Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

-Animation after every ball (bowler going to runup for next ball, captain watching fields etc).
-Stadium creator.
-Career design and editable (appearance, competition and tour design like world cup should be in career, random umpires and uniforms).
-Tournament structure creator (design teams groups, venues and time of each match)
-TV style Camera
-Celebration animation after winning world cup .
-Injuries (so that other players will get chance to replace injured player )
-Weather should be more realistic (remove shadows in overcast and more dark)


Bigant proved (no complained about gameplay)

Hope next iteration would be known as Real generation cricket (Don Bradman 16)
I want ross to fix spin bowling...... Bowl should swing less in air n spin more after bounce. slow deliveries in spin bowling r so unrealistic and annoying n also spin bowlers flight the bowl way too much.... I mean fast bowling is so enjoyng even if ur bowling or batting against fast bowler....
I agree with feddy, spin bowling needs to be tweaked. I never seem to get much turn on the ball even if I'm bowling as Shane Warne on a rank turner in India.
its the first cricket game that actually has drift in it; i'll take it being exaggerated over it not being there at all!!!

The one thing that I would do to spin bowling (other than somehow invent a tenth direction on the stick and let me bowl a flipper) is provide more flexible ways to change pace: perhaps you could use the L1/R1 method that you do with pace bowling. Right now changing pace is very one-dimensional as you have to bowl one either a flat one or a flighted one, you can't just bowl an ordinary off/leg break but slower.
Getting the HUD to give you correct feedback and integrating it into the play a little more would go a long way too for bowling.
I always thought the game required a defense /leave from one output...So how about R2 as the same trigger and front foot LAS and for defense LAS forward and for leave LAS back...So by this we can even leave the ball at the last minute if its going away from the batsman, would make the approach more realistic and would be helpful to see off the new ball because the current one is more like a pre-meditated leave than an intended one...
After watching the RLL3 game play and feedback , the only thing i want to say to @Ross is that forget any kind of licensing issues. Don't waste a single penny there. Use all the money in developing the gameplay, features & graphics. Without having to waste money in licensing, i guess DBC 16 will look and feel 3-4 times better than RLL3 . [HASHTAG]#botheyesopen[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#atlast[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#visionclear[/HASHTAG] :cheers And take some inspiration from MLB the show. BA studios can do the same i believe.
After watching the RLL3 game play and feedback , the only thing i want to say to @Ross is that forget any kind of licensing issues. Don't waste a single penny there. Use all the money in developing the gameplay, features & graphics. Without having to waste money in licensing, i guess DBC 16 will look and feel 3-4 times better than RLL3 . [HASHTAG]#botheyesopen[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#atlast[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#visionclear[/HASHTAG] :cheers And take some inspiration from MLB the show. BA studios can do the same i believe.
Giving your view and expectations are fine to be expressed but I think tagging Ross is not necessary, its not like he is going to see every post tagged with his name and tell thanks for the feedback and we are looking to do the same...
There are always some people who sees only the negative things in people's comments. My suggestion to them if you can't say anything good. Then please don't say anything.
There are always some people who sees only the negative things in people's comments. My suggestion to them if you can't say anything good. Then please don't say anything.

You have come to the wrong forums in that case...
Always tag @Ross. Always.

Twice on Fridays.
What Matt is trying to say is Tag @MattW all the time, since he works for BigAnt now he can just pop your feedback on a post-it and drop it off to @Ross with his morning vegetarian cornflakes...
What Matt is trying to say is Tag @MattW all the time, since he works for BigAnt now he can just pop your feedback on a post-it and drop it off to @Ross with his morning vegetarian cornflakes...
:lol Yeah always tag MattW...

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