean. None of them have gotten it right. I indeed find it frustrating when I have to set up my own rules to get a good game: dont play lofted shots, dont run more than two, etcetera.

I am confident, hopeful and excited that BA have made a game that will have much, not all, but much of what i am looking for. They are genuinely passionate about delivering something decent.

Will it be perfect. No.

Do I care? No.

There is much more in life that is truly more important to me than a game of cricket on my computer. i will fork out the cash knowing that it will be a game on my pc for me to enjoy now and then.

It will not solve any problems I have, it will not be perfect, but I will enjoy it and I will be happy to lay down the money to do so.

I respect anyone elses take on it as long as they dont try to shove their take on it down my throat. I am likely to be sick all over them.
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Well I shall take the bite and praise myself lucky to be dealing with the reasonable part of your personality but of course await the backlash....;)

Yes and no. I still have enough fun with the games I play, other cricket games I mean. None of them have gotten it right. I indeed find it frustrating when i have to set up my own rules to get a good game: dont play lofted shots, dont run more than two, etcetera.

I am confident, hopeful and excited that BA have made a game that will have much, not all, but much of what i am looking for. They are genuinely passionate about delivering something decent.

Will it be perfect. No.

Do I care? No.

There is much more in life that is truly more important to me than a game of cricket on my computer. i will fork out the cash knowing that it will be a game on my pc for me to enjoy now and then.

It will not solve any problems I have, it will not be perfect, but I will enjoy it and I will be happy to lay down the money to do so.

I respect anyone elses take on it as long as they dont try to shove their take on it down my throat.

Dr Jekyll here...

That is a very reasonable answer.

But Mr Hyde is nagging at that enough?
After watching all the gameplay videos there's one thing which struck me and maybe Matt, Ross or anyone else who was at the play-session can provide more info... I hardly saw any shots behind the wicket. Shots like glance, tuck off the legs to fine leg, flick off the pads to deep fine/square leg, glide to third man are staple shots in cricket and generally 30-40% of the runs come from behind the wkts area. Yet we hardly saw these shots in the play-session videos. Was it because it's tough to score behind the wkts in the game?

This again.

I wondered if user shot selection had a lot to do with this? Everyone wants to spank a cover drive I guess. Who wants to glance to leg. ME!
Mr Jekyll here...

That is a very reasonable answer.

But Dr Hyde is nagging at that enough?

For me yes, both my Mr Jekyll and my Dr Hyde..........

....that is the problem with Mr Hyde; he tends to nag too much.;)
I wondered if user shot selection had a lot to do with this?
Yep, apart from when I was trying to get a scoop shot I don't think I tried hitting behind square. Simple reason is that it was the one kind of shot I was getting good at - I didn't want to immediately get out trying new shots.


3)Hows the pace variation btw fast and medium bowlers if you bowl thier full extent
I saw everything from 90km/h to 158km/h based on difference from user input. AI is more consistent.

2)How much you are in control of the shots you intended to play?(In the level you mastered the controls)
Fairly well, if you time it you play the shot you intended. It's not like you push the stick one way and you get a totally unexpected shot.

Again, I'd really like to sit down for hours on end playing with no distractions on a higher difficulty.

1) Did the commentary is in sync with the every shot we played.
You heard it better on the videos than I did while I was there - commentary blended into the background noise.


How many stadiums are there in the game @Mattw
The Sydney Cricket Ground and Bradman Oval are the two licensed stadiums in the game with a further eleven unlicensed grounds included from around the world.
PlanetCricket ? Don Bradman Cricket 14
Yep, apart from when I was trying to get a scoop shot I don't think I tried hitting behind square. Simple reason is that it was the one kind of shot I was getting good at - I didn't want to immediately get out trying new shots.

Yeah, that makes sense.

I guess one problem with users, for example, playing an offside shot to a legside ball could be the game itself looking odd because it doesn't look like TV and lead to the assumption that the game is "arcadey".
For me yes, both my Mr Jekyll and my Dr Hyde..........

....that is the problem with Mr Hyde; he tends to nag too much.;)

I guess in another way you could ask - have we become accustomed to mediocrity?

Have we become dumbed down as a culture and in this process become more willing to accept flaws and bugs as "normal"?

Is this why there is such a vehement lobby for this game?

To ensure that criticism is drowned out for the idea that "something" is better than "nothing"?


Just me wondering where Hyde got his doctorate?

Very clever Colin :lol
I guess in another way you could ask - have we become accustomed to mediocrity?

Have we become dumbed down as a culture and in this process become more willing to accept flaws and bugs as "normal"?

Is this why there is such a vehement lobby for this game?

To ensure that criticism is drowned out for the idea that "something" is better than "nothing"?

Personally I dont see it like that at all. I see myself, however others may regard me, as an intelligent thoughtful human being who has a lot of pressures in life and seeks a bit of healthy escape in the terms of playing cricket on a pc, thinking it matters and enjoying it for a few hours.

I dont feel that it is right up their on my priorities and am therefore willing to accpet that I am given what i get and make the best of it. If I dont like it I dont do it.

Other things that I perceive as real injustice I am much, much more vocal about and take initiative in that regard: cricket gaming is not one of them to be honest.

It is a nice, relaxing couple of hours here and there, some banter, a few laughs a few frustrations for 40 or 50 euro's. Fine.

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