Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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I haven't taken D.T for Year 10! Yay! I'm doing Business and Communication instead of ICT too!
What? We have an option of taking Buisiness Studies but that's not included in the Technology subjects. We have to pick one Tech. subject out of DT, Food, Textiles and Electronics. I picked electronics. Also, IT is compulsory for us, along with one MFL.
How many GCSEs are you doing, ignore the shortcourses?
Double Science
Business and Communication Systems
Media Studies

...can't remember the rest of the top of my head, there are more though.
oh damm! got ragged on the first day.and it's going to go on till december.

made me climb walls like a spiderman
I took Art, but I should have taken Business Studies as our Art teacher last year didn't have clue.
haha, a french trip (which my french teach asked me to go on to help with my poor french as she thinks i could be good at french if i wanted to and this migth help, but 250+ quid for a 5 day trip? no chance) was ran by my school in th elast weke of term, 13 people who went on it go suspended for buying frie crackers and throwing them around, so they have about an extra week off at the begining of next school year
ste_mc_efc said:
haha, a french trip (which my french teach asked me to go on to help with my poor french as she thinks i could be good at french if i wanted to and this migth help, but 250+ quid for a 5 day trip? no chance) was ran by my school in th elast weke of term, 13 people who went on it go suspended for buying frie crackers and throwing them around, so they have about an extra week off at the begining of next school year

Firecrackers?! I thought you were English! :rolleyes:
no they werent thropwn around school, they through them around france (not the whole of france, just by their hotel)
School Time again after two months :D

Pretty easy First Semester though:

3)Lunch :D

The Best Part.. NO MATH UNTIL THE SECOND SEMESTER! :happy :happy

Actually I've just got the best news, because we are moving to a new school, it has not been quite finished, so we go back even later!
I am assigned homework on the holidays, but I reakon the whole concept of homework on holidays is a disgrace, so I dont do it.

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