England in New Zealand

I was playing cricket all day............It sounds like an amazing day of cricket and a day that England will really love. All I can ask is can england win?

This morning the commentator said it is 100% england will not win and now well it looks like it could be our game

Well bowled Sidey and well done England :)
I'm disappointed with the performance. We didn't need to change the batting order and play stupidly. Mills threw his wicket away, as did McCullum. McCullum played a dumb shot. Sinclair just isn't performing, I don't know how long we can keep trying him, we don't really have anyone better unfortunately. I think a few players got pretty unlucky too getting caught brilliantly. England are taking most of those half chances. Their luck will end. I actually think in a way, that losing all those wickets wasn't a bad thing for us, it puts us in a position to win the game. If England think they have a chance, they will be more likely to lose wickets. I don't think anyone in NZ cares if we lose another test match. I sure don't. We're expected to lose. I'd much rather we went for the risk to win. We're ranked like 7th, we have nothing to lose.

270 at the moment, i'd say we have a chance at getting another 30.

I doubt that England can win. It'll take something special. We'll bowl spinners all day. Good luck attacking them. I still reckon it'll be a draw, but you never know. The pitch is getting worse.

Congrats to Sidebottom on his hattrick also. Sounds like a goodie.
NZ already have a decent lead for a 5th day pitch in Hamilton. England will need a real special knock from a couple of batters to even have a hope. But really good fightback, good on them for not giving in and congrats to Sidebottom on the hattrick.
Funny enough he had 2 chances at a hattrick in one game. I wonder how often that's happened. First ball of the innings was a hattrick ball as well.

England fans were bitching about the pitch, now I bet that's shut them up. A perfect pitch is one which produces a result in the last session of the last day, and that might just happen. At least it has a chance to still. I think the whingers should apologize.
I think it was more of the New Zealand batsmen throwing their wicket away and playing loose shots. However the bowlers did keep it tight and waited for the batsmen to make a mistake. Well done to Sidebottom on his hattrick too; the Barmy Army must have had a fun day today :p.
Fleming summed it up best I think. His comments are in this article: http://content-nz.cricinfo.com/ci/content/story/341534.html?CMP=OTC-RSS
I like seeing us play attacking cricket. As I said above, i'd rather see us go for the win and set England a get-able target if it means winning. A win for us means more then a win to England. If we don't win here we'll probably lose the series anyway. We have to go for it. Putting pressure on for the next games is key.
I don't think 300 favours a result, not with less than 90 overs of play. England will turtle. 270-290 might have them in two minds, though, which would be good for NZ.
England will not win, that is still a fact. With the way the game has been going we won't get close to chasing around 300 in less than a day. If we try it, New Zealand will have a chance of winning as when we go all guns blazing, we lose quick wickets. A draw is still the most likely option.
We have to go for the win and if we skittle them straight away we can just about do it.
Oh Siders we do, Oh Siders we do, Oh Siders we do, Oh Siders we love you!!

I'm finished :p

I still think we ain't gunna win this one. I think the total is too challanging for the England team who batted first innings, but if Cook and Vaughan can put on a good partnership, and Strauss can continue some form, it should make it interesting when the big hitters come in, ok one of them, Pietersen. But i suppose if Colly is in the same mood, we could see an explosive day tomorrow, providing Vettori goes early.

I like Vettori, he's one of those batsmen who just don't give up. Hopefully the ball will swing tomorrow for Sidebottom and Hoggard, clean them up and get onto an ageing track. If Vettori overuses himself (Which is a possbility, seeing as theyre going for the win) it could mean that the batsmen can attack him, i'm just wary of the threat of Jacob Oram. He steps up in some games to an astounding hight, hopefully not this game.
A win for us means more then a win to England

Oh trust me this series means a LOT to us. Taking out West Indies, who are a dire team, we haven't won a test match since that walkover against Pakistan in 2006.

Game well balanced here, get one wicket and we should clear up Martin quickly. I honestly think there will be a result either away, England need to set a platform and try and kick on in the last session.
Wow what a days cricket, by the far the most exciting day of cricket in the test match. If we can keep the chase to 300 or under we have a chance if we keep wickets in hand for a final session blast.

I'm going to stick my nose out and go for an England win. :)
Hmm, I wonder why Joe hasn't posted this morning ? ;)

Great bowling and fielding performance in that final session from us. Sidebottom and Panesar bowled beautifully and Cook and Hoggard made some cracking catches, especially Cook, who seems to be a beast in the gully position. If we had managed to stop Fleming early we'd have been in a definite match winning position. We definetly have a chance to win though, Colly's been in great form for the series, and can hit some quick runs. If we get Vettori, Patel and Martin out quickly there's every chance of winning. We've got to play positively though, and if it starts to go tits up try and play sensibly and not just try and block. This could be one of the great comebacks in recent times, would definetly show our talent if we win, and maybe shut some of the doubters up :D
New Zealand are showing the rest of us how to lose a won test match.

erm... 2nd ashest test last winter, this isnt anyware near as bad as us throwing that away.

anyway, well done sidebum, englands best bowler in this match by a country mile, panesar got some consistant spin, which is very bad news for england having to play against 2 spinners, but monty used a few changes in flite 2day which was impressive, hes obviously watching danny V a lot.
mccullum threw his wicket away, but some excellent catches and good wicket taking balls from england as well, montys other 2 wickets were both great balls, as was sidebums LBW on oram. cook is now going to field at gully for ever hes been so impressive, new zealand still faves for the win with 2 spinners on this pitch but ive got a feeling KP is going to have a huge say in this match, its set up for him to hit a match winning knock.
going to be a great final day

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