Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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duffarama said:
Wow yeah, that is bad for you then having that long term.

Term's this year-
1: 11 weeks
2: 9 weeks
3: 11 weeks
4: 10 weeks
It's only school- it's not absolute hell or anything, it's still probably the easiest part of one's life- but eleven week terms do get pretty, um, tedious..
I ll goto Punjab on 2nd August..At the moment Im in Sindh
James219 said:
Term's this year-
1: 11 weeks
2: 9 weeks
3: 11 weeks
4: 10 weeks
It's only school- it's not absolute hell or anything, it's still probably the easiest part of one's life- but eleven week terms do get pretty, um, tedious..
Yeah, our terms have been stuffed up due to the Commenwealth Games. One of our terms was 5 weeks!
Hopefully it won't get too 'tedious' when exam time comes upon us.

mehkar said:
No Duff.......Im not learning these days enjoying vacations........I ll start learning H.SC..Pre Medical soon
You have high ambitions Mehkar. It sounds like you want to be a doctor. It must be pretty hard to get to be one though.
duffarama said:
Wow yeah, that is bad for you then having that long term.
Thanks for your encouragement.

So how is school travelling at the moment for everyone? Getting good marks? I got 3 B+s on my latest assesments.

Nice work Duff :D Good luck later in the year for your final major exam later in the year :D Well I'm currently doing the preliminary course (year 11) and achieving quite decent marks. I dont really worry anyways, there is still one year to go. BTW Duff what subjects do you do??
kodos said:
Nice work Duff :D Good luck later in the year for your final major exam later in the year :D Well I'm currently doing the preliminary course (year 11) and achieving quite decent marks. I dont really worry anyways, there is still one year to go. BTW Duff what subjects do you do??
Cheers mate. What subjects are you doing?
I am doing:
English (going along nicely)
Further Maths (vegetable maths - very very easy)
Maths Methods (a real challenge)
Chemistry (going along nicely)
Physics (horrible)
Systems (did it last year)
duffarama said:
Maths Methods (a real challenge)
You find that challenging? Granted I'm only doing the Year 10 Maths Methods, but so far it's smooth sailing. I'm doing Indicies and Surds at the moment with a test on Tuesday
whitehornmatt said:
You find that challenging? Granted I'm only doing the Year 10 Maths Methods, but so far it's smooth sailing. I'm doing Indicies and Surds at the moment with a test on Tuesday
I must say Matt that when you are in year 12 it is a whole new kettle of fish. Maths methods in year 10 is piss easy when comparing it to VCE level maths. :)
At the moment I am doing topic on areas under curves using antidifferentiation etc.
whitehornmatt said:
You find that challenging? Granted I'm only doing the Year 10 Maths Methods, but so far it's smooth sailing. I'm doing Indicies and Surds at the moment with a test on Tuesday

I'm in year nine, and we covered indicies and surds back in term 2....:)
I remember you saying it a while ago, but I still can't believe you do physics, duff!
James219 said:
I'm in year nine, and we covered indicies and surds back in term 2....:)
I remember you saying it a while ago, but I still can't believe you do physics, duff!
It looks like you are being fasttracked like us James.
Physics has been a real struggle this year. I only took it because it was a prerequisite for a course that I wanted to do - now however I don't need it. I am using it as my sixth subject, so I don't expect a good study score. (maybe low 30s)
Further Maths will easily be over 45 and hopefully the other subjects are in the high 30s.
duffarama said:
I must say Matt that when you are in year 12 it is a whole new kettle of fish. Maths methods in year 10 is piss easy when comparing it to VCE level maths. :)
I hope so, I'm falling asleep with the stuff I'm doing now
whitehornmatt said:
I hope so, I'm falling asleep with the stuff I'm doing now
LOL that's not too good. Specialist Maths will keep you awake if you do it - my friends tell me it is nearly impossible.
duffarama said:
LOL that's not too good. Specialist Maths will keep you awake if you do it - my friends tell me it is nearly impossible.
I will probably stay with Methods, although I will have to look at what I need for the courses I'm looking at doing before I decide that for sure though. I have a few months to think about it before I have to decide anyway.

My other subjects for anyone interested: English Humor, PE, Techno Science (a more hands on science as opposed to theory, in it at the moment I am building bridges with icypole sticks), Media Studies and Multi-Media (IT by another name)
Which all rounds out to me having very boring days

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