England in New Zealand

I agree. I thought Strauss looked in very good touch and i thought he deserved a hundred. He certainly seems to have gained confidence which was severely dampened against India. I'm pretty certain that he'll get a hundred in this series.

Vaughan and Cook are a good partnership at the top of the innings aswell, and i think Strauss at 3 makes sense actually. They have formed good partnerships in Sri Lanka and looked good in their partnership in this innings. I think the team we've got out is almost as good as we can put out; although Freddie would be a shoe in for the team if fit.
Pretty meh day to be honest. I can't see New Zealand a) Setting us less than 350 to win in a day or, b) bowling us out in a day, so it's a pretty safe draw unless we manage to bowl a couple of overs at them before they come out or something.

How exactly does Flintoff walk back into this team either? Maybe as a bowler, but I'm not certain, there's no way his form in the last 18 months or so has been good enough to bat in the top 7.
Strauss wasn't lucky to get past 40 - he was very solid and barely gave the bowlers a chance. Very attritional.

He looked uncomfortable against the spinners. Many times the ball was 'skewing' off the bat.

I'd love to see Strauss back, however, I'm still not convinced his many technical flaws have gone away.
Well I think There is no logic to criticize our(England) team..And specially because of current tour which going in NZ..I never give attention to any results from NZ..Aussis also lost last year here by 3-0..but their supporters kept it up and I am also happy the way England have played in ODIs..You can't do anything when you make 330 and other team chasing it..
I just passed through some wegan Wheel..Ryder and McCullum have intelligently used Point area,Area between fine leg and deep square leg and area of deep mid wicket....They are use to play here...
I still agree that England have Bowl better on this Flat pitch but What you can expect from your spinner who bowling first time in NZ..England should have go with two spinners...Vettori and patel have used Pitch so brilliantly..And Vettori has bowled on rough patches so consistently..Strauss's wicket was pure example of that..Hope Panesar would have learn something from that..
i don't know about others opinion but I don't give up for my English team..i still remember time in 2003-04 when they have won 6 test series consecutively.They have beaten Srilanka ,Aussis and India last year..
Just need to back up..

He looked uncomfortable against the spinners. Many times the ball was 'skewing' off the bat.

I'd love to see Strauss back, however, I'm still not convinced his many technical flaws have gone away.

I agree with it..But its nothing to do with his technique..Hes playing with two pressure points already.
1. He has call back after some time and there is lot of pressure on him to perform,which doesn't allow you to give your best.
2. He was batting on number 3 which logically should not have make any difference but he was batting on that number for first time in his career and that of course felt him little bit aqua rd..Although He was not his best against spinners but for that all credit to Vettori and Patel who managed it so tight..
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It was a great day to watch, though the run-rate was boring, seeing two spinners working away for most of the day was great viewing. Vettori is just amazing to watch. Patel is pretty tidy too, i'm hoping the pitch breaks up on the last day and Patel can rip more balls out of the rough like a few did.

Yeah, we need early wickets today. Oh and it was great that yesterday's play ended on time and extra overs got bowled. Good job Vettori. Good captaincy and kept it rolling along nicely. 2 spinners probably helps, but anyway.
I still dont understand Englands game plan beforehand though why did they score so slow and especially KP, was it a plan or was it pressure?
That was pure example of Dicipline bowling..Still I think KP and Bell never wanted to score..
England already have made their mind for Draw..Their intention never looked like they want to win the Match..
Still Colly played some aggressive shot and others put them selves in huge pressure..Kp was playing like hes playing on Perth in Aus..
Anyway I don't want to take out credit from Bowlers also..Vettori and Patel bowled tight at some Degree.But still Final Conclusion is that England don't want to score rather they trying to pass the time..
Boring england batting on this boring pitch makes match more boring..Anyway I want 100 from Colly..And Ya Ambrose trust me He gonna be good prospect in future..Hes not playing like people tend to play in their first Match..
I imagine they have scored so slowly because they were ripped for throwing their wickets away in Sri Lanka, so they are trying to preserve them here. Cook chucked his away, as did Hoggard. Vaughan certainly didn't.
ambrose has just gotten his 50, well dont to him on his dabut, but the best part of it was watching his 2 blond sisters in the crowd jump about when he got it lol. very nice indeed
Ambrose has looked good. Got away with one as he nicked one through to McCullum off of Oram, doesn't discredit his very good performance. Colly did well, don't think we can be too critical of his dismissal. Love to wake up to read Ambrose gets a hundred. Won't be easy mind.
ambrose has just gotten his 50, well dont to him on his dabut, but the best part of it was watching his 2 blond sisters in the crowd jump about when he got it lol. very nice indeed

I missed that..I went to take Bath...Oh no..:(
Anyway Impressive knock by Ambrose..Please don't tell me its never easy to play first test inning of your life..And anyway there wasn't pleasant condition when he came on the pitch..
I am very Impressed by him..Well done boy..Go for 100..:cheers
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What a legend Bumble is.

Ambrose getting a 100 doesn't really matter. Obviously it does to him personally and it's good if he does but it did nothing for Prior. I'd much rather he took 5 catches in the second innings.
Of course 'Best Member' its matter most to Ambrose..He worked hard...
How he can take catches when there wasn't a single bowl who deserve edge??
Now he can't run to fine leg to catch the bowl..Lol..
You Jinxed the Poor Ambrose..:p

How funny to see Panesar defending the Vettori!!!:D
Well England 122 runs behind..Now Match will be decided by NZ..Its depend on how they will bat??

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