England in Australia

I think we can put this whole mental disintegration thing to bed now. I mean England are clearly better at it. Martyn taking his ball and crying off home when he's played poorly proved that. I wonder who else will Crack for Australia.
Not to mention Warne's been in a right childish hissy-fit since Pietersen and Collingwood have been dominating him.
evertonfan said:
Not to mention Warne's been in a right childish hissy-fit since Pietersen and Collingwood have been dominating him.

Umm....how did Peitersen get out in the last innings at Adelaide oval??? :cool:
MUFC1987 said:
I think we can put this whole mental disintegration thing to bed now. I mean England are clearly better at it. Martyn taking his ball and crying off home when he's played poorly proved that. I wonder who else will Crack for Australia.

Lol Martyn didn't crack cause of you English, he cracked from our fans and media. You will notice he performs extremely well overseas, why? Because he doesn't have the pressure of the media calling for him to be sacked every game.
Symonds has offically been named Martyn's replacement and will bat at No.6.

Hussey moves up to No.4 and Clarke to No.5.
No surprise there, the selectors obviously going for the extra part time bowling option. Hopefully he at least plays his natural game as he would be good entertainment.
Yeah and hopefully he does well for Australia... I love watching Symonds playing his own game and smashing attacks out of the park....I reckon he will be able to club this English attack :cool:
I think they have to get Jaques in the side. You can't leave a guy who is in that good form out of the side. I don't care if he opens or comes in at six. Surely he deserves a run in the test side.

Personally he should be in the side instead of Symonds.
Your thoughts?
His form hasn't been too great lately though but definitely should have been in over Symonds but Voges deserved his spot. I would however have Rogers ahead of Jaques right now as hes the form batsmen this season and has been very consistent over the past few years too.
Yeah Jaques and Rogers are very good batsman but they BOTH are opners and Jaques has said that he is an OPENER and thats it. But it would be nice to see another West Aussie in the side :D

Here this quote of Steve Harmison (from Inside Cricket Magazine jan '07:
"My preffered sport was football, and to be honest I think it probably still is.This (Cricket) is a job, and because I look at it like that, I perform better".

Well he likes soccer more than cricket!!!???? That would explain why he looks so un-enthusiastic on the field sometimes ;)
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MUFC1987 said:
I think we can put this whole mental disintegration thing to bed now. I mean England are clearly better at it. Martyn taking his ball and crying off home when he's played poorly proved that. I wonder who else will Crack for Australia.

Do you remember a guy called Marcus Threscothick who packed up his bags crying before a ball was even bowled? Oh yes he has some stress related illness, whose to say Marto doesn't have something either. Martyn spent his whole career with people questioning whether he should be in the side. But you're right England are better at mental disintergration. They do a fine job of inflicted it upon themselves.

Yeah Jaques and Rogers are very good batsman but they BOTH are opners and Jaques has said that he is an OPENER and thats it. But it would be nice to see another West Aussie in the side

Hussey is an opener playing in the middle order and Langer is a number 3 playing as an opener. Any good batsmen should be able to bat anywhere in the order, although some positions will suit better than others.

You can't use that quote against Steve Harmison, I mean Curtly Ambrose has said similar things except replace football with basketball. No one would question Ambrose's commitment.
It's kinda funny, really. The selectors waited 55 matches over the course of about five years for Symonds to work out how to play ODIs. Up to that point he'd managed 762 @ 23.81. Look at him now, there's few players who could define the one day game better.

Not that they're going to wait another five years for him to get to grips with Test cricket, but you get the idea. It's not hard to see why they are willing to give him more chances when there's a spot free.
Well said angryangy...Just give him a chance...It took Flintoff 26 Test Matches to get his 1000 runs!!! But I dont think the Aussie selectors will give Symonds that much time lol
Iron-Haggis said:
Do you remember a guy called Marcus Threscothick who packed up his bags crying before a ball was even bowled? Oh yes he has some stress related illness, whose to say Marto doesn't have something either. Martyn spent his whole career with people questioning whether he should be in the side. But you're right England are better at mental disintergration. They do a fine job of inflicted it upon themselves.
Trescothick has an illness. He left India due to it. Martyn has retired because he knows he's not good enough. Would he had retired if he had as many runs as Ponting? No chance. He's just embarrassed that he's not good enough to play against England. I'd be ashamed of him if I was Australian, retiring when the pressure is on.
Martyn was a better player than any of the English 'batsmen' will ever be.

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