Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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OMG! Look at the poll boys and girls, shocking.
Had leavers assembly today so now officially left school:D. On to sixth form in September!
Went to sixth form today, induction days, very pointless but a laugh. We have forms with each year group in, does anyone else have these? Anyway they're much better and we had the n00bs come in today :D Some spaced out year 10 turned up half an hour late with a teacher, not being "cool" just completely braindead, apparently he thinks he can control the wind. Also had a Kiwi in, my sheep jokes were lost on most people though :p
Went to sixth form today, induction days, very pointless but a laugh. We have forms with each year group in, does anyone else have these? Anyway they're much better and we had the n00bs come in today :D Some spaced out year 10 turned up half an hour late with a teacher, not being "cool" just completely braindead, apparently he thinks he can control the wind. Also had a Kiwi in, my sheep jokes were lost on most people though :p


We have got 10 and a half days left but I was off ill today as all of a sudden after finding out I had D.T today I had a really bad stomach ache... I really can't wait till the Summer holidays.
I've been on holiday for about 3 weeks and if you count study leave about 10 :p I might give Wednesday a miss though, the absurd timetable I have received giving me no free periods compared to everyone elses 8 or 9 has made me very mad. How have I managed to fill an entire week with just 4 lessons, that's like 7 lessons for each bloody subject a week. No thank you. It will get sorted in the summer I am told though :D
Off since 18th June:cool: No induction days for Sixth form too.;)
Did some stationary bicycle ting today. Divided 12 hours of bike time between about 15 people and reached 377 km. All for fulcrum where some people are going to India to build a school and whatnot. My feet are killing and we're doing another 12 hours 2moz.
Cycled 21 km in 6km/11 min bursts. Yes, I have buns of steel
Finally the last week, then the summer holidays. :happy

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