Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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duffarama said:
Yeah, our terms have been stuffed up due to the Commenwealth Games. One of our terms was 5 weeks!
Hopefully it won't get too 'tedious' when exam time comes upon us.

You have high ambitions Mehkar. It sounds like you want to be a doctor. It must be pretty hard to get to be one though.

yes mate
my aim is to become a Doctor
And Mate Dont worry I m a good student See my marksheet of Ninth Grade in previous pages of this thread.......:D
whitehornmatt said:
I will probably stay with Methods, although I will have to look at what I need for the courses I'm looking at doing before I decide that for sure though. I have a few months to think about it before I have to decide anyway.

My other subjects for anyone interested: English Humor, PE, Techno Science (a more hands on science as opposed to theory, in it at the moment I am building bridges with icypole sticks), Media Studies and Multi-Media (IT by another name)
Which all rounds out to me having very boring days

What the...? Aren't Australian History and Geography mandatory subjects in stage five? I know they are in NSW, and are examined in the school certificate, so I just assumed Victoria ran under a similar curriculum...
duffarama said:
Cheers mate. What subjects are you doing?
I am doing:
English (going along nicely)
Further Maths (vegetable maths - very very easy)
Maths Methods (a real challenge)
Chemistry (going along nicely)
Physics (horrible)
Systems (did it last year)

Very much the same subjects as you.
Advanced English (it's what basically everyone does unless if you are really good at English and do extension)
Extension 1 maths (I guess it's your version of Maths methods)
Physics (I agree it's horrible, so many formulas and calculations. GRRR!!! Thinking of dropping it next year though to ease my workload)
Economics (damn school doesn't allow Information Technology and IPT since they accelerate the smart kiddies at year 9)

James219 said:
What the...? Aren't Australian History and Geography mandatory subjects in stage five? I know they are in NSW, and are examined in the school certificate, so I just assumed Victoria ran under a similar curriculum...
I thought so to, remember hearing Howard saying that Australian History and Geography is mandatory for all school students in years 9 and 10. BTW how have your first 2 weeks been?? :D Still another long 9 weeks to go.
amazing, u people have so many varied combos.I never heared of maths methods.
also in India, u have set combinations u can take, with one optional subject, whose marks are automatically added on the report card without us studying about it.
James219 said:
What the...? Aren't Australian History and Geography mandatory subjects in stage five? I know they are in NSW, and are examined in the school certificate, so I just assumed Victoria ran under a similar curriculum...
Nope, although I did a unit of Australian history as part of Sose (or Social Studies as some people might call it) in Year 9.
Australian history is fairly boring too IMO, there isn't much of it anyway
kodos said:
I thought so to, remember hearing Howard saying that Australian History and Geography is mandatory for all school students in years 9 and 10. BTW how have your first 2 weeks been?? :D Still another long 9 weeks to go.

I remember him slamming education boards for certain kids having no grasp of Australia's heritage and complete inability to recognize Matthew Flinders in a portrait! :p
Anyway, my first two weeks've been, well, annoying actually; we've already got three "assessments".....a certain consumer arithmetic Maths one that deals with financial issues (apparently the board of studies insists that each semester there must be one major exam, and one major assignment for maths so as to balance it out), an RE one centred around moral decision making, and a Sports Science one on substance abuse in the professional arena. To add to that, an informal History project based on the Roaring Twenties (group task, I've already finished it, though). So, in short, it's been an irritable start to what promises to be a long, long, pointless and boring term- so, how's yr 11 been travelling these last two weeks? :D
Wow it seems that you already have a large amount of assessments in year 10. Back last year I nowhere had as many assesments as you have, only the half yearly and yearly and a couple or so projects in between.

It's been a quiet but certainly a very quick start start I guess. I finished my Maths exam last wed and I have to complete an English speech this week on Romeo and Juliet and some film. Next week I have a prac exam for Physics and an Economics Essay due in 3 weeks time.
whitehornmatt said:
I'm doing Indicies and Surds at the moment with a test on Tuesday
Going back to this, I got the results from that test today and I got a nice round 98%, the only reason I didn't get 100% is because I wrote the correct answer in the wrong way for one of the questions
kodos said:
Wow it seems that you already have a large amount of assessments in year 10. Back last year I nowhere had as many assesments as you have, only the half yearly and yearly and a couple or so projects in between.

It's been a quiet but certainly a very quick start start I guess. I finished my Maths exam last wed and I have to complete an English speech this week on Romeo and Juliet and some film. Next week I have a prac exam for Physics and an Economics Essay due in 3 weeks time.

Yeah, our school places huge emphasis on assignment based assessments- it's possible to get more than seven in a term- which is not usually the case for most other schools. One of my friends who goes to Patrician Brothers Blacktown gets nowhere near the amount we do. By the way, I'm in yr nine, not ten ;)
'Sounds like you's've had a fair bit to do already; I remember my brother doing some sort of fractured (placed in a modern context, if I recall correctly) R&J film in advanced English (maybe it was three unit, can't remember) when he was back in yr 11, which was like five years ago. Good luck in the physics practical....I know how badly I'd fail that subject! :D
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Haha cheers yeah Romeo and Juliet is for advanced english. I'm not good enough to do Ext. English :D
I miss the independence of school. Sitting in my room with my laptop for most of the day instead of going to school, meeting people and making your own decisions is depressing. September 5th, I start Year 10!
Same day, I start Yr 11! Yr 10 is much harder than Yr 9. Mainly because of all the coursework that you do. I know everyone goes on about this but there will be a lot of pressure to meet the coursework deadlines especially when you do a big project for your DT (design tech.) or IT. In 8 months, I'm finishing school!!!! And then college...

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