Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

Who would wanna watch biggs get out in embarrassing ways and bitch about it calling it unfair and a conspiracy? Or watching angy hit another golden duck in 9 innings in a row? Or watch blocker block the ball all day long?

I have better things to do. For e.g. Playing the game myself.
^ To each his own. I love playing as much as I love watching.
^ No worries. Not all suggestions/ideas warrant implementation. But no harm in putting them forward.
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I would love a Scenario Mode. I loved the Ashes Scenarios back in Cricket 07 and it is great fun reliving those famous cricketing moments and being under pressure while doing so; knowing one mistake could force you to try again.

I guess it could also be possible for people to create and share their own scenarios online as well for others to play.
I would love a Scenario Mode. I loved the Ashes Scenarios back in Cricket 07 and it is great fun reliving those famous cricketing moments and being under pressure while doing so; knowing one mistake could force you to try again.

I guess it could also be possible for people to create and share their own scenarios online as well for others to play.

Yes, something that was discussed earlier over here. Possible issues with licensing though. It should still be possible if CA allowed creation of such classic moments and sharing through the server. Definitely a decent idea to consider for the next iteration in my opinion.
I would like to see Longest six competition like MLB's home run derby...:)
reading this thread makes it look like the game will live or die through its career mode. it's the major exciting area for me too, making you place a greater value on your wicket or bowling contribution and simulating responsibilities. so all improvements I'd think would be geared towards that. I think it'll end up being the sort of game that people play only a few careers each iteration. so the challenge will be to add features that keep this appealling, perhaps looking towards Football manager as much as it does FIFA. (someone mentioned a scenario mode, that's straight out of recent FMs)

media input to highlight big series', awards, increased coach input, expanding training options, domestic contracts, all that sort of thing (like the idea someone mentioned of picking your bat and things like that). for new animations and improved AI will obviously also be a part of that to keep it feeling looking and feeling fresh.

football career modes haven't even been implemented that well in EA games so I wouldn't expect them to get this 100% right first time round.
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Hello everyone
Been a long time lurker ...for 9 odd months...the reason i finally decided to register is the lack of demand/interest that ive seen here when it comes to unique/individualized bowling actions..its been brought up a few times yes,but everyone in general seems to be ok with the idea of every bowler running into bowl with same generic action.
Its something that would be right up at the top in my priority list of things that should be kn the next iteration of DB cricket as its too late for the current version now..i was actually lretty amazed that more people wanted things like adjustable replays,thousands of customizable players,manual appeals,drs reviews than one of the very basic things of a cricket game imo,bowlers that bowl with different bowling actions ..like it happens in the real...i for one wouldnt mind the absence of any of tbe above mentioned little special featutures if i can have individualised bowling actions.
As u can see from my username,im a huge fan of fast bowling..the thrill of seeing great fast bowlers like Wasim,Mcgrath,Donald,Waqar,Shoaib,Lee etc comes from their unique bowling actions..i dont want to see them all run into bowl and do the exact same animations when they release the bowl.the only difference then is their different skin colors and heights...theyll all look the same in the game when bowling..
Imagine playing a cricket match against the AI or against another player..all of your bowlers and the opposition sides bowling attack running into bowl and then performing the same bowling action animations on hitting the crease...its like seeing the same scene over and over again each delivery..
Please dont take this as a moaning/complaining post thoughi admit it looks exactly like one..i cant appreciate the BigAnt team enough on how hard theyve worked developing the game,laying down the precedent for interaction with the actual cricket fan community and incorporating their input into the game...by the sounds of it,it will reap rewards as this game has all the makings of becoming a legend...certainly miles better than any other cricket game to date..ive enjoyed playing the nets in the demo version immensely and cant wait to get my hands on the actual game in a little over 2 weeks time.
So yes,if you guys can introduce a bowling action creating tool,thag wpuld be awesome...if thats not possible then a set of atleast 15-20 bowling actions to choose from..I know there is a set of different actions for fast/medium/offspin/legspin bowlers but that hardly makes any difference does it?
Hello everyone
Been a long time lurker ...for 9 odd months...the reason i finally decided to register is the lack of demand/interest that ive seen here when it comes to unique/individualized bowling actions..its been brought up a few times yes,but everyone in general seems to be ok with the idea of every bowler running into bowl with same generic action.
Its something that would be right up at the top in my priority list of things that should be kn the next iteration of DB cricket as its too late for the current version now..i was actually lretty amazed that more people wanted things like adjustable replays,thousands of customizable players,manual appeals,drs reviews than one of the very basic things of a cricket game imo,bowlers that bowl with different bowling actions ..like it happens in the real...i for one wouldnt mind the absence of any of tbe above mentioned little special featutures if i can have individualised bowling actions.
As u can see from my username,im a huge fan of fast bowling..the thrill of seeing great fast bowlers like Wasim,Mcgrath,Donald,Waqar,Shoaib,Lee etc comes from their unique bowling actions..i dont want to see them all run into bowl and do the exact same animations when they release the bowl.the only difference then is their different skin colors and heights...theyll all look the same in the game when bowling..
Imagine playing a cricket match against the AI or against another player..all of your bowlers and the opposition sides bowling attack running into bowl and then performing the same bowling action animations on hitting the crease...its like seeing the same scene over and over again each delivery..
Please dont take this as a moaning/complaining post thoughi admit it looks exactly like one..i cant appreciate the BigAnt team enough on how hard theyve worked developing the game,laying down the precedent for interaction with the actual cricket fan community and incorporating their input into the game...by the sounds of it,it will reap rewards as this game has all the makings of becoming a legend...certainly miles better than any other cricket game to date..ive enjoyed playing the nets in the demo version immensely and cant wait to get my hands on the actual game in a little over 2 weeks time.
So yes,if you guys can introduce a bowling action creating tool,thag wpuld be awesome...if thats not possible then a set of atleast 15-20 bowling actions to choose from..I know there is a set of different actions for fast/medium/offspin/legspin bowlers but that hardly makes any difference does it?

People have already discussed about it (a year back) and Ross has also confirmed that it's on top of his wish list as well for the sequel to have more animations (even have assignable bowling and batting animations for that matter) and that's why people do not discuss it anymore......as it has been discussed and agreed upon by the developer himself.
Having made an (woeful) attempt at creating my club side; I had a thought as to possibly improving assigning skills to players by making the assignment top-down.

By this I mean you start by assigning the player an overall rating for each of batting, bowling and fielding and then go down to individual attributes (front foot, offside etc) to establish the "spread" of their abilities. The game would then automatically scale the attribute marks you assign to ensure that the player is at the rating you assigned.

By way of example, say you were creating a batting allrounder; you would start by assigning him a ratings as follows:

* Bating 7.5
* Bowling 6.5
* Fielding 7

You would then go into each of those categories and assign ratings for various elements; however the absolute value you assign to each of these will not matter as the game will scale it to fit your initial ratings. So (to keep it very simple) batting had only front foot and back foot as elements; if you gave him 0 for front foot and 10 for front foot the game would effectively scale the ratings to 0 and 15 to create a 7.5 quality batsman.

Of course this would not happen because no 7.5 batsman would have a 0 for anything and there would be several variables all being scaled together. Essentially your inputs are there to dictate the balance of the player - ie his relative strengths and weaknesses.
For the next iteration of this game, as I mentioned somewhere in another post about hot-spot, I say it would be good see a hot-spot feature in the replay options. Where we can initiate the hot-spot ourselves whenever we initiate the replay option. Or as some other members mentioned it too that at least a feature in hot-spot where we can see side view to see the mark.

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