Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

crowd 2.PNG
That one had licenses for all English and Australian stadiums: all the others were generic stadiums.

I played ashes 13 a bit. My first game was in Dhaka stadium. and it looked almost identical. maybe there were some more like this.

Playing in real looking stadiums obviously gives you a good feeling. but rather than seeing licensed stadiums i would prefer to have stadiums with good atmosphere, good looking and responsive crowd as mentioned before. Good crowd and atmosphere will give the game real feel in which DBC 14 actually failed except putting good crowd sound. Visually it was really bad.

Here are some crowd which should be implemented in the next iteration of DBC if possible. I would really like to know if it will have effect on budget or not! Crowds shown below are chanting, doing some kinda wave, bursting out of joy etc. which really goes with cricket. And as we are going to have stadium creator! So lack of license won't be a problem i guess!
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Honestly I think all the Stadiums in DBC (aside from "Wellington Stadium") are absolutely note perfect. I could care less if they're licensed or not. If anything I would prefer more smaller cricket parks like the Bradman Oval, rather than a bunch of generic hulking stadiums.

100% spot on
I think you're right: the atmosphere and feel you get is much more important. Most important is the feedback it gives you. Ever turned on a match half way through (of any sport?) - you can usually very quickly get a sense of what's happening in the match because of the noise from the crowd. It's a huge part of the game.
I think you're right: the atmosphere and feel you get is much more important. Most important is the feedback it gives you. Ever turned on a match half way through (of any sport?) - you can usually very quickly get a sense of what's happening in the match because of the noise from the crowd. It's a huge part of the game.

yeah and this is where DBC is lacking significantly. Bradman Oval aside, the other grounds don't feel distinctive: certainly you never feel you're playing in India, West Indies etc.
I think you're right: the atmosphere and feel you get is much more important. Most important is the feedback it gives you. Ever turned on a match half way through (of any sport?) - you can usually very quickly get a sense of what's happening in the match because of the noise from the crowd. It's a huge part of the game.

Spot on! I hope BA studios will hear us out!
After getting a wicket 6-7 players does the same celebration like pairs of twins doing same thing at the same time. I hope on the next one 11 player's physics,mood and style will be different from each other. At the death overs would really love to see different approaches from both sides (batting and fielding). Fielding team will try their level best to save a single run, batting team will try to take riskiest possible singles and be as aggressive as possible! Change of mind set at different times will be awesome. Fielders at slips will be surprised at the time of getting a catch, sudden bouncers, inside and outside edged 4s will make the batsman feel lucky and bowling team unlucky. bad bowling or misfielding will make other players feel disgusted or angry etc. These feels can be shown by some disappointment / joyous looking onfield behavior , player playing the 1st match will feel rattled and excited at the same time, Fifa has tried this in a way. May be cricket will also be able to implement this if the game engine supports.
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...as long as there's a toggle/slider in the academy for me to adjust my players joyous looking onfield behavior™
I imagine that Rugby and then Lacrosse will beef up the atmospheric conditions and leave a lot more boisterous crowd noise to be used in the next cricket.

Stadiums will improve like everything (they already look very nice in the new Rugby vids)
...but will there be a slider for me to ajust how boisterous my crowd is? For example, I want to tour England with a mostly polite, wine-swilling Lords crowds, but when I'm in Pakistan I want riots and public burnings of flags when Afridi gets bowled for 0. That will add to the immersion.
We need to have an authentic County cricket atmosphere option in the game

barely audible clapping because about ten people are there, and all of them are over the age of 70
and all of them are over the age of 70

...except that one guy you went to school with, you know the one, who was always 12th man for the 1st XI and a bit odd, but could bowl insanely fast and worked checkouts at the supermarket for years.
you don't get folk like that down at Hove, let me tell you! At least I don't think you do, I've never actually been - I'm not going across the country just to watch a County Championship game!

Talking of Hove that's another extra much-needed feature: deckchairs as a selectable seating option in the Stadium Editor that we all are sure is going to get included. Nice way of adding class to your edited ground!
...agreed, and those really high deck-chairs that the old people bring along for the embankment that means nobody within a radius of about 2 meters can sit anywhere near them because they can't see over or around them, yet those nearby suck it up and spend most of the ODI stacking an empty beer cup tower behind them.
Beer Snake Simulator would be a very good game and I'm just going to trademark the title so that they have to pay me royalties to use it

Seriously, a few smaller club grounds with nice surroundings would be nice, especially if they expand career mode to incorporate new levels like seconds cricket or grade/club level stuff (the former is much more likely). I'd recommend my local club as an example: but while New Williamfield looks nice from one angle, you don't get to see the ugly road bridge or the derelict house right next to the cover boundary in that picture...
I want to see wkt keeper and close-in fielders complain about batsman's stinking butt on similar lines as the youtube video below. In career mode there could be a finger pointing 'whodunit' discussion amongst keeper and slips at lunch time... possibilities are endless.


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