Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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ste_mc_efc said:
purely because i find it quite interesting

basically im going to do 2 that will help with my (well hopefully will be my) career, and a a thrid one as 3 A-levels looks better than 2, the third may aswell be on a topic i can enjoy
What sort of career are u looking at?
hahaha i have no school oh and yh as aussie1st said dont become bums and drop outs its not good!
Flippin GCSE's :mad
this years been so much better in school but out of it it's a nightmare :mad:
lots of coursework to do and no enough time on here ;)

Can't wait until the end of year 11 :p
treva said:
Flippin GCSE's :mad
this years been so much better in school but out of it it's a nightmare :mad:
lots of coursework to do and no enough time on here ;)

Can't wait until the end of year 11 :p

It will only get worse in terms of work outside school once you;ve finished year 11. Sorry to burst your bubble..
JamesyJames3 said:
It will only get worse in terms of work outside school once you;ve finished year 11. Sorry to burst your bubble..
Yeh but then i won't be at school as much but it's worse at the moment out of school than the last 3 years.
Other than Geography coursework, I am doing fine at school right now. All my effort grades are A's but I'm struggling with my academic grades right now.
I'm very good at academic subjects but in order to get into Oxbridge (which is my aim) I think I need to do some more extracurricular stuff. I play cricket, table tennis, the guitar but I'm not brilliant in any of those. I should do some extracurricular activities in school that get recognized by universities, like Duke of E, and other projects.
Today was my last day of regular classes for the year :D
But I have exams for the next two weeks (Only five exams in total though)
Adarsh said:
What sort of career are u looking at?

something along the lines of marine biology/zoology

particularly looking at

Cetology (whales and dolphins)

Herpetology (reptiles + amphibians)

and finally

Ichthyology (fish)

basically im fascinated by animals, behavioural adaptations, and things like that

probably sounds borign to all you lot
Not at all. I had a fascination with sharks a few years back and did lots of research and reading up on it. However, sciences wasn't my strong point, so I couldn't really aim for that career.
with science im fairly good at biology, aiming for an A at GCSE, physics im ok at, aiming for a B but chemistry i cant do that well, be delighted with a C (done 2 modules which is 20% of the course, and im on a b in chemistry and physics, A in Biology)

i use dot have a fascination with sharks too, but now im more fascinate with the Galapagos islands
That's cool. I've always been fascinated with Marine scientists, seems like a great job.
Sadly, I'm terrible at Bio. Can't stand the sight of anything under the skin :(

Maths, now that's a great subject. How many here like it?
ZoraxDoom said:
That's cool. I've always been fascinated with Marine scientists, seems like a great job.
Sadly, I'm terrible at Bio. Can't stand the sight of anything under the skin :(

Maths, now that's a great subject. How many here like it?
I don't like Maths. I have one of the best teachers of it in my school, but I just don't enjoy working with numbers. English and Media Studies are my favourite subjects.
maths, hmm i used to be very good at,. looked set for an A/A* GCSE, did well in year, fell out with teacher, didnt do any work in year 8 or 9, he didnt care and stopped attempting to teach me, got moved down for the start of year 10 and im probably salvaging a B, not bad but i know i could have done better, but if i dont get on/respect a teacher i find im incapable of listening to him, a flaw i need to work on

i hate it though, really really boring

and am not squeamish at all, i used to want to be a DR but i went off the idea,not sure why, id love to be a good one, but i dont think i want the pressue of "if you make a mistake someone could die" although id love to help people,
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I don't like wearing my school uniform either. I find it uncomfortable with the collar and trousers, and too hot in summer and too cold in winter. I feel I could learn better if I was comfortable in non-uniform.

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