Don Bradman Cricket 17 World Premiere Discussion

Oh I don't think it wouldn't be very professional of me to say... But if you look at the credits I doubt you'd find many shared names between the two.

But what about BLIC 2005 and Ashes 09?

Both had their flaws but were still fun games. I don't count the 2010 version as that was merely an Ashes patch sold at full price...
Ok I will go you have made it very clear you don’t like me or want me on here. Just prefer to be direct it saves time. Just all these messages please thank you every two minutes it would drive me mad. I know people want to show appreciation but seriously tone it down, don’t think BA are going to say well no one has thanked me for 5 minutes now right were pulling the plug. Yes manners are lovely to see but come on.
But wasn't the post you originally quoted about Twistie's videos and not Big Ant? I think that's where the confusion stems from.
But what about BLIC 2005 and Ashes 09?

Both had their flaws but were still fun games. I don't count the 2010 version as that was merely an Ashes patch sold at full price...

All almost entirely different teams: It's probably the biggest thing that held back the game every time. We could never keep the same group (or the technology) together long enough to really build, which is hopefully where BA will have a huge advantage with DBC.

2010 was perhaps the game that 2009 *should* have been, but in those days (according to public sources here: Do Sony and Microsoft still charge developers money to release patches? it used to cost money every time you patched, and it just didn't make commercial sense. Again, it's got a lot better since then.
However, that said I still think that the upgrade from 2009 to 2010 was well worth the money. It had a large amount of differentiation that perhaps wasn't fully appreciated by the hardcore (although I concede that the new things didn't have a huge amount of "back of box" impact.)

Anyway: I wouldn't want to derail this thread debating whether the grass is a bit blurrier than it used to be... :)
He played in a created stadium. It seems only in stands we will have crowds and empty spaces will remain empty. :( Not sure though. Also one thing I noticed is the scoreboards did not work in custom created stadiums, I might be wrong though. I know MattW said that many polishes have been made but both commentators saying same thing is something that needs attention atleast. Other then that looks amazing. The stadium looks so good. Cant wait for this Friday as we will have livestream as well as update. Super Friday this is going to be

this was confirmed at the same time as the stadium creator was released. crowd appear in stands only.
All almost entirely different teams: It's probably the biggest thing that held back the game every time. We could never keep the same group (or the technology) together long enough to really build, which is hopefully where BA will have a huge advantage with DBC.

2010 was perhaps the game that 2009 *should* have been, but in those days (according to public sources here: Do Sony and Microsoft still charge developers money to release patches? it used to cost money every time you patched, and it just didn't make commercial sense. Again, it's got a lot better since then.
However, that said I still think that the upgrade from 2009 to 2010 was well worth the money. It had a large amount of differentiation that perhaps wasn't fully appreciated by the hardcore (although I concede that the new things didn't have a huge amount of "back of box" impact.)

Anyway: I wouldn't want to derail this thread debating whether the grass is a bit blurrier than it used to be... :)

Thanks for the inside scoop, very interesting!

I dare I shouldn't ask how many people went onto Ashes 2013...
this was confirmed at the same time as the stadium creator was released. crowd appear in stands only.

Yeah I remember but this is PC remember, our goal is to complain until we get our way ;)

I do think that unlike useless crap like helicopter shots, cheer leaders and dare I say grass, this does fundamentally limit the type of stadiums we can build.
Ashes Cricket 13 was the best cricket game of 2013[DOUBLEPOST=1478082663][/DOUBLEPOST]The one cool thing about no stands is if you build a club ground nobody will show up.
It's already fixed.

Thank you very much...

@MattW Can you please look into this. Thanks :)

Ashes Cricket 13 was the best cricket game of 2013[DOUBLEPOST=1478082663][/DOUBLEPOST]The one cool thing about no stands is if you build a club ground nobody will show up.

True, but it'd be nice if we could determine where fans do and do not stand. Heck, they could even be plonked in groups like a tree as the maximum number of standing fans possible, and then the game makes them appear throughout the game depending on the teams playing like it currently does.
I dare I shouldn't ask how many people went onto Ashes 2013...

Again, the credits (if anyone's actually got it) would tell you: maybe one? two tops?

And, as announced at the time, none of the assets or engine.
OMG yes! Its popcorn lmao.

More seriously can’t watch Twistie’s vids. He comes across as a complete poser. Apologies if anyone on here knows him. Think to myself well go on then will have a look at what DBC is like….right turn it off, no you had your chance.
Also have recently seen Bug’s Bunny violated in a way I’ll never understand or forget, yes its completely ruined it now for me. A little OTT maybe? I mean grass colour? Perhaps, just saying. :)
Think you either buy or you don’t buy, hopefully more will so we have another one to look forward to in the future. Am curious to what think it was 3 new games BA are releasing next year? Please tell me more Sir Ross of Melbourne. :p lol
OMG yes! Its popcorn lmao.

More seriously can’t watch Twistie’s vids. He comes across as a complete poser. Apologies if anyone on here knows him. Think to myself well go on then will have a look at what DBC is like….right turn it off, no you had your chance.
Also have recently seen Bug’s Bunny violated in a way I’ll never understand or forget, yes its completely ruined it now for me. A little OTT maybe? I mean grass colour? Perhaps, just saying. :)
Think you either buy or you don’t buy, hopefully more will so we have another one to look forward to in the future. Am curious to what think it was 3 new games BA are releasing next year? Please tell me more Sir Ross of Melbourne. :p lol

I get what you mean, with Twistie... but I feel that way about a lot of YouTubers... however, I kinda of work in a related field so I can get kinda nitpicky. A little bit of broadcast training would go a long way.

The question should really be, why are you looking up videos of Bug's Bunny getting violated? I suppose if I think about that enough I would probably understand, but I'd rather not give it any thought. Rule 34 right... what? This is off topic? Yeah, but we are talking about a grass colour. Anywho... I saw nothing that has dampened my excitement for DBC17. In fact, I'm so pumped! Especially that career mode... also, it hasn't been mentioned that you can do career mode as a female player. Something that FIFA hasn't done yet.
I swear, sometimes I'm lost. Don't people just go to his YouTube to watch the game footage. It could be the most random geezer on there and I wouldn't care.

We now have discussions on his personality etc.

Also why all of a sudden do we have people have such bad times away from the forum coming on here using that as an excuse for being a pleb?
You know you can turn the volume down on YouTube videos if you don't like the audio? In the meantime, here's some specially prescribed therapy to help you understand how much we all care:

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You know you can turn the volume down on YouTube videos if you don't like the audio? In the meantime, here's some specially prescribed therapy to help you understand how much we all care:

No need sir, we all know the effort you do behind the game.
All almost entirely different teams: It's probably the biggest thing that held back the game every time. We could never keep the same group (or the technology) together long enough to really build, which is hopefully where BA will have a huge advantage with DBC.

2010 was perhaps the game that 2009 *should* have been, but in those days (according to public sources here: Do Sony and Microsoft still charge developers money to release patches? it used to cost money every time you patched, and it just didn't make commercial sense. Again, it's got a lot better since then.
However, that said I still think that the upgrade from 2009 to 2010 was well worth the money. It had a large amount of differentiation that perhaps wasn't fully appreciated by the hardcore (although I concede that the new things didn't have a huge amount of "back of box" impact.)

Anyway: I wouldn't want to derail this thread debating whether the grass is a bit blurrier than it used to be... :)

2010 was a great game in its day - especially when I patched it :p

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