English Premier League VIII | Round 13

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Just not getting what are you up to say?

Didn't you have any better sentence Callum?:sarcasm

No, I'm so bad at come backs, my imaginary friends (as I don't have any real ones) always mock me because I can't think of any better come backs.

* Whispers to everyone else - This guy should get a PC award. *
No, I'm so bad at come backs, my imaginary friends (as I don't have any real ones) always mock me because I can't think of any better come backs.

haha, great you're imagining something good, friends.:sarcasm
oops, few minutes ago you said Riz and you are good mates.:spy

I'm just not getting what you're trying to say, you know I'm not that much intelligent, just let me know what do you wanna say.:p

* Whispers to everyone else - This guy should get a PC award. *

most annoying member to Callum.:spy
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I don't really want to say anything, you know we aren't even arguing about anything... :p
I don't really want to say anything, you know we aren't even arguing about anything... :p

I know we aren't arguing, we are just trying to prove the ████ that one of us have the upper hand and trying to tell the other that you're an utter idiot.:p:sarcasm
^WTF, would I do with that.:p

I think we should stop this now, being a mod you're not supposed to do this.:p

AkshayS added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

WTF, except Planetcricket no other site is woking for me.:eek::facepalm
What am I doing?
I just said I'd give you the upper hand, isn't that what you want?

CG123 added 0 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

You just said we're trying to prove who was the upper hand, so I said I'd give you the upper hand.
Seriously I'm out of here, I have no idea what you're on... :confused:
What ever you're trying to prove, you haven't proven anything, but we'll just say you have to end this discussion. :)
Shouldn't you be setting an example Callum :sarcasm not arguing over a pointless detail :p
I'm not arguing over anything, he was being annoying, so I was being annoying back.
Anyway I let him have this one, as we all know who's going to come out on top in the real thing. ;)
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