English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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I'm not saying Clichy is bad but Evra has been our one consistent player this year, whilst Ronaldos obviously on fire the only player who I can honestly say was performing in those first few games where we were scraping results was Evra.

Also how is winning 3 in 1 season irrelevant? It's the greatest footballing acheivement in the history of British football and is as close to footballing perfection (winning the league cup obviously being perfection) there has been. I don't quite understand how Liverpool expected to do any better this year, I'm amazed Arsenal have done so well but the gap in points was ridiculous last year, to expect to come back from that is stupid although tey should have closed the gap.

Oh and you know what Fergie says his greatest acheivement is? Knocking Liverpool right off their ****ing perch. :D
I agree about Evra being the best left back in the world currently, although I am not very sure about him defensively. I also agree that the Vidic-Rio pair works the magic for United, but I think that its Vidic who is the better out of the two.

Capdevila is an excellent left back who is good both in defence and attack.
I agree about Evra being the best left back in the world currently, although I am not very sure about him defensively. I also agree that the Vidic-Rio pair works the magic for United, but I think that its Vidic who is the better out of the two.

Capdevila is an excellent left back who is good both in defence and attack.

Capdevila lol. He's nowhere near the ability of Lahm and Clichy let alone Evra, you'll be naming Pernia soon ;p.

I dont agree with Vidic being the better of the 2 either. Rio is a better defender imo, has a better football brain (woah, never thought Rio and Brain would go in the same sentence lol) and Rio's better at attacking set pieces aswell. I dont understand where the claims at Carragher being better than him come from, Rio's definetly the best English centre back after JT.
Capdevila lol. He's nowhere near the ability of Lahm and Clichy let alone Evra, you'll be naming Pernia soon ;p.

I dont agree with Vidic being the better of the 2 either. Rio is a better defender imo, has a better football brain (woah, never thought Rio and Brain would go in the same sentence lol) and Rio's better at attacking set pieces aswell. I dont understand where the claims at Carragher being better than him come from, Rio's definetly the best English centre back after JT.

I dont know whats so funny in that. Capdevila has been consistently performing for Villarreal and Deportivo before that, and is far better than Pernia. Why Aragones keeps going back to Pernia, I dont know. But like I mentioned, he is solid in defence, puts in good crosses (both aerial and on the ground) and can score goals.
Oh yep, it was the "injuries" that stopped Liverpool from winning the title. (:rolleyes:) And United, Chelsea and Arsenal have been injury free all season.

Well we did have some pretty annoying injuries through the whole of September/October (Alonso, Agger, Torres, Arbeloa). A distinct lack of form and confidence from players who were good last season, Riise, Momo, Kuyt.

And perhaps rotation, that's what I was missing. Benitez has made a few messes this season with team selection. Add on that the stuff with the owner's it's been pretty tough.
Arsenal are getting pwnd!

Tottenham 3-0 Arsenal after 57 minutes!
There's the 4th.

God I hate Tottenham. Whoever goes through out of tomorrow's game, I just hope they beat Spurs in the final. It's what everyone wants. Because everyone hates Spurs. I hate Spurs.
*Depressed sigh*

Ah, it would be a crime for a team playing this well not to win even though I hate Spurs.

I guess the only consolation possible is that this is our reserves who can't perform everytime. I won't go into detail about how poor we're playing because the list of faults will be too long.

I'll just say, Walcott has shown so signs of improvemnt.
I hate Arsenal more than I do Spurs!

It could be like 2004, when Middlesbrough v Bolton was the final.

Everton v Tottenham is a real possibility.
Shut up Lee cos Adebayor just scored. Ha ha ha ha!!! Pwnitulated. Haha! bitches! Spurs, we pwn!!!!

I need to cool down.
Man United - Rooney, Ronaldo, Tevez and Vidic (I'm talking about players in the same league as Torres and Gerrard).
Scholes, Evra, Rio. Just a few players. Evra has been immense this year and as others have said our 2nd best player. Scholesy has been out injured for a few months but when he's on form, he's one of the best.

Liverpool could still have a greater season than Man United, Chelsea and Arsenal, you know. Stranger things have happened.
How? The Premiership is the bread and butter and what you desperately want to win, and your not going to!:D

I'd much rather the Glazers than the Hicks/Gillett combo, and that's saying something.
This kinda sums up your football knowledge, your yanks have given you money to spend, whereas the Glazer twats have piled us in massive debt. Even by Scouser standards you dont know what your talking about.

Don't forget though, there's one thing Shankly, Paisley, Benitez, Dalglish, Gerrard, Rush or anyone who's ever had anything to do with Liverpool FC hasn't done and will NEVER do, and that is win the Treble.
:D:D So true! Liverpool got excited when they won the league cup/fa cup and uefa cup in one season. They'll never win the 3 together and to do it is reaching the pinnacle of football, especially the way that we did it.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha at l'arse. I know there not at full strength, but they've got Fabregas, Gallas and Gilberto so not exactly a reserve side. Good goal by Adebayor as I speak, but Spurs would be the ultimate chokers if they cant hold this out.
Diaby should pass the friggin ball. Last season, he could do no wrong with the ball. This season, he cannot pass the fikin ball!
Wow, we need Toure.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha at l'arse. I know there not at full strength, but they've got Fabregas, Gallas and Gilberto so not exactly a reserve side. Good goal by Adebayor as I speak, but Spurs would be the ultimate chokers if they cant hold this out.

Having a couple first team regulars (Gilberto warms the bench) doesn't mean it's not a reserve side.
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Well it does, hence the term reserves:p. Especially with your best player playing and your best striker on the bench.
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