England in Australia

I'm quietly pleased with Collingwood and Flintoff's batting to dig us out of a bit of a hole left by McGrath's double salvo to leave us 4 down for not very many. It's nice to see Flintoff going after the bowlers and dictating the play rather than playing tentativley and getting out cheaply. Flintoff isn't the sort of player who can bat for hours on end so it's important that he gets as much runs as he can until he gets out because he very rarely stays not out.
symonds_sixes said:
I don't think I've ever seen so many play and misses in 1 day, should be close to all out by now.

Too right, I think it's a measure of the quality of bowling. Pietersen is the only man to look "in", and then his ego got the better of him. Finally someone got a short ball around helmet height to him.

Commentators are saying Strauss is in form, but unlucky. I think I've mentioned it before, but I'm not seeing it. If I had just $1 for every play and miss in this series, I'd have enough to take tomorrow off from work. And he looks really awkward when working off his pads. If it's way down leg he's OK, but how many of those do you get against Aussies? When it's straight, he looks a candidate for a leading edge all the time.

If England make about 350, I'd say the match is evenly poised given we have to bat last...but no Hoggard could mean an easier opening period for Hayden/Langer. If Harmison opens with Flintoff especially. You know that Harmison never dismissed either opener until The Oval last series (and even then it was only Langer after he'd made 100), and he ain't got Hayden or Langer this series either.
If I had just $1 for every play and miss in this series, I'd have enough to take tomorrow off from work.
The same could be said for every series. Either you earn an obcene amount of money in a day or you haven't been watching enough cricket.
There have been a load of plays and misses, wouldn't be surprised too with the quality of the Australian bowling attack.
another drop by Langer there. I can see why he's retiring. Lee's looking good already
Leicester Fox said:
another drop by Langer there. I can see why he's retiring.

He's retiring because he doesn't think he can have any better moments than a 4(5) - 0 Ashes victory.
If that's the case why don't the whole squad retire after this ashes victory
Langer obviously retired because he thought his time was up just like McGrath and Warne. Having the Ashes back also made the decision easier for them.
Because most of the squad still play ODI cricket and don't have to wait 11 months to play again.
Hmmm, a little late, but that first over from Lee was a little fiery, swing, pace everything!

Langer dropping a chance, very rare
KP said we're looking at a schore of 400-450+ that's a bit optomistic but if Flintoff gets in then it's very possible.

is anyone else staying up all night? I am and i'm back at school tommorow.

50 for fred. i've never doubted his batting ;)
I may pull an allnighter, but i have the dentist at 10 tomorrow so i doubt it, i dont wanting to be sitting in the seat and fall asleep :p
Congrats Freddy, finally starting to find some form but a little too late.
Colly out of here, that dropped catch didn't cost us too much.

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