Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

I'm all about the career mode and pro modes. I'd like the career mode to be expanded to represent how it would be in real life with a big focus on social media (similar to how NBA/FIFA do it) ie:

- say 3 grades of club cricket in whatever country each with their own league/trophy/etc (based on the individual country format eg. if West Indies only has 2 divs, then 2 divs it is)
- you win, you get promoted...you lose you get demoted (just to Div 3), so there's something to strive for as a 16 y/o
- exceptional performances gets you 'noticed' initially by higher div clubs (as IRL) then by state, etc
- good performances merit honourable mentions in the papers, on the net and on social media (esp twitter). In NBA2K, if you performed REALLY well, you'd get a tweet from say Jordan or Bryant...in our case, it could be from say Mark Taylor or Slats or even Clarkey himself. Imagine what that would do for a 16 y/o playing in Div 3!!! :thumbs
- As a 16y/o, you should be entitled to play for the U18s or U21 rep sides and competing against other guys your age (who will be your opponents during your career)
- Exceptional performances again get you picked in Div 1, then State, etc etc
- Your player can get picked for endorsements
- Your player can get moved around the batting/bowling order by the captain/coach
- You should have the ability to request a move eg. to open, No.3, open the bowling, etc
- Inclusion of the Alan Border medal type thing
- Exceptional performances throughout your career should enable you for selection in the World XI (one day/20/20/test) to play a team that you're not eligible for eg. you're aussie so the World XI play S.Africa or India, etc or against a 2nd World XI team (this is equivalent to the All Star games)
Maybe...like...umm...something where you choose the weight of your bat. Heavier bat makes timing more difficult, but if you do connect...you bloody well connect.

OK. That's an asterisking terrible idea. Look, get off my back, I can't be the only one who is inappropriately excited by cricket bats? Tell me I'm not the only one who wants to control my career mode player going on a visit to his sponsor's bat workshop...and you get to pick the willow, and you can select the nicest grain, and if you get a really nice bit of willow the game basically plays itself...because bats are all that matter.

...and you get to adjust your grip, and put tape underneath it at the bottom to make it feel right.

...and you never actually have to play cricket, because that might damage the bats.

Seems like a no brainer. Agreed?
Will definitely love to see some options for umpire attributes in future iteration like,

1) always give correct decision
2) 90% accurate decisions
3) 75% accurate decisions
4) Random - system assigns 1 accurate umpire with other between option 2 & 3.
Will definitely love to see some options for umpire attributes in future iteration like,

1) always give correct decision
2) 90% accurate decisions
3) 75% accurate decisions
4) Random - system assigns 1 accurate umpire with other between option 2 & 3.

I would prefer something like:

1) Very accurate (90% of decisions are correct)
2) quite accurate (80% of decisions are correct)
3) accurate (65% of decisions are correct)
4) inaccurate (50% of decisions are correct)
5) unreliable (35% of decisions are correct)
6) inconsistent (decisions are random)

Or an alternative would be strengths and weaknesses of umpires i.e. an umpire is good at spotting edges but bad at lbws.
If the option of a level below State/County cricket comes into career mode, I think umpires who aren't as accurate would add a sense of realism. In international cricket, umpires are professionals so you expect a higher percentage of correct decisions then the local umpire.
The umpires in DBC14 are not to be trusted. Period. A M?tley Cr?e to be sure.
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Really hope we get the ability to spectate other players matches (from a broadcast or perhaps even crowd view!) but if not it could be a great addition in the future.
Really hope we get the ability to spectate other players matches (from a broadcast or perhaps even crowd view!) but if not it could be a great addition in the future.

I'd love this too; especially if it involves someone from PC

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