England in Australia

Another wicket, same old story yet again. England openers get about 30 then get out but at least they have KP at 4.
KP will get out i reckon. But i did think we would win the ashes so i'm not good on predictions. Ian Bell looks good
Pietersen's got the right idea. Attack Stuart Clark and give him the charge. If you can get ontop of anyone in the Australian bowling lineup, I think it's him.
Bell is going nowhere. Pietersen will play shots and score runs, so the longer he's out there, the more steam he builds up and the more he'll know about his innings and the conditions. Bell has the temperament, but lacks the equipment to handle the task. He's simply not able to manufacture his own shots and impose his innings. A grafter should still pick up singles by cunning strokes and expertly soft hands, nudging the field so that a gap might open. Even a big strokemaker is as hungry for ones and twos as fours.

Bell is waiting for the most perfect ball to score from and Glenn McGrath is just not going to offer him that, even Brett Lee is going to make him work for a boundary. If he's offered something too wide or too straight, the onus is on him to make it a bad ball. Eventually, Warne will come on and Bell will be a perfect target, slow cooked but underdone.
Bell just has to hang in there, just ignore everything else and concentrate and support Pietersen by not throwing his wicket away. The more time he spends out their the more confindent he should become.
if bell gets to 100 i will eat nmy socks. he looks good so he'll get past 50 and get out
KP looking really good and showing again why he should be batting at 4. If he keeps walking about I can't see how they will get him out.
Why doesn't gilchrist stand up to the stumps. read + jones did for hoggard
Gilly doesn't really stand up to the pacemen, he did it for McGrath once in an ODI but hasn't since I don't think. Clark can get up to 140 so Gilly won't be up for him.
is this "time to say goodbye "song meant to make us sad :crying because i'm about to wet myself laughing. :D

am i the only Englishman having an all nighter?

did any one else just hear about Bumbles gay bar experience. WORRYING
McGrath gets his man, now thats one way of getting KP out when he advances.
Cya later Bell, King McGrath grabs the big two.
Dont know why all the poms hate "The Sherminator" (Bell)
Sure his footwork is non existant and he has too many dot balls but he is doing the job and getting a decent score most times he goes out there.
Reminds me of Justin Langer early in his career never looks comfortable at the crease but still gets a decent score.
Stick with him and as his confidence grows and he cements his spot he will pick up the pace a little more.

haha as i type he gets out again failing to carry on.
Great bowling grandpa mcgrath.
Flintoff. This innings will say a lot about whether he's a good player or a great player
Leicester Fox said:
Flintoff. This innings will say a lot about whether he's a good player or a great player

Not when his side is 4-0 down already. Even if he makes a 100 here it won't bring him into the great player category yet.
I don't mind Bell. when you see him up close you really see his class but what annoys me about Bell is he's as talented as anyone of our players apart from KP yet he is always nervous and fails to score when we really need him

flintoff still needs to stop himself being the one of the only ashes captains to be whitewashed.

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