England in Australia

Leicetser Fox said:
do u think England and australia will play their strongest 11's in the last 2 tests or will they experiment?

Australia is definitely playing their strongest sides, their 12 man squad is unchanged so expect no changes from Perth for them.
Leicetser Fox said:
do u think England and australia will play their strongest 11's in the last 2 tests or will they experiment?

They would want to win 5-0 to really do some mental damage to the English before the ODI Tri-Series. Plus the squad is unchanged.
Australia will really want 5-0. I agree.

I think Read definatly has to come in. I also rekon Plunkett should be given a run. Mahmood hardly got a bowl in the previous test and when he did he was expensive and poor. Giles has gone home and Anderson is a better One Day player.

Flintoff should never have been captain, but its not his fault, he may as well keep it now. It wasn't through lack of trying.

After this series sometime Strauss needs to be fill in captain if Vaughan isn't there and Fletcher needs to be replaced.
irottev said:
Australia will really want 5-0. I agree.

I think Read definatly has to come in. I also rekon Plunkett should be given a run. Mahmood hardly got a bowl in the previous test and when he did he was expensive and poor. Giles is useless and Anderson is a better One Day player.

Flintoff should never have been captain, but its not his fault, he may as well keep it now. It wasn't through lack of trying.

After this series sometime Strauss needs to be fill in captain if Vaughan isn't there and Fletcher needs to be replaced.

I agree with most of your post except if Freddie is fit then they should just bite the bullet and play 4 bowlers and an extra batsman, also they have to drop Jones for Read. Jones averages around 10 in his last 20 odd test innings.

The other thing I disagree with is replacing Fletcher. As has been mentioned a lot by the likes of Nasser, Gough, Freddie, and most of the pundits, there isn't a better coach in international cricket, however his selections have let him down, so perhaps it's time we took some of the pressure of him and let him get on with his job of coaching the players. Bring in the selection panel for away tours as well as home tours and relieve some of the pressure on Fletch. At the moment he has pretty much the entire fate of English cricket in his hands on away tours, and that's not right.

How can a coach show loyalty to his players and expect them to trust him with anything if he then has to decide to play or drop them possibly based on what they have just told him in confidence?

That is unlikely to happen however, the more likely solution will be put all the blame on Fletcher and make him the scapegoat, then change things afterwards and bring in a new coach hailed as the saviour.
irottev said:
Australia will really want 5-0. I agree.

Well now more so than ever as McGrath and Warne will be playing their last 2 test ever so they would want to send them out on a winning note. This would be the best time to achieve that 5-0 whitewash.
So Shane Warne today confirms the rumours that were leaked out...we'll miss him badly.

I can't find any comments from McGrath about his potential retirement, but I wonder if he has a bit of a gentleman's agreement with Warney - say if Warney announces retirement before Melbourne his home test, then McGrath can announce before his home test in Sydney. That way they can each get some of the spotlight time they both deserve.
I agree with puddle about Fletcher. He's one of the top coaches around and I don't think many people in the know what to boot him out. It's the football culture from this country in my opinion. We got good so a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon in 2004/05 and suddenly expect us to thrash Australia away or something. While the rest of us are a little more realistic, especially since the 1990's.

I would like to see Maynard and perhaps Andy Flower given more of a say in the One Day team though. They were both good ODI players and I think that's where we need that expertise, to leave Fletch with coaching the skills and the other two to work out the game plans with the Captain.
Obviously Symonds is in because they are looking for that all-rounder type. If that is the case, I reakon McDonald should be given a go. The bloke has scored 500 runs in Pura Cup with an average of over 100, and has a bit more to his bowling than Symonds does, who is really just a good part timer, not an all-rounder.
MUFC1987 said:
I agree with puddle about Fletcher. He's one of the top coaches around and I don't think many people in the know what to boot him out. It's the football culture from this country in my opinion. We got good so a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon in 2004/05 and suddenly expect us to thrash Australia away or something. While the rest of us are a little more realistic, especially since the 1990's.

I would like to see Maynard and perhaps Andy Flower given more of a say in the One Day team though. They were both good ODI players and I think that's where we need that expertise, to leave Fletch with coaching the skills and the other two to work out the game plans with the Captain.

Well put especially in the ODIs. I haven't agreed with a fair bit of what Fletcher has done but ask yourself "Can we get any better?" probably not, we've lost 2 test series at home in that time iirc. Some of the selections have been poor but that's not just him, there are 3 selectors I think.


Montys diary, good read.

Leicetser Fox said:
i can't see jones playing though.

not sure how mahmoods comments 2day will go down as well

Well he said he was dissapointed about not being bowled that much but he also said he understands why Fred didn't. I'd be quite annoyed if I were Saj, he bowled what 17 overs in the whole match when Monty bowled 60 odd.
cricketmad09 said:
Obviously Symonds is in because they are looking for that all-rounder type. If that is the case, I reakon McDonald should be given a go. The bloke has scored 500 runs in Pura Cup with an average of over 100, and has a bit more to his bowling than Symonds does, who is really just a good part timer, not an all-rounder.

Yeah McDonald has been really good this season but I don't think he's ready for international level.
His defense outside off stump is so poor that the sweep was probably the safer option. Also the ball kept low, so don't blame him totally.
No need to defend him, no ones blaming him, hes a tailender 16 NO in the first innings will let him get away for bad innings for about another 5 tests

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