Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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btw i just want to know. does anyone go to Sir William Borlases grammer school.
Time to revive this good old thread. So, what's everyone been upto? I have to choose my subjects for A levels here in England. I'm gonna do Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics! I'll see how it goes. If it gets too hard, I may drop Further maths after AS but hopefully I'll be able to do all 5 A Levels!
I went to a college open day today to see what I can do when I join next year. Very interested in A level P.E, Physcology, Sociology and Media & Film studies.
I'm not trying to be mean or put you down, but... Psychology, Media Studies and to an extent Sociology are (in my opinion) quite pathetic.

What career are you trying to pursue?
I haven't said I wasn't doing it! I said I was interested in those subjects, not that I was definitley picking them.
Adarsh said:
Why aren't you doing English then?

Journalists don't need English. They don't even need to know how to spell "Psychology"...

I'm up to my ears with lesson plans, evaluations and marking so remember to take some time to be nice to your teachers this week!
Ive got a good punishment if a kid keeps turning round. Make him stare at a dot on the board for the whole lesson, it happened to my friend.
This ace incident happened today in our school. I do Electronics at GCSE. Our teacher is this old guy who scares people away from doing electronics so only 8 people in the whole school are doing it at GCSE....

Anyway, he was telling a friend of mine: "Will you give me ?7 so that I can go and watch the latest movie and tell you how it is?"
Friend: " No, 'cuz it won't be as good"
Teacher: " Exactly. So you need to look things up in the book yourself without asking me questions all the time. You won't really give me ?7 will ya?"
Me, murmuring to my mate: "Well, it's cheaper for an OAP (old age pens.)!!"
The teacher just stared at me for a couple of seconds and then turned away!!!

Journalists don't need English.
Interesting. So, when do you need English???
Evo, I think you should definitely do English Literature if you're half interested. It's important that you have atleast one academic, or IMO proper subject at A level, instead of those soft options like media studies.
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It's true Adarsh. I am doing Journalism and didn't do English.

Psychology and Sociology pathetic modules? Mate, you're taking physics, chemistry and biology!!
I'm not doing ENglish literature; Don't need it for journalism and have no proper personal interest in it. I have an A* in it at GCSE level so that's okay for me.
i also had to choose the subjects for my college and i think i will be going for Maths(confirmed), IT, Business Studies OR Further Maths(lol), Chemistry(confirmed) and Physics(confirmed)...i am hoping for a career in IT...

P.S whats the minimum subjects you need at college...i know the max is 5...
JamesyJames3 said:
It's true Adarsh. I am doing Journalism and didn't do English.

Psychology and Sociology pathetic modules? Mate, you're taking physics, chemistry and biology!!
They're PROPER subjects. Psychology and Media studies aren't. They're a lame excuse for a subject. Anyway, what sort of university are you trying for?

And Bilal, the maximum isn't necessarily 5. A guy in my school got 6 As at A level last year and got into Cambridge, though 6 As is a bit freakish! I'll do 5.
Adarsh said:
They're PROPER subjects. Psychology and Media studies aren't. They're a lame excuse for a subject. Anyway, what sort of university are you trying for?

And Bilal, the maximum isn't necessarily 5. A guy in my school got 6 As at A level last year and got into Cambridge, though 6 As is a bit freakish! I'll do 5.

Trying for? I'm already there pal.

You say Psychology and Media aren't proper subjects but they are areas more focussed on future jobs instead of your so called "proper subjects". You will get more if you have a clear focus to be a psychologists by doing psychology. To say they aren't proper subjects is totally pathetic.

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