England in Australia

Geez, Aleem Dar has had a poor test. Seems to have been making quite a few deicisons lately. Warne denied another wicket.
Rudi's had even a bigger shocker, can't believe how bad the umpiring has got lately.
Warne gets another wicket with his flipper, a full one though. 2 more wickets for a very early finish.
For their bowling and keeper? ;)
Just another one of the growing list of brain explosions from the English.

Gotta him, theres the 4-0 in our most convincing effort to date.
That was great. Man, it's gonna be sad in Sydney. Saying goodbye to the greatest bowler ever. :( I think we will all miss Warne. Even sad saying goodbye to the Ashes. It came so quick and is over even quicker. 2009 is ages away, and without the same Aussie personal, there is no way it'll be as good.

So whos MOTM. Symonds with his 156 or Warney with his 7?

It's a tough choice. I want Warney to get it but perhaps Symonds deserves it.
Symo should get it.
Ouch. This isn't good.
So, why are England gettin walloped? I've found the following reasons:
1) Poor Selection
2) Poor Captaincy
3) Lack of match practice
4) Lack of a decent fourth seamer to back up Hoggy, Harmy and Freddie.
5) Just plain stupid batting
Did I miss anything?
The fact that Australia are too good. Sorry, but no team in the world has a chance against them.

And an answer to number 4, Mahmood got 4 wickets.
aussie1st said:
Rudi's had even a bigger shocker, can't believe how bad the umpiring has got lately.
He did every spectator a favour, because this match could have been over inside 2 days. Besides, noone is ever happy with the number of lbws they get in their favour but in truth, noone wants to see 10 men out lbw.
Good to see Brett Lee finally contribute something to the series, because apart from a few loose shots from Freddie, Lee hasnt done much. And hopefully this gets him into a bit of form for the ODI series.
irottev said:
The fact that Australia are too good. Sorry, but no team in the world has a chance against them.

And an answer to number 4, Mahmood got 4 wickets.

Mahmood is good sometimes. Most of the time he is a load of rubbish, atm at least. Having said that, he is quick and has youth on his side so he could become a decent bowler
Mahmood does not bowl rubbish at all. The problem he has is the transitions mainly. From Tests to ODIs which means he's forever altering his lines and lengths, similar to the problems that Harmison has. Sure Mahmood may go for a few, but he's shown in this Test that when he gets a few overs under his belt he's a good bowler.
Is big Glenn McGrath going to redeem himself with the 5-0 call? Isn't the forecast for rain EVERY day for the 5th test??

I gotta say England have taken some massive steps backwards this year. Not what their supporters deserved after basically knighting and worshipping the lot for winning two games of cricket. How would you feel if you're an English supporter who's busted out a ridiculous number of pounds to make it for the final 2 tests. You arrive and the ashes are already lost....you get 3 lousy days in Melbourne with the most annoying singing pounding in your ears, drinking mid-strength beer whilst watching your team capitulate worse than they did 10 years previously, when you swore you'd never do another ashes tour again....then to rock up in Sydney knowing that you've got a better chance of running into Paris Hilton than getting to see any cricket?? Sweet!

aussie1st said:
Rudi's had even a bigger shocker, can't believe how bad the umpiring has got lately.
Warne gets another wicket with his flipper, a full one though. 2 more wickets for a very early finish.

Rudi was insanely bad this test. Symonds was dead plumb to Panesar and Flintoff, Hayden plumb twice to Hoggard, Cook plumb to McGrath...then the ones he gave were extremely border line at best.

How long does it take for a hawkeye to be processed? Can't they just have a guy that radios it down asap from the media box to the umpire??

Or I reckon another way they could do it is implement a system like they use in the olympic boxing. You'd need something like Umpire Cam - stick a cam on the umpires head or something - have 3 umpires up in the media box watching this view on tv, then when an appeal goes up they have to hit an OUT or NOT OUT button within say 3 seconds of the appeal. If 2/3 say OUT it's OUT, then the decision is speedily relayed to the players. If they could cut this down to a few seconds it'd be worth a shot. Get a bit of cyclops action for the no-balls, then really why do we need umpires on the ground? To check the ball and light?? Surely we could get a robot to carry out these measly tasks. And whack that umpire cam on the robot's head while you're there to make sure it actually captures the ball hitting the pad - god if you strapped a camera to an umpire's head you'd be looking at the bird in the second row or the hot food van all day.

We have to stamp out pathetic umpiring. I said it before the series started that the one thing Australia could count on is the support of the umpires at home...just as England enjoyed it last year and just as any team that can pack a stadium will enjoy. The likes of Billy Bowden and Steve Bucknor crucify the Australians away from home, then magically become like a 12th player for us when we're at home. It sure would be interesting to see how some tests would've panned out if the umpires got it spot on.
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valvolux said:
Rudi was insanely bad this test. Symonds was dead plumb to Panesar and Flintoff, Hayden plumb twice to Hoggard, Cook plumb to McGrath...then the ones he gave were extremely border line at best.
Don't forget the 2 plumb lbws against Collingwood and the one against Strauss in the first innings (that one would of been tough to give out though although hawkeye showed that it was out). He seemed to only give right handers out from lbws.

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