England in New Zealand

For me this sums up why Harmison should play most of the time. He takes wickets, sure Hoggard might work hard and pick up a few wickets, but for me, Harmison is the guy who can kick it into another gear for us with his pace. Unless he takes 10 wickets our media is still going to be moaning about him though, which is beyond me.

I don't get this Bell at 5, Collingwood at 6 thing either. Collingwood has mostly batted at 4 or 5 and got runs. When Bell has batted at 6 he's scored a lot of runs, yet we've swapped them over? What the hell is that about?

I almost forgot. If Vaughan wants to open the batting, why not put Cook at 3 rather than making Strauss do something that he's hardly done in first class cricket before. Part of me thinks it's to protect Strauss from the new ball, but he'll still face it at three anyway.
Well.I know things not going well for Strauss..But he is one of the better openers in test that England have.
Ok Strauss doesn't deserve the recall but If he'll get chance to play in Test against Kiwis..I bet you he gonna score more than Vaughn..

I know Strauss has been always a good prospect..I don't see any reason Why Vaughn wants to open?He should allow cook and Strauss to do that job.If vaughn will bat in middle order,He can steer the Inning also..
Anyway my expectation is so high from Strauss.I know If he'll play he score the runs.
Good to see Harmy troubling some Batsman.He must be in playing 11..
The England-NZ test series should make for interesting watching. NZ are a very poor test side, and ranked quite low, so it should be a series win for England; but we should have beaten India. We seem to have taken a backward step in Test Match cricket, we were amazingly poor in SL, Prior was an awful selection, picking a keeper that can't catch off left-handed bowlers isn't useful (7 catches dropped off Sidebottom iirc). I think we'll win the series though, Pietersen is back on form, with 3 fifties in his last 3 innings, which is good to see after a dissapointing tour to SL. Strauss seems to have hit form aswell, he scored a Hundred in his last game for Central Districts, and added an unbeaten 55 today, just hope he goes on to make a 100 tommorow.

It's dissapointing to see Tremlett injured again. He seems to keep getting these niggling problems, normally in his knee, and he's yet to complete a full tour; not exactly useful. Anderson and Broad were fairly dissapointing in the ODi series, especially Anderson; although Anderson made up for it poorly by showing his amazing fielding skills. I do firmly believe that he's the best outfielder in the world, amazing catcher of the ball and incredibly athletic. Shame he can't follow it up with consistent bowling performances. Sidebottom should be fit though i think, as should Colly; it's only a niggling injury apparently, shouldn't rule him out of the first test.

My team for the first test would be as follows:
Mustard (I'll explain why)

I'd have Vaughan at 3, not because that's where he plays his best cricket (he has more runs and a better average at 2 Neutral) but because opening suits Strauss better. Strauss averages 47 at number 2, and that should therefore be his primary position.

Mustard instead of Ambrose for me. If we're going to choose a keeper, make him the keeper for both forms. It just makes it harder for both players if they're chopping and changing. Mustard is a terrific keeper, and apart from Steve Davies is probably the best keeper in England; and he's useful with the bat. Ambrose would be the jack of all trades, expert of none choice for England. His keeping is decent, and his batting is decent, but he's not exactly brilliant at either. The primary job of a keeper is to keep wicket, and Mustard is the best keeper we have in the squad, so he gets my vote. Ambrose was Warwickshire's top run scorer last year, but the competition wasn't exactly fierce, with Maddy being their 2nd top scorer. Therefore, it's Mustards superior keeping ability that takes it for me. Steve Davies should be in the side though, and should be the keeper.

As for the bowlers, if all fit, Hoggy and Sidey walk into the team with Harmison performing best so far. Monty will have a slightly easier batting team to bowl at this time, so hopefully will be able to gain some confidence that was lost in Sri Lanka. The bowlers pick themselves for me though; Broad, Anderson and Swann just haven't been upto scratch. Broad would be the best back-up though, even if he has a very slim chance of getting LBW's and Bowleds. Broad's certainly been in better form than Jimmy though, although thats not exactly hard :p.
Anderson and Broad were fairly dissapointing in the ODi series, especially Anderson
How was Broad dissapointing! Joint top wicket taker with Vettori, best English bowler, 2nd best average out of us and the kiwis and it was his first ever tour to NZ!
Broad was brilliant in 3, poor in 2. He was our best bowler, his inconsistency is down to his age, which is only 21.
I agree with King Pietersens team. That's who i'd select based on what I've seen and know also if I was England. I think they need to use Mustard. Whether he's better or not, it's going to work better to use the same keeper. They may as well give him a good shot at it. He should be allowed to play his natural game down that low anyway and bash some quick runs. But hey, i'm all for the england selectors playing a totally different team, that one scares me on paper the most.
Strauss started well..Last day so I think Strauss should go for big one.Real big one..Positive thing for England is that KP looked very comfortable in both Innings.At last Now eyes on KP also..
Common Champ you just 9 runs away from your 1st ton on this tour...Don't give up now..I know We have more from you in this series..:happy

So Selectors have some credit for recalling Strauss..beautiful 100 from him..
Disappointed with Colly.At least he should had open his account.Quite chance for Ambrose to impress..
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Tons for Bell and Strauss, 33 from Ambrose. The keeping spot is very interesting.
Even though I'm a Warwickshire fan and seen how well Ambrose did this season, I do think that Mustard should be in the wicketkeeping position for the first test because he has some international experience compared to Ambrose's none and Ambrose has been known to make a few mistakes with the gloves when put under pressure but if Mustard is anything to go by from the ODI series then he doesn't make many mistakes. Please if your a Durham fan and seen Mustard play for his county, please tell us what he's like when he is under pressure.
Please if your a Durham fan and seen Mustard play for his county, please tell us what he's like when he is under pressure.

To me, he sounds very relaxed and it sounds like he just goes out to play, which is the right attitude considering the pressure and the importance of the keeper role.

Ambrose probably will get the go but it would be nice to have Mustard for these 3 tests so the selectors can assess him and decide whether he is good enough or we should look at Ambrose or even Davies, who looks the part as well.
After watching Ambrose..I still think England should go with Mustard for 1st Test.Ambrose looked good.But I don't think Wicket keeper as a batsman gonna make any difference.
Pretend if Vaughn and company won't make runs then neither Mustard nor Ambrose gonna play Match winning innings.So first priority for England must be wicket keeper doing best keeping..
They both new and they both need some times..So whoever Handle pressure good should be in the team..At last cricket is a mind game..

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