England in New Zealand

Well At least England have saved Follow on..great job done Colly...Colly I feel only batsman who bats like he should on Flat pitch..
But Lots of credit to vettori and Patel...They are very tight with their line and length..Because on this type of Pitches Margin of error is so small for Bowlers..
I still go for Draw...And ya Ambrose has made his 1 st test run..

EDIT:Well Stumps day 3..Vaughn feels more comfortable with that...England still 188 runs behind..Really impressive bowling by Vettori and Patel..
I think Strauss and KP have missed opportunity's to scored big ones there..
England will be happy with draw where NZ of course wants to put more efforts tomorrow..
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Okay stevie, now that you've clarified, I can see what you mean. I agree.

I think England did really well in that post tea session. Draw looks favorite once again since they still have Collingwood and Ambrose. We really need early wickets and to run through the tail tomorrow morning if we want to have any chance.
Ya respected stevie desparate to prove that pitch to flat batting pitch.although i am also agree with him.
If colly would fight enough tomorrow to equal the scores then that will be only performance i would love from england point of view.
Well job by NZ.They bowled their official 90 overs before the 5min of day time and that something we don't see many times in test cricket.
Did it rained today? England have not score much today.
Nope no rain. For some reason they're going at a snails pace. probably partly good bowling, partly because the ball isn't quite coming on. Maybe it's also partly because they recognize that the longer they can bat for, the harder it'll be for us to win.
Did it rained today? England have not score much today.

you slept whole night and now you have questions? Huh....lol...
Anyway i watched whole night so let me answer...
50% pitch-check previous page.we had enough discussion about pitch....
30% bowlers-vettori and patel bowls good enough..
20% batsman-KP and Bell didnt want to score..because Colly came and showed that batting was not so difficult.
Then go and watch it. Criticism is one thing, but your constant negative drivel is annoying me and a few other people.

If you don't like my posts you don't have to read them. I really don't care if it annoys you because all our arrogant fans thinking we're really good annoys me.
I feel sorry for Steve Harmison. The media and fans just use him as a scapegoat and in a way it's his own fault due to how good he was. Some of you lot expect him to be the best bowler all the time, which is impossible. People need to get off of his back, it was that bashing of him that forced him out of the ODI team and surprise surprise, we didn't get any better after he left. If we're not careful we'll force our best bowler in the last decade out of the team again and be back to square one.

But yes, lets bring in another medium pacer and see how effective 3 in the team instead of 2 are.

Sidebottom was quicker in the 1st innings. I do think some of the criticism he has got has been harsh, but I think your defending of him goes to the other end. He's just not right in: a) Mental state b) fitness c) bowling fitness. I'd be happy for us to have Steve playing in this kind of form, if only he was bowling high 80s like he normally does because he can cause more problems at that speed. But at 82 he is nothing. Mind you this awful pitch isn't helping. I really think it's time the ICC have a guide to follow for Test pitches. It's degrading for cricket.

Odd day for England, no one went on. We didn't really collapse and everyone is scoring at the same rate (about 38 rp 100 balls). How did Ambrose look?
Very Impressive...No doubt very talented and full of confident..But all that matters is How you applied yourself in game??So far He is good but interesting to see him tomorrow.
im getting a bit bored of everyone complaining about the pitch, yes its slow and not doing much, but england didnt apply much pressure by stopping runs and new zealand have, im sure a lot of T20 loving kids out there turned off during the 3rd days play but i found the hour of 2 spin bowlers in tandam when new zealand delayed the new ball rivating, the pitch was letting one
explode every now and again and some foot holes have appeared so monty may get a little help,
at the end of the day new zealand have batted and bowled better so far, the game will probably end up a draw now but on the first morning everyone knew that a draw was the most obvious result becasue of the flat pitch.

the 3rd test at napier also has a dead wicket im told and will also prob end up in a draw but the 2nd test at Wellington will have a result as the pitch is much better.

england need a good first session tomorrow to get closer to the new zealnd total and get some confidence and then try to get the bowlers into some form during the 2nd innings and be ready for the 2nd test which will probably decide the series
Only 2 days left. Given the scoring rates I think a draw is inevitable. 190 behind still. Even if we bat all day tomorrow we'll struggle to have a lead of more than 50. Again though, I'd be disappointed if we were to be bowled out on the last day. Bat as long as possible tomorrow.
If you don't like my posts you don't have to read them. I really don't care if it annoys you because all our arrogant fans thinking we're really good annoys me.

The same could apply to you. If what certain "arrogant" fans annoy you in what they post, why not ignore them. Better still, post something constructive!

I also kind of have to read your posts considering I'm a moderator. :rolleyes:

Ambrose looked tidy, Sureshot. Looks like he likes the cut and the flick off his legs, looked pretty solid in defence too.
Yeh, Ambrose looked good, hopefully he and Colly can go on and actually get some scores and get us as close to the NZ total as possible. Then we just need the Montster to be unleashed and take 10 for 15 in 20 overs, leaving us less than 150 to chase on the last day. It could happen alright :p

As for LF, i mentioned it a few pages back, your posts are starting to rub everyone up the wrong way. We know that you're a pessimistic numpty and you don't need to continually shove it down our throats; you're only making yourself look like an absoloute fool. I also don't know who these supposed "arrogant" fans are, none of the England fans have acted at all arrogant in this thread, and any statements saying that England are going to win the series are just, NZ are generally a poor side, ranked much lower than us, and a side much poorer than us; we should win the series, as much as you'd hate that to happen. So just give the crap up for once, we're all bored of your constant moaning and declarations of love for Stuart Broad. To sum up, Shut it.
I agree with the comments about the pitch, no the New Zealanders fault though tbf. We didn't apply ourselves well enough with the ball. We were always one bowler short with Harmison essentially doing nothing nothing. I don't want to bash him for playing poorly, I'd much rather bash us for selecting him when he clearly isn't ready. Hopefully they'll bring in Broad because Harmison needs some time to get fit and sort himself out.

Anyway, onto the batting - Vaughan, Strauss played poor shots. Strauss shouldn't have been playing that 3 balls after lunch. However I thought that Vettori and Jeetan Patel bowled absolutely superbly. Very good throughout the day. Vettori also captained it very well. Pleased with how Ambrose has gone so far. Didn't have much to do with the glovesbut went about his job quitely and very nicely. Good little catch that dipped on him late and he's started to bat pretty well. Did a good job to bat out the day.

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